Jewish Opinion Archives
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Democracy vs. Judaism? Which is for us?
Democracy vs. Judaism: Agreement or Difference?
Will the Real Judaism Please Stand Up?
The Dilemma of the American Jewish Identity: Who or What is a Jew?
The Pseudo-Jewish Fetish with "Tikkun Olam"
Past and Prologue
Joseph in America: Comparing the Biblical Story of Joseph in Egypt to Today's Situation for the Jews in America
The Feather: Finding Our True Place in Time and Space
Developing a Relationship with God
What has Happened to the Americans? Have Americans Become Dumb or Just Plain Stupid?
King David: the Role Model for Success
Mosaic Rhetoric: The Lawgiver's Last Will to the Children of Israel
Germany: A Jewish Tourist's Observations
War on Terror: What are the Legal Issues Related to International Terrorist Acts and State Support
The Ultra-Orthodox and Army Service in Israel: a Response
Israel Today: the Ultra Orthodox, Secular Israelis, the IDF Draft, and Well Being
Mr. Obama's Peace Process and the Duality of Language
Have Homosexuals Taken Over Jewish Education?
Creation of a Palestinian State: A Better Plan
The Power of a Jewish Woman
Why Jewish Minds Excel in Academics
Jewish Education: Four Things I Wish You Didn't Say To Your Teenager
Super Bowl Yahrzeit - The Green Bay Packers and my Father
Jews Who Live Beyond Reality
Why Russian Israelis are against Clinton's Peace Proposals
What Claim do the Jews have to the Land of Israel?
Secular Learning versus Yeshiva Learning - What tm">A Jewish Bankruptcy
Seeking Balance between Ahab and Abraham
Censorship in Canada
King David and the USA, What Do They Have in Common?
What Was Shakespeare's Jewish Connection?
The Extremist Nature of Israel Apartheid Week
Help Wanted: Getting Jewish Education off Life Support
Is the Golus a integral part of a Jew?
Taking a fresh look at the Middle East options
Both Netanyahu and Obama were Boy Scouts, do they maintain Scout's honor?
Let the Jews Have the Same Freedom to live where they Choose as the American Blacks today enjoy
Ideologic Hypocrisy
The Expulsion from Gush Katif - Book Review
Canada's own 'Mashuginah Goy'
Make 2009 A Year of Simple Pleasures
Hate Censorship or Jewish Freedom of Speech?
Divide Jerusalem?
Israel's Vitality
Refuting the Arab Power Speakers
Hamas and the Lesson of Prussia
Philo-Semites, the Laws of Kashrut, and the Folks in My Condo's Swimming Pool
Why is the Traditional Liberal Jew becoming Conservative?
Israel and Humanitarian Respect
To be a free people in our land
The Menorah, the Swastika, and You Tube
Arab Israel Conflict - Back to Basics
J'accuse - Was the Mohammad al Dura filming staged?
Shakespeare and Anti-Semitism
The Day I Learned About "Tzedaka"
Dumbing Down Judaism
Why Does Israel Always Come Out as the Loser?
Israel Insecurity
Holocaust Deniers and their Motivation
Continuing The Walk Through Generations
An Urgent Plea
In the Beginning.
Did We Win or Lose the War?
Why Jewish Speech and Hate Censorship Do Not Mix
The Pope and the Poop
Moshe Feiglin, A Different Type of Politician
Why are the British so anti-Israel?
Self Restraint can be Fatal
Bush's Doctrine: Israel Here Today Gone Tomorrow
A Perspective on the Failings of all Three Mainstream Jewish Movements
Getting Close to the Edge: Liberalism and Lunacism
Intermarriage and Jewish Survival
Diaspora Jews Answer Back Israelis
Shame on Brandeis University Tony Kushner
Is a Palestinian State Relevant?
The Separation Fence Comes to Israel, Part 2
Reflections 58 years for the State of Israel
Gush Katif and Home
The Separation Fence Comes to Israel
Let Public Schools Teach Hebrew!
Let's Have Second, Third, and Later Bar/Bat Mitzvahs
Review of "Paradise Now", the Film
Munich, the Film, another Review
Arik Sharon - He Charted His Nation's Destiny
Munich - the Movie
Swing of the Pendulum
Who Created G-d?
Israel in view of Iran's Nuclear Threat
Jewish Horoscopes 2006
Jewish Extremism
Politically Correct Anti-Semitism
A Lesson for Life and for the Gaza Strip
Why Jews Are Smart
Accounting on Israel's 57th Anniversary
Internationalize The Oil
A Tale of Two Walls
Israeli Sovereignty and American Foreign Policy
Constitutional Democracy for Israel
Herbert Hoover's Mid-East Solution
Terror Threat Outside of Israel
The Other Five commandments
Guidelies for News Reporting on Israel
Ten Commandments in America
Multi-District Elections for Israel
How Much Longer?
Israeli Election System
Women at War
Terrorism and Innocence
Einstein Germany and the "Palestinians"
The Problem Isn't Palestine
Israeli Settlements
Intellectual Honesty in Recognizing Terrorism
Herzilya Conference Peace Plan
Jihad of the Pagans
Terrorism - Change Must Come From Within
Putting an End to a Terrorist
Israel & Peace
The Wall in My Heart
Patrons of Arab Terrorism
Israel and the European Union
the Reason for Terror
the Jewish Road Map
Enemy of Democracy & Judaism
Religion & State in Israel
For a Better Israel
Speaking the Unspeakable
Gas Masks - Getting Ready
Red Cross Double Crosses Jews
Israel's Most Dangerous Enemies
Put Arafat on Trial
Is Religion Ruining Judaism?
Israel Democracy and Politics
Israel's Big Contest
the Myth of al-Aqsa
I Believe Arafat
Of Cockroaches and Kings
Anti-Semitism - It's All About Theft
Dhimmi - Jews and Christians Under Islam
If A Jew Ran for President
Discrediting Fear
Oslo -a Religious Cult
Victory in the Arab Conflict
Peace & War
Democracy & Zionism
I.D.F. Officer Reports
War Ain't a Social Club
Sharon vrs Churchill
Jewish Strife
Jewish Economics - Structure of Faith
the Collapse of Israeliness
Oslo Revisited
Middle East Peace - American Style
Stressed Out in the Middle-East
Real Time
Israel & National Identity
Middle East Conflict
Arabs & Palestine
Is There a Blessing for an Uzi Machine Gun?
Hatred within Judasim
Oslo - 5 Years Later
Oslo and Reality
Is Liberalism Judaism?
Life on Other Worlds
from the Archives of the Jewish Magazine
Material and Opinions in all Jewish Magazine articles are the sole responsibility of the author; the Jewish Magazine accepts no liability for material used.