True Jewish Stories Archives
Browse our Articles
How a Nice American Jewish Boy Became a Zionist
The Countess of Desart: Ellen Odette Bischoffsheim
How a Nice American Jewish boy Became a Zionist
A True Story of Aunt Sadie and Dealing with Life's Problems
My Rendezvous with Destiny: The Letter From America That Changed Our Lives
Keeping Company with Anne: A True Story of a Holocaust Survivor who is Called to Give Testimony to His Personal Experiences under the Cruel Nazis
My First Torah Lesson: Good Fences Make Good Jews
My Mother, the Shadchen and our Boarder
Laurie Lipman & the Seder: A Gentile's View of Judaism
Jacob's Ladder: the Great-Grandfather I Never Knew
Is it All about Motherhood?
Survivors from the Refugee Boat "Exodus" Meet 64 Years Later
My Father, the Philosopher
My Grandmother and that Son of a Bitch Hitler
Reflections on my Mother from a Long Gone Age
How to Achieve the Perfect Marriage
A True Lesson in Faith in God
Jewish Immigrants to America as Seen through Letters
The Brooklyn Dodger Meets The Louisville Slugger
My Grandfather Escaping Czarist Russia
Heart Conversations in Yiddish
Jewish Humor: Passover as Seen Through the Eyes of a Foreign Worker
A Day's leave in Rome During World War II
Gifts from my Grandfather
Its a Sin: Growing Up Jewish
Birthing Day in Jerusalem
A Holocaust Survivor describes life at the Stutthof Concentration Camp
Grandma's Love and a Kreplach recipe
Yiskor for Ruchela
A Jewish Girl comes of Age and leaves the Yankees behind her
How a Holocaust Survivor was Caught "Fabricating"
Lillian Loewe, 1914
Rugalach Recipe and Story: Miracle #34
Borsht and Russian Literature
Rebecca Eden, World War II nurse
Sound Effects: Jewish Stories in Hawaii
Five Gold Bangles and a World of Difference A True Story About Marriage and Tradition
A Jewess in Bahrain
Remembering the Jewish Boy in Ireland
A Tale of How Frank Sinatra Saved the Jews
Remembering... If not for the Shabbos clock, they could have been mine
Holocaust Memories from Dachau, Auschwitz, Birkenau,
A Garden in Yitzhar
The Twin Towers, a Memoir
The Day I Learned About "Tzedaka"
Adjusting to New Family Holiday Customs,
Snapshots from France
Coping with Dementia
Living Waters - First Time in a Mikva
Project of Hope
A True Story about a Skullcap and Instructions How to Knit a Kippa
The Get
Performing the Tahara before Burial
Bertha's Daughter - Kindness of Strangers to a New Immigrant
Miraculously, the Story Continues Tysmienica Family Tree
Medical Rescue, 1943
Entebbe: Thirty Years Later
Sneaking The Pink Bunny Past Israeli Customs
The Light In My Zeide's Kitchen A Tragic Kibbutz Memory from 1950 - Living and Dying near Gaza
The Jewish Bull Rider
Memior: From the Russian Revolution to the USA, Today
Escape from Baghdad Iraq 1948
Pickles, the Jewish Bird
The True Story of Billy the Kid & The Murder of Morris Bernstein
How Grandpa Won the Hand of Grandmother
Day Ten Visiting Israel
Signora Vinograd
Sheeny, A Jew's Struggle in Russia
the Hiccup - Romanian Jewish Story
Avraham Landau, The Jewish Clown
Creation of a Palestinian State: A Better Plan
Chicken Soup with Chopsticks
Riding the Roller Coaster with Sinatra
The Wedding Mitzvah Dance
Exploring - Wearing Sandals in Sfat
A Celestial Promenade
Another Day Another Bus Ride
The Seat in the Window
The Simple Touch of Fate
Coming Down to Earth
Grandma Rachel's Challah
Remembering Mother's Legacy
Jews in Hollywood
Captured by a Cobra
Return to Judaism
Grandma Rachel, What is Taharah?
Life as a Jewish Wrestler
The Importance of Being Kosher
Grandma Bella's Pickle Cure
Grandma Rachel's Scary Story
Grandma Rachel's Yiddish Lesson
Growing Up Jewish - One Girl's Story
A Jewish Soldier
Grandma's Kitchen
Widow of Dice - True Holocaust Story
God Bless You Cousin Sidney
the Division Street Princes
Putting out the Fire
Bridging Troubled Water
The New Neighbors
Scary Memories
Orchids - As the Tanks Rolled into Nablus
The Answer My Friend
Four Weeks out in Shechem
the Wandering Jew
When Chinese Worry Met Jewish Angst
Death Denial
Selenuim Sam - a Mensch
Jewish Memories
Thanksgiving in Sinai
Personal Recollection of the Old Generation
Helping a Jew
Jewish Immigrant Family
Conversations With God
the Golem
at the Kotel
the Arrest and Liberation of Jordan Fried
the Telegram in Old Jerusalem
the Innocent Thief of Jerusalem
the Rabbi's Assistant
Aryeh Levin, Father of Jewish Prisoners
Necessity to Return
19th Century Jerusalem
Harry Golden and the Coat
the Ghost of Bugsy Goldstein
Israel Reserve Army Duty
Yaakov & Real Kindness
Reserve Duty in Gaza
Jewish Blood
the Jewish Legion
the Haunted Synagogue of Safed
A Certain Watcher
The Kindness that Came Back
from the Archives of the Jewish Magazine
Material and Opinions in all Jewish Magazine articles are the sole responsibility of the author; the Jewish Magazine accepts no liability for material used.