Favorite Projects of 2012

Monday, December 31, 2012

Today is the last day of 2012!  It's New Years Eve!!!

This year FLEW by.  And they fly by quicker with each passing year.  This is one of the reasons I love scrapbooking and documentation.  In a small why I feel like I am freezing time by capturing our memories.

I thought on this last day of 2012 I would share a few of my favorite projects of 2012.  (I also included links to the original post of each layout in case you want to read/see more :)

iresolve 007 copy
I made "I Resolve" as my One Little Word layout for 2012.  I also tried misting the title, which was super fun.  This layout is published in this months Scrapbook Trends :)

Coordinating the Project Kits at Elle's Studio was a big part of early 2012.  My Girl was made with the Elle's Studio "Love Story" kit.  I just love these photos of jordan. 

One of my favorite Lily Bee layouts-- made this one using Buttercup for CHA.  

A layout reflecting on this beautiful crazy thing called Motherhood.   I used the Studio Calico Brooklyn Flea Salvage Add On for this layout.


Project Life was a BIG part of my year.  The majority of my documentation from 2012 is found in this album.   It was an "A-ha" moment when I realized I could incorporate regular layouts within the Project Life.  Why not?   I had fun working with the 8.5 x 11 size layout in this Project Life Spread from February 2012.  (I also incorporated layouts in my Project Life here, here, here, and here :)

A layout documenting my everyday.  The punched grid is fun.

Super simple but I love this.  This was the cover page for my Summer Project Life Album.  I was inspired to try the full page photo after seeing Kelly Purkey, Elise Blaha Cripe, and Ali Edwards try this concept.  This photo just makes me smile as it really documents the beginning of the move to our new home.  Great memories from this summer.  I wrote a detailed post about using enlargements here.


She loves to Dance.  This was a fun collage-like layout using Jenni Bowlin papers and embellishments.  Still laugh when I think about this moment.
December Daily 2012.  A labor of love.  But OH so worth it.  Nearly finished.  :) 


I am not an altered project kind of girl, but i LOVED doing this project.  This is a repurposed advent calendar using Jenni Bowlin Studio items.  Her vintage products were perfect for this project.

Our December (2011).  Had a blast creating this for Elle's Studio's Celebrate December event.  This was a really fun way to document the entire month of December at a glance.

Things I notice when looking back at 2012:  my method of documentation is changing.

I am adding many other ways of documentation into the mix.   Project Life was a huge part of my year.
And I love merging the different ways of documentation together.

What a great year!! Thanks for joining me in 2012-- super excited for 2013!

Happy New Year!

Project Life Week 50: Reflecting.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

This week's Project Life covers the week of December 10-16th.


Last year I fell behind during Christmas, and never fully completed the final two weeks of 2011.  I am really working on getting these last few weeks DONE so that I can wrap up my 2012 fully completed.

That is such a good feeling!!!


Since the last few weeks have been super busy with other assignments, projects, and life in general, I kept it fairly simple.

I love that from week to week Project Life can be simple or detailed.  There's no rule that you have to be consistent in how you document.  Each week is a fresh slate.


I am now beginning to focus on 2013 and what I want that album to look like.  As I reflect on what has worked, and what I want to change/add,  I am getting super excited.   I will be sharing these thoughts on January 1st, along with my 2013 cover page.  (which will include a sneak of new items from Elle's Studio CHA releases!).   I also hope to squeeze in the last two weeks shortly after the new year. :)


Finally, I wanted to include a side-by-side of what this same week looked like in my December Daily album.  I love that I can focus on different stories, or different aspects of an event in the two different albums.   There are a few repeating photos/stories, but not many!

My creation

Project Life was created by Becky Higgins as a way to simplify how you document life and preserve memories. Photo pockets used in my Project Life are created by Becky and can be found here. You can read all of my Project Life posts here.

Reflection: Favorite Posts of 2012.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

I love the week between Christmas and New Years.  The dust has settled a bit and there is time to think.  It's a time of reflection.  A time to look back and also look forward.


I've been thinking about what I want 2013 to look like.  There are many things I want to change and improve, but there are also things I want to keep the same.  When thinking ahead, it's only natural to look back.


One area I have been thinking a lot about this week is my blog.  What do i want to focus on in this little space on the interweb?   I don't really consider this a CRAFT blog (only).  I certainly share craft projects (and I love doing that), but as I look back, my favorite posts are STORIES.  

One of the things I want to do in 2013 is tell my stories.  Stories about family, my self, motherhood, faith, and just the all around crazy events that make up our daily life.  I want to WRITE more.

My creation

So in the meantime, as these thoughts and plans are swirling around in my head, i thought i would share a few of my favorite posts of 2012.  These are not craft- related posts (although some do share a layout within the post); these are story posts.

Today Matters
Fear Not: Our Trip to the ER
Super Bowl in the Circle City
Wednesday Nights
Zig Zags, Plans and Dreams
Returning to Childlike Faith
on being content
it's too bad she has no personality
while you were sleeping
Resolve Launch Party

Like the time Jonah went to the ER and God sent me a message within the Doctor's name, the funny photos I randomly found on my computer, when the Super Bowl came to town, and our decision to move to a different house, and why every day matters-- which is why I document and scrapbook.

Thank you to each of you that visit regularly.  I cherish each of you and wish you a wonderful 2013!!

December Daily Update (December 11-18)

Friday, December 28, 2012

Screen Shot 2012-12-07 at 11.16.51 AM
Today I wanted to share my fourth update from my December Daily album: December 11-18th.  The end is in sight!!  


I have been using the October Afternoon Very Merry December Mini- Book kit and combining it with the Elle's Studio Be Merry Collection and my own stash of goodies :)

Dec 11/12.

I wanted to mention the events of Sandy Hook on the 14th.  I mention this a bit more in my Project Life spread from that week (i will share this soon), but I didn't feel right not mentioning it here.  i didn't go into great detail but that night i snapped a photo of Jonah and myself on the couch.  We were watching Rudolph on TV-- even though i am smiling, my mind and heart were heavy with the news from that day.


Dec 13/14. That weekend we stayed home the entire weekend.  Todd and I both were recovering from bad colds so it was a nice family weekend.

Dec 15.
Dec 16.

Dec 17.  When creating this book, i did not put the dates on the pages prior to the beginning of December.  In hind site, that is something I am really glad I did.  On some pages I used both pages for documenting the day (like the page above and below), and some pages just one side.

Dec. 18.

You can see my cover page here (with my process/supplies/over-all plan), Black Friday- December 2nd update here, and December 3-9th update here.

Thanks for swinging by today.  And happy--- friday?? or whatever day it is!!!

The Guerrillas of Luzon Trailer

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Wanted to stop in today and share something really neat-- a trailer featuring the story of H. Clay Conner  (my grandfather), the focus of Resolve.   This trailer shows author, Bob Welch and my Uncle, Tom Conner sharing a clip of Clay's story.  This clip is on the NRA Life of Duty, Patriot Profiles.

Many of you have shared with me that you have purchased Resolve this Christmas for husbands, fathers, and even yourself.  I just wanted to take a moment and say THANK YOU so much for your excitement and support of this incredible story.

Our Christmas in Words + Photos

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

so patiently
on christmas eve
mom + daughters
the cookies are ready
and the milk
precious boy
christmas eve magic!
with papa and yaya
someone was DONE (not saying names:)
hugh hefner?
christmas morning!
he's sports crazy
like his uncle
first american girl doll
look papa!
favorite shot of the day- even if it's blurry.
big family

always a turkey on christmas day.

dessert table

it was a wonderful day.
i hope your christmas was merry and bright.