Everyday Storyteller 2 blog hop

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Everyday Storyteller 2 is brand new idea book offering more than 100 tips, tricks, and techniques for scrapbooking.  Go behind the scenes with 33 of your favorite memory keepers to see how they capture moments, tell stories and document their best memories.  Sign up for the VIP list to be the first to know when the book is released and receive an exclusive discount.

Each book contributor participating in the blog hop is giving away an eBook copy of Everyday Storyteller 2.   Use this entry link or click the graphic below to complete your entry form.   You must enter by 11:59 p.m. PDT on April 30 2013 to be eligible.  You may enter from each stop.  Winners will be contacted directly as well as posted at everydaystoryteller.com on May 1, 2013

Tangie Baxter
Kerri Bradford
Joscelyne Cutchens
Catherine Davis
Patty Debowski
Lisa Dickinson
Karla Dudley
Leah Farquharson
Karen Grunberg
Jenni Hufford
Donna Jannuzzi
Amanda Jones
Mandy Koeppen
Riikka Kovasin
Kami Leonard
Amy Mallory
Amy Martin
Ann-Marie Morris
Celine Navarro
Lynnette Penacho
Kelly Purkey
Krista Sahlin
Linda Sattgast
Cindy Schneider
Wendy Smedley
Elisha Snow
Amy Sorensen
Neisha Sykes
Jill Sprott
Laura Vegas
Allison Waken
Crystal Wilkerson
Jennifer Wilson


I am so excited for this book to be released.  My contributing to Everyday Storyteller 2 has to do with merging my traditional scrapbooking with Project Life.   Considering Project Life is my main method of memory keeping, I wanted to be able to still include traditional layouts within my Project Life album.  My article explores different ways to make this possible.

Thanks for swinging by today!

that moment...

Monday, April 29, 2013

when you discover a video your son made who-knows-when,

capturing that moment when he turned on the chipmunk photo booth feature.


(PS excuse the messy scrap room:)

the story behind the photo.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

i love scrapbooking.  for many reasons.   


One being that it allows me to tell the story behind the photo.   

Another being that it shows me that there is usually more than one story behind every photo.

Take this photo for example.   

As I sat here thinking about what story I wanted to share about this silly photo of my pajama-clad kids in front of a blooming tree in our yard, I thought of several stories.
  • The kids had just finished their evening showers.  i knew rain was coming the next day, and this was probably my chance to take a photo in front of this magnificent tree.   they LOVED running out in their PJs for a quick photo before bedtime (ah yes, it's still light out at bedtime now).   I love the spontaneity and joy of this photo.
  • I took this monday night after a few particularly hard days (nothing major, just few things that have been draining and challenging).   The blooming tree, the freshly mowed grass (the first mow this spring), they all reminded me that God makes ALL things new.   Spring is a great reminder of that... even if it comes later than expected.   
  • Jordan calls this pink tree HER tree.   And for some reason she thinks it's only three years old.  Jonah on the other hand is determined to let her know "it's at least 50 years old".   In this photo she is proudly showing her pink tree, while Jonah is holding up "50" in the background.  Ah, siblings. I love this.
  • The date this photo was taken marks almost exactly one year to the day we closed on this home.   This has been a wonderful year in our new house.  We are so blessed.

I love that documenting my photos allows me to tell various stories.

I love that one photo may have many different stories.   

I love that scrapbooking encourages me to LOOK for that story that wasn't apparent at first.

Those are the stories I want to remember.   

The stories I want to treasure.

The stories I want to share.


I hope to share more of these "stories behind the photo" on my blog in the near future.  it's a fun and worthwhile journaling exercise, don't you think?    

Do you want to play too?  If you want share a photo and share stories from that photo, i would love to read them!  Share a link in the comment section :)  

Project Life Week 14: do what you like.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

This week's Project Life covers the week of April 1-7 : Spring Break week!


As I was sitting down to document this week, I began to notice a pattern in how I like to put together my pages.  I think it's a great thing once you have found your Project Life "routine".  There's no need to reinvent the wheel.   Continue to do what you like.  


The Day to Day "This week at a glance" card is perfect for a week like Spring Break.  It allowed me to do a brief over-view.   It also cut down on the need to journal on every single photo.


I cut out the speech bubble of the Sweet Life 4x6 journaling tag in order to include a few recent "Jonah-isms".    I love documenting the sweet things the kids say.


Thanks for stopping by today!  Be sure to stop by Elle's Studio today to see my PL post.

Also linking up with The Mom Creative today.

Project Life was created by Becky Higgins as a way to simplify how you document life and preserve memories. Photo pockets used in my Project Life are created by Becky and can be found here. You can read all of my Project Life posts here.


