One of the most notable jokes in the original Disgaea was the fabled horses weiner. This mythical item was part of a zombie, so it’s only fair that it returns on a different zombie with our own zombie protagonist in Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny. However, given it’s such a random easter egg, it’s incredibly easy to overlook, so we made a brief guide to make it easier to find.
Set Up
To obtain the horses weiner you just need a high level thief and the ability to get to the enemy without accidentally killing it. This can be done with extra movement or by simply tossing your thief to the desired spot.
Location and Guide
This item can be obtained when players reach Zed’s World, on the Dawn of Rebirth stage.

The item in question will always spawn, even if you kill it or steal the it, in the bottom right set of zombies in the back half of the level.
There really isn’t much of a trick to getting this item. Throwing an ally is the easiest way to steal it and a high level thief should be able to steal it within a couple turns. On higher difficulties the item is leveled, but doesn’t provide much of a bonus. It’s also mostly a novelty item, so don’t expect to massive stat boost outside of a small joke.