Jewish Poems Archives
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ROSH: the Death of a Father
Jewish Poems based on the Medrash
O Israel, Dream of the day when...
Poems Honoring Righteous Gentiles During The Nazi Holocaust
Babi Yar - Commemorating the Holocaust in the Ukraine
I Am a Jewish Woman, I Speak to God: A Jewish Woman's Prayer as a Poem
A Limerick: Poor Aunt Mabel at the Passover Seder table
Winds of Freedom: Two Poems for Passover
Poem: Can a moral man maintain his moral code in an immoral world?
Poem: A Shayna Maidel
A Poem: Hear, O Israel
God of Creation, A Poem
"Abtreibungen macht frei": Abortion Camps
Among the Sages
Ashes: Holocaust Poem
Jewish Poem: The Hand of the Beholder
Life Goes On - Poetical View of Life
Requiem - a Poem
The Choosen Fantastic People: a Poem
Lieselotte 1941 - Poem from the Holocaust
The Last Self-Congratulatory Jew
Passover Poem about the Exodus from Egypt
Poem: The Child Asks Why
Poem: All Men Are Like Sailors
What does G-d's Tefillin Say?
A Poem about Finding God
Transmogrifying The World: a Poem
Two Chassidic Poems
Poem: Double Date with an Anti-Semite
Sacredness - a Poem for Yom Kippur
Chosen Road - a Poem for Rosh HaShanah
Speechless Times: A Very Short Poem
Several Poems about the Beauty of Summer
Three Jewish Poems about God and Holiness
Ode to a Jewish Mama
Till Death Did Us Part
The Fogel Family from Itamar that was Murdered by Arab Terrorists
Two Jewish Poems
Oneness: a Poem
On Returning from Israel
During Kol Nidre, a Poem
A Beautiful Temple to One God
The Spider and the Schnitzel, One Poem, Three Versions
The People Triumphant - a Poem
Joe and Paul, A Jewish Poem with some Yiddish words
Counting the Omer, a poem
Uriah the Hittite
Psalm 98: Let New Songs Arise
Poems from the Jewish Heart
Poems from the Heart enter the Heart
Poem - God's Help Through Out the Generations
The Night of Passover
Psalm 39
Separation in Together, a Poem
Two Jewish Poems
Psalm 92
Psalm 96
Two Jewish Poems
We Won
My Ancestors Were From the Promised Land
Israel, God and a Dream Returned
A Poem about Nathan the Prophet and King David
Where Was God? Holocaust Poem
Psalm 95
Two Jewish Poems
Psalm 86
Tweaking Baby Abigail's Nose
Psalm 144 Praise to him, the Lord my Rock
My Mother's Song
Caleb - I Stood Apart
Jerusalem is One
Gabriel, Age 2, Opens the Door for Elijah
Jezebel - She Led a Nation
Suicide Bomber A Poem
Purim - Not Your Neighbor's Halloween
A Jew is a Jew is a Jew
Psalm 148 - Praise God within the heav'ns above
Knowing made her strong - An Anne Frank Poem
Being Frank with Anne - A Poem
Pothiphar and Joseph
Chanukah Poem
his first born beloved son, hand in hand
Hagar - The God Who Sees Me
The Bristol Bagel Ballad
The Jew and G-d
Psalm 138
Two Poems,
Family at War and Gran,
O P E R A - A Powerful Jewish Poem,
Psalm 124
Psalm 146
Three Poems
My People in the Chosen Promised Land
Psalm 139
No Other God
At the Close of a Day, Comes Shabbat
Psalm 46
Psalm 122
Two Short Poems by Two Jewish Poets
Psalm 147
Psalm 98
Israel at War Two Poems
A Prelude and Rhyme - Poems on Israel
Psalm 32
Who Will Say Kaddish?
We are the Candle that Lights the Eternal Flame
Humbly into the Night
Psalm 1 - A Blessing Marks the Man
Psalm 34
Jephthah's Daughter
Pesach in Egypt
Jethro - Priest of Midian
A Jew is a Jew is a Jew
Isaac, Jacob, and Esau
Ariel Sharon - Our Friend's Trip is Done
For the Love of a Land and a People
Jesse, father of King David - God Searches All The Heart
Psalm 77 - Your Ways, O God, are Holy
For Israel God Himself Did Decree
Psalm 18
Absalom and David
Psalm 27
The Universe is an Image of Torah
Rachel, Through Her Years
For Israel God Himself Did Decree
Psalm 18
Absalom and David
Psalm 27
The Universe is an Image of Torah
Rachel, Through Her Years
The Shabbat
Prayer of Habakkuk
Our Spiritual Place
Joseph and His Ten Brothers
Shelter for the G-dly Spark
God's Gift to the Jews
King Solomon
The Chasid's Dream
Psalm 23
Psalm 19
Isaiah's Vision
Samson - and by the Spirit of my God
Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem
Elisha the Prophet
Israel's Song
Psalm 90
Hannah's Song
Abigail - Wife of King David
Psalm 103
My Jewish World
Job - A Mortal Disputes
Elisha and Naaman
King Saul
Elijah the Prophet
Woman of Valor
Jacob on his Journey
Jacob in Laban's House
Jacob at Heaven's Gate
Jacob and Esau
King Solomon's Prayer
News Flashes
The Story of Abraham our Patriarch
Joshua - A Man of Faith
Return from Babylon
David and Jonathan
Yiddish Humor
Sarah, Mother of Nations
Moses part 3
Moses part 2
Moses - He Led Them Out
David & Golith
Deborah the Prophetess
the Story of Esther
King David
Angels of Love, Hope & Life
I Am Joseph
I Will Praise the L-rd
Two Inspirational Poems
Leah's Acknowledgement
the Field
from the Archives of the Jewish Magazine
Material and Opinions in all Jewish Magazine articles are the sole responsibility of the author; the Jewish Magazine accepts no liability for material used.