I Witnessed A Real-Life Miracle Today

by | Oct 28, 2016 | Five Minute Friday

Days like today are special.

It’s one I never want to forget. But, just in case my memory fails me in years to come, I desire to have the events of this day documented. To remind me of God’s faithfulness, and how He answers prayer. To celebrate His healing power, His unconditional love, and how He cares about what we care about.

I witnessed a real-life miracle today.

I witnessed a real-life miracle today.

I watched my brother eat.

If you don’t know the back story, that sentence won’t mean much to you. (You can catch up here.) With my brother’s artery tear in August which resulted in a stroke, he lost the physical ability to do a number of things. But, believing in the power of prayer, we lifted Steve to the One Who created him, Who loves him, and Who knows him better than he knows himself. Thankfully, one by one, each function returned. All except for his ability to swallow.

Granted, that’s a major function for living. But, given all Steve experienced (even a couple brushes with death) we were thankful for Steve’s progress. Given a 50/50 chance prognosis of his swallowing to return, we continued to pray.

Can you imagine going through the rest of your life not being able to swallow? Or how about not being able to eat regular food through your mouth? I realize some people go through life with without swallowing and still live an abundant life. But I can’t imagine it. I can’t imagine not enjoying my favorite foods. Can you?

May I never take eating for granted again.

Fast-forward to last week. Something changed in Steve. He tried applesauce. And he swallowed it. He then tried other soft foods. And he swallowed them. He ate at a restaurant on Sunday. And swallowed the food he ordered.

This morning I picked him up for a coffee date. We sat and talked and drank coffee and ATE!

My heart rejoiced the entire time, and I thanked God for giving me the opportunity to watch this real-life miracle unfold in front of me. We reminisced about his days in the hospital. He shared of the wonderful people he met along the way and of those who supported him and encouraged him. We talked of how God has healed him. We celebrated the ability to spend a Friday morning together… smiling, laughing, and EATING!

Steve is a real-life miracle.


There’s no doubt about it. Sure, some won’t agree with me. But, they didn’t see what I got to see today. I’ll continue to praise God and be thankful for all He has done and continues to do in Steve’s life and in mine! (Even with a squinting-from-the-sun selfie!)





Linking up with Crystal for Fresh Market Friday. Also, this week’s Five Minute Friday prompt is: EAT! How perfect, right?! Join in the Five Minute Friday fun at Kate’s.

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  1. Tara L Ulrich

    This is so incredible! Our God is indeed a God of miracles!

    • Julie Lefebure

      He sure is, Tara! Thank you for sharing in our joy!

  2. Martha G. Brady

    that is so exciting to see a loved one who can’t eat, finally start eating. applesauce was often one of the early foods patients were able to eat:) isn’t it interesting how grateful we are for things we once took for granted? i happy for your brother who seems to be able to eat again:)

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thank you, Martha. It’s truly such a gift to him and to all of us. May I never take the “simple” things for granted again. So glad you came over to share. Bless you!

  3. Nancy Notton-Stumpff

    So happy to read of Steve’s progress! My prayers will continue for his full recovery!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thanks, Nancy! We all appreciate your prayers!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thank you, Lori! Yes, indeed. God is so good!

  4. Shauna Wallace

    Hi Julie! Stopping by from Five Minute Friday. What a blessing to “witness” this miracle with you through your post! I am so glad to know more of the story. I’ve seen you allude to it at #fmfparty but didn’t know any details. What a testimony!!! God is still alive, active, healing and performing miracles! I am so encouraged and rejoice with you all!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Shauna! Thank you for coming over and for sharing your words of encouragement. We appreciate you rejoicing with us! Yes, I love your truthful words: God is still alive, active, healing and performing miracles! Amen, and amen! Have a blessed week!

  5. Carole Gauger

    Thank you for the uplifting story! Please help me to pray for my great-granddaughter who had a new heart transplanted into her one-year-old body on Jan. 1 of this year. She has been unable to swallow since then; living on a feeding tube. I pray with every bite I take that little Gemma will relearn how to swallow!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Oh, Carole. My heart goes out to you, your family, and your precious great-granddaughter. I will join in praying with you. May God, our Great Physician, perform a miracle in this precious little girl! I appreciate you sharing here and asking me to pray. It’s an honor. Will you somehow keep me posted every now and then on her progress? Much love to you all.

  6. Jeanne Takenaka

    Julie, what an amazing miracle. We just never truly know the plans God has. So often they involve providing steps that continue to draw us closer to Him and that remind us how much He loves us. I’m so thrilled to hear of your brother’s miraculous recovery, and that he is able to swallow! That’s truly a miracle!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Jeanne, we see it as God’s healing and working on my brother’s behalf too. Thanks for sharing in our joy and blessing! I am in complete awe. I thank God for “introducing” you and me through our writing. You’re a beautiful gift! Much love to you.

  7. Anita Ojeda

    Praise be to the Great Physician! I know how difficult it is to eat when one’s mouth doesn’t function. Pedro’s facial muscles were paralyzed at one time and he even spent three days in ICU because he couldn’t swallow any longer. It took about three months before he regained mobility in his face.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Wow, Anita. Praise God for His healing work in our lives! So thankful Pedro regained his facial mobility. Thank you for sharing in our great news, friend!

  8. Crystal Twaddell

    Julie what an inspring testimony to God’s awesome power to restore and do more than we can ever imagine or comprehend!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Yes, Crystal! I’m in awe of His love, power, and faithfulness. Thank you for joining in our celebration!

  9. Sabra Penley

    Oh, Julie, what a beautiful testimony of Gods’ healing and encouragement to never give up! Somehow I missed your earlier post about Steve’s struggle. I’m so thankful that he is doing so well. I, too, saw God’s miraculous power after my David was able to swallow again after nine weeks. God is so great and mighty…and the giver of great blessings!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Sabra, thank you. I’m rejoicing with you, too! I was unaware of David’s struggle to swallow back then. Praising God for His healing and grace. Swallowing is something I used to take for granted. We have so much to be grateful for, don’t we?? Bless you, my friend!

  10. Loved by the King of kings

    Thank you for sharing your miracle! God be praised! I’m happy for you and your brother. I wonder, if we could see Jesus, if He wouldn’t be smiling on you and enjoying the happiness that you have both found because of His gracious gift.
    May you rejoice in His smile and in His kind embrace!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thank you so much for rejoicing in our joy and for sharing it here! I am rejoicing in His smile and embrace. What a beautiful gift. God bless you!


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