We have now lived with a Labour government with a huge majority for eight months. They could have changed any law, budget, tax or policy they thought wrong in this time period. It is no longer an excuse for bad service to blame the past government whilst not offering proof of changes that have or will remedy the problem.
All the time we had a Con/ Lib or Con government I allowed wide ranging criticisms of government on this site including many I disagreed with. My own posts regularly pointed out problems and offered better solutions.
I will follow the same approach for a Labour government. Criticisms of the past government will not be posted as we discussed those at the time and electors made their views clear in the election.
The person who sends over the top abuse about Labour is always wasting their time. It is easy to delete, so stop doing it, The person who daily blames a couple of billionaires for the many mistakes of successive UK governments needs to find a different outlet for the repetition of old stories which I am not going to repost.