Ancient Jewish History Archives
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Portugal, New Christians: the Marranos, and the right of return
The life and times of Saadia Gaon
Maimonides on the Temple Mount
Ancient Canaanites and Israelites meet Jews and Israelis
Revelations from Khirbet Qeiyafa
The Persian Conquest Of Jerusalem
Visiting the History of the Hebrew Alephbet Exhibit in the Tower of David
Finding the Original Hebrew Script: Paleo-Hebrew
A New History of Grigory Rasputin and his relationship with the Jews
Visting the Khirbet Karta Archeological Ruins near Athlit
Torquemada and the Inquisition
Mohammad and the Jews
Coinage in Talmudic Literature
The Fall of Beitar and the begining of the Jewish exile
Joseph Caro, His Books Influence our Lives
Rabbi Eliezer the Great
From the Spanish History of Jewish Conversos to Catholicism
The Elah Fortress Uncovered unearthed in Elah Valley
The Kings of the Jews
Deborah, the Prophetess
Nutshell History of Marranos of Portugal,
Jewish Lineal History Time Line
Rabbi Akiva and the Ten Martyrs
8th Century Jewish Learning Academies
Mount Carmel Eliahu, the Prophet and Archeology
Jewish Antiquities at Qasr Al-Amir
Archeology in Israel - Herodion
Mamshit & the Ancient Synagogue of Maon
Yavne Yam- Archeology in Israel
A Virtual Visit to Rashi's Home Town
Bet Shearim - Archeology in Israel
Archeology in Israel - Apollonia
Timna - Archeology in Israel
Herodian, the Lavish Palace of Herod
The Ramban Synagogue
The Nimrod Fortress
The Samaritans
Hebron - Archeology
The Tabernacle And The Golden Calf
Archeology in Israel - Bethsaida
The Gates & Wall of Jerusalem
Archaeology - Be'er Sheva
Archaeology - The Ancient City of David in Jerusalem
Archaeology - Tel Dan
Archaeology in Hatzor
Archaeology in Tiberia 
Tel Lachish
Ein Gedi
Bread Mills in the Lower Galilee
the Greatness of the Second Temple
Herod's Palace in Jerusalem
Tombs in Jerusalem's Valleys
Ancient Synagogues Bar'am and Capernaum
the Old City of Yaffa
Archaeology & the Temple Mount
Archaeology in Ashkelon
The Tabernacle and the Temple
Gamla in the Golan
Archaeology - Beit She'an
the Kotel Tunnels & Temple Mount
Beit Guvrin Archeology
Tel Afek - Archaelolgy
the Banyas
Mt. Sinai in Archaeology
the Ancient city of Zippori
Gamla Revisited
Tower of David
Archaeology in Israel
Yehudit- Heroine of Channuka
Caesarea - Archaeology
Antiquities from the Golan
Remembering the Temple & Fast Days
Tel Quasile - Archaeology
the Golden Era
the Battles of the Maccabees
the Essenes
the Ancient Ark of the Covenant
Avdat & the Nabatean Empire
Tisha B'Av & The Destruction of the Temple
The Secret of Incense
The History of Purim
The Tenth of Teveth
History of Chanuka
The Tomb of Rachel
from the Archives of the Jewish Magazine
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