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Rabu, 23 Januari 2019

Mister Lie ~ Cabang Pasar Lama Tangerang Sudah Buka!

Guys, review kita tentang Mister Lie cabang Gading Serpong sudah masuk di Popular Post selama beberapa bulan hingga sekarang. Dan ternyata mereka sudah buka lagi cabang kedua mereka di Pasar Lama, Tangerang Selatan. Tepatnya di Jalan Kisamaun tempat berkumpulnya kuliner gaul anak Tangsel! FYI buat kalian yang belum pernah dengar tentang Mister Lie, jadi mereka adalah restoran Jepang Fusion Donburi yang superrr terjangkau. Terjangkau sampai pada titik dimana kalian bakal shock kalau tau harga yang mereka tawarkan itu starting dari 12.000 untuk ukuran Small bowl nya. Nah kali ini kita mau review 6 menu favorite mereka guys. Jadi, cusss baca review lengkapnya ya :)

Kamis, 17 Januari 2019

French Fine Dining at AMUZ Restaurant

Happy New Year 2019 and this is the first blog post in 2019! We've been very busy with lots of things to do especially with taking care of our baby and also traveling around the country. But then there's one particular restaurant that we visited in 2018 and we think must be great for a blog review. Let us introduce you to AMUZ, a French fine dining restaurant at the Energy Bulding, Sudirman. While the business has been running for quite a while, they are still constantly introducing new menus every 3 months so that everytime you come, you'll enjoy different menus. Although this is a French restaurant, you'll be surprised to find out that the individual portion is actually quite big. Let's check it out!

Kamis, 20 Desember 2018

Diskon 50% dengan Reservasi Restoran via CHOPE App!

Sesuai judulnya topik pembahasan kali ini to the point aja mengenai diskon 50% off food di restaurant apabila reservasi dengan aplikasi CHOPE! Jadi Chope ini sendiri sudah terkenal di luar negeri sebagai website/ applikasi khusus reservasi restaurant yang memberikan berbagai benefit kepada penggunanya seperti diskon makanan, special price food package, dll. Apa sih bedanya Chope app dengan applikasi sejenis lainnya? Nah untuk cari tau lebih lengkapnya, yuk simak pembahasan kita kali ini.

Senin, 10 Desember 2018

The First All You Can Eat Korean BBQ at MAGAL Premium Senayan City

You've probably heard the brand 'Magal' Korean BBQ for so many times, but you've probably never noticed that there's actually one particular outlet at Senayan City that offers All You Can Eat Korean BBQ! Introducing Magal Premium at Senayan City 5th Floor! They started this new promotion just a few months before this writing and we're excited to share this good news to all of you! You'll be surprised to find out that the AYCE rate is starting from only IDR 199.000 for their regular package! Where else can you get Korean BBQ buffet that 'cheap'? We'll find out now :)

Selasa, 04 Desember 2018

Flynn Dine & Bar ~ A cozy bar and dining at Mega Kuningan

A new exciting dining spot is now opening, this is Flynn Dine & Bar. A bar & restaurant with casual modern vibe and super laid back ambiance. Its located at the former E&O restaurant around Lingkar Mega Kuningan, South Jakarta. As what we heard from the Head Chef, they waited for a whole long year to get this beautiful spot. The Head Chef was previously working in a popular restaurant in Jakarta before he finally decided to establish his own restaurant. The food itself is a combination of Indonesian, Asian, and Western fusion. We'll show you our short review of this newly opened restaurant.

Kamis, 29 November 2018

[YOUTUBE VLOG] Alasan Utama Membeli iPhone XR

Made a quick review about our new baby The iPhone XR! Most people underrated this phone for it is having low resolution screen, lacking second camera, thick bezel, etc. But we do believe there are more than just 'Technical Specs' on the paper. It is a great phone with all those new powerful technologies. So, watch the video and give us your opinion. Don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel :)

Rabu, 21 November 2018

MANTRA Indonesia ~ Perpaduan Masakan Manado dan Minang

Beberapa hari lalu ketika main ke Street Galery Pondok Indah Mall, kita nemuin satu restoran Indonesia yang baru banget buka. Namanya adalah MANTRA Indonesia, restoran perpaduan khas Manado - Minang (Padang) dan masakan nusantara lainnya. Paling tidak itu yang kami ketahui mengenai restoan Mantra ini. Tidak seperti masakan Indonesia pada umumnya yang kita sering temui di Jakarta, Mantra ini lebih menekankan pada menu-menu seafood yang fresh dengan rempah yang kuat seperti udang goreng bakar, steam kakap, srimping (scallop) goreng, dll. Nah untuk lebih detailnya, yuk baca review lengkap kita mengenai Mantra Indonesia.

Senin, 12 November 2018

The Grounds of Alexandria ada di Jakarta? Bukan, ini The Garden!

Kalau melihat foto ini, yang terbayang dipikiran kita langsung adalah The Grounds of Alexandria. Bagi anak2 muda yang pernah ke Sydney dan suka dengan cafe2 di sana pasti mengenal The Grounds tersebut, karena itu sangat iconic hingga ke mancanegara. Kebetulan pas kita lagi ke La Piazza Kelapa Gading, kita cukup surprise melihat taman/ lorong dengan air pancur yang sangat mirip sekali. Entah itu memang inspirasi mereka dari The Grounds atau memang kebetulan saja, tapi kita cukup menikmati sih. Di blog kali ini kita tidak akan mereview banyak ya, tapi cukup menikmati foto-foto yang kami dapat di sana.

Jumat, 09 November 2018

Tucano's Churrascaria - Brazilian BBQ & Buffet

Have anyone of you tried Brazilian cuisines in Jakarta? Well, honestly we never either until we visited Tucano's Churrascaria - Brazilian BBQ & Buffet at Central Jakarta. If you've never heard about Brazilian cuisines, then we are pretty sure that you have no clue about how they look and taste like. So, here we tried their Brazilian BBQ which is kind of similar to middle eastern one in terms of how they serve the grilled beef from a big iron skewer. If you see the picture above, the Chef comes to your table and slice the meat for you. As this is a buffet restaurant, you'll get to enjoy as much meat as you can within a certain time limit. We'll discuss a lot more on this special Brazilian cuisines, check it out!

Jumat, 02 November 2018

Review Belanja Sayur & Buah2an Online + Harga & Promo!

Untuk pertama kalinya berbelanja sayur dan buah2an melalui ecommerce online. Kita mencoba berbelanja di via applikasi nya langsung. Dan pengalaman berbelanja kita cukup menyenangkan, apalagi banyak promo yang ditawarkan untuk customer baru. Nah kita berbelanja cukup banyak, bukan hanya sayur2an dan buah2an, tapi juga jus buah, teh, kopi, dll. Nah kalau mau tau lebih lanjut, silakan tonton langsung di Youtube Vlog kita yang satu ini. Jangan lupa di subscribe ya :)