Sunday, April 21, 2013

This past week seemed like a really long, draining, and tiring week.    

Can I get an Amen?

I have to be honest, i am looking forward to the fresh start of a new week.   

But I just want to pause and take a moment realize that there is SO much to be thankful for, and SO many blessings-- even after weeks that were not my favorite.


Even if our basement flooded, I am thankful for puddles to play and splash in.


Even if we had snow flurries this week (following a day in the 80's),  I am thankful for tulips to remind me that Spring is coming.


Even if I am continuously cleaning smudges from the windows , I am thankful for the sweet little hands that covered it.


When I stop and look around, I realize life is pretty darn good.

Even on the rough weeks.

Project Life Week 13: Easter

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

This week's Project Life covers the week of March 25-31.


This was Easter Week!   It was also the week Jordan had her Kindergarten readiness interview (sniff), and we had a random snow storm earlier in the week (and then it was super warm towards the end of the week).


I kept everything fairly simple, using many pieces from Elle's Studio's Serendipity line. (perfect for spring).


I just love including the kids' artwork in Project Life.  I think it will mean more and more to me as the years go by.   The front and back of this insert are two sweet papers Jonah made at school.  



On the right side I added a bit of the Easter grass from their Easter baskets.  I have memories of this stuff from when I was a kid.  (and boy does it get everywhere in the house).   I thought it would be fun to include it in my album.  I stitched the pocket closed, and adhered an Elle's Studio Serendipity tidbit tag on the outside of the pocket.    I also included a cute little bunny that was part of a decorative cookie my mom got the kids.


Thanks for stopping by today!  Be sure to stop by Elle's Studio today to see my PL post.

Also linking up with The Mom Creative today.

Project Life was created by Becky Higgins as a way to simplify how you document life and preserve memories. Photo pockets used in my Project Life are created by Becky and can be found here. You can read all of my Project Life posts here.

urgent times.

Monday, April 15, 2013

we are living in a day where destruction seems to be looming around every corner.


Sandy Hook.

and now today, the Boston Marathon.


each of these events share the common thread of death, destruction, chaos, and shock.  Time and time again we have been left in utter disbelief at the depths of evil the human mind can comprehend.

each and every time it is truly unbelievable.

Unbelievable this is the world we live in.


we are desperately seeking truth, comfort, peace, and protection in our daily lives.  

However, the longer I live, the more I realize that that comfort will not be found in the world we are living.   

We live in a time, in an era, where it is urgent to share the Good News.   

the Good News I am talking about is the Good News that will not be proclaimed in legislature, politics, or broadcasts.  

the Good News I am talking about is not the protection and security our government (either parties) can provide us.

the Good News I am talking about is not the fact that each of us are raising our children with the 'right morals' and thus, hope we never fall prey to such dysfunction....

That is not the Good News.

Our only Hope, Our only Chance, lies with Jesus Christ.

He is our Good News.

Nothing this world can offer--- and friends, the world can offer anything--- can compare to the Goodness of Jesus.

Our world is desperate to hear that Jesus is full of grace, love, mercy, and kindness. He is not the author of evil.    

Rather, he offers us hope.  He offers us a second chance. 

Romans 3:23 says, "for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God".    

Me.  You.  we have both have fallen short of the mark of perfection.  there is nothing we can do to make it right.

But it is only Jesus' death on the cross and resurrection from the grave that fulfills the gap. 

The moral life will not fill the gap.  The good deeds will not fill the gap.  Going to church will not fill the gap.  Helping others will not fill the gap.  

Only accepting Jesus Christ as our only Hope, our Savior, will fill the gap.

Simply, He took our place.  He took our punishment.  He took our sin on the cross so that we can be right with God.  He saw that there was nothing we could do--- so HE DID IT.

Friends, i am so tired of being disappointing in this world.  

I am so tired of what our news brings.

Humanity continually reminds me that this is not my home.  Do you see it?

Our world is desperate for the Good News of Jesus.    

If you believe it, it is urgent to share it.

Psalm 121 :1, 2  " I lift my eyes up to the hills-- where does my help come from?  My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. " 

Everyday StoryTeller 2 Trailer

Friday, April 12, 2013

As we approach the release date for Everyday Storyteller 2 (in May!!) we are receiving various exciting sneak peeks into the book.   Below you will see the trailer for the book-- SUPER cool.  You will get a glimpse of all the various projects and contributors.

Make sure to sign up for the Everyday Storyteller 2 VIP List!    There will be prizes and giveaways for the VIP list- you won't want to miss out!!!

I think it's Spring.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I find it hard to believe that these two photos were taken within 10 days of each other...


Anyway, it looks like Spring is finally here.  For today at least. :)


Welcome to Indiana my friends.