Over the River and Through the Woods....

Friday, October 30, 2009

2 Weeks ago, Todd and I were able to get the heck outta dodge and enjoy a weekend away with two other super fun couples.

We left the big-city and headed to SpringHill Camp in Seymour, IN. Camp, you say? Oh no, we didn't "camp". Rather, we staying in the A-MAZING guest house at Spring Hill. Can you say... Heated Floors? Roaring Fireplace? Granite Countertops? Gorgeous Lodge Decor? We were truly spoiled and LOVED every minute of it.

Let me back-track, "SpringHill Camp is a non-profit Christian camp and retreat ministry with locations in Michigan and Indiana. Their mission is to create life-impacting experiences that enable young people to know and to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. We’ve got extreme sports, awesome activities and outdoor adventures at Summer Camp—and it’s all integrated with life-changing, faith-filled experiences." The "grounds" at SpringHill spans 740 acres and 11 lakes including a 50-acre lake perfect for rope swinging, blobbing, splashing, kayaking and way more... simply amazing and beautiful.

They focus on summer camps for youth(if you live in Indiana or Michigan i highly recommend considering SpringHill for your children as a summer camp- you won't be disappointed - info here) Spring Hill can also be a retreat getaway for all sizes (like us, 3 couples who rented the guest house). We were able to even participate in any of their fun activities... we chose the zip-line, Horseback riding, and Shooting/Archery (just the guys did this- the girls headed to the outlets near by!)

All six of us arrived Friday night and enjoyed an evening out and then headed to the guest house. Saturday morning we woke up and geared up for the ZIP LINE.

We Had SO MUCH FUN. It just seemed HUGE to me (it was 3 stories) as we were climbing up and our legs were dangling over the edge of the tower....

What a thrill when it was time to lean forward and jump!

I think the best part of it all was that all six of us went at the same time... we laughed SO hard and did alot of screaming. I have a video (yes Todd zipped with the video camera!) but can't seem to get it uploaded. ARG! If i do, i will definitely post it b/c it's worth seeing and you WILL laugh and the crazy things said and done (not going to name anyone in particular...heehee!)

The ride was gorgeous! We zipped through the fall foilage and over a lake in the crisp fall air. Such a fun, neat experience to share with friends.

Katie, Courtney, and Me... at the base of the zipline:

The staff at SH were kind enough to let us go TWO times on the zip line. I can't wait to go back and go again. I can only imagine how much fun the kids have at camp here. I went to a few camps, but never anything like this. They said that a TWO year old has gone on the zip line before- WHaaaaT? I think i would be SO scared to send my kids down the zip line (even though it's extremely safe)!!

After the zip line we went back to the lodge, had a chili lunch, and played some board games (CATAAN!). Soon afterwards, the girls went shopping and the boys went to shoot! Yikes i was SO nervous! They had ALOT of fun though - such a boy thing i guess!

It was so nice to just hang out together in the evening, have dinner, talk, and play games.
Of course whenever we are away from our kids we miss them, but it WAS nice to not have to worry about the kids bedtimes, dinner, routines etc. We certainly cherish the weekend we had with friends!

Sunday mornign we woke up and it was Katie's Birthday! We all went on a horsebackride through the woods and even got to cantor some! So Fun!

It was a WONDERFUL weekend! Can't wait to go back!

Crafty Post!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Time for a Crafty Post!

Here are a few crafty things I have been working on....

I couldn't wait to do a layout about Jordan kissing the pumpkins at the Pumpkin Patch last week. I did a simply design but made the journaling more of an "enchanted" feel

Details: Jenni Bowlin Patterned Papers, (other papers by Basic Grey ), JB Circle Stickers, Elle's Studio tags (hello, design team search!!!!!), Martha Stewart Pumpkin stickers, Cosmo Cricket chipboard. Sheer Creations Ribbon (Cream), Studio Calico Ribbon (Green), Fiskars Apron Lace Punch, Tim Holtz Distress Ink Tea Dye.

i {HEART} Lily Bee! I found out some EXCITING news last night, I was one of the Winners of the Lily Bee Audrey "Challenge"!!!! I submitted various layouts using the papers from their "Audrey" line, and I WON! Freaking out! Here is my favorite layout using Audrey:

all patterned paper is Lily Bee Audrey. Heart embellishment is handmade with Lily Bee Audrey. Paper Studio Graph Paper. Making Memories Vintage Collection Bingo Card and Ribbon. Making Memories Pin. Jenni Bowling Circle Sticker and Circle Alphas. Pink Paislee Brads, American Crafts Alphas. Punches by Ek Success (scallop) and Fiskars (apron lace).

Here is a close up of the heart embellishment...

Here is another Lily Bee Audrey Layout...

Seriously, I hear this question from Jonah about 108493843 times a day!!! Love it! And this picture taken by Carpenter Photography perfectly fits this story!

Lily Bee Audrey Pattern Paper, EK Success Scallop Punch, Fiskars Apron Lace Punch, Martha Butterfly Punches.

Here is a closer look at some of the scallop detail (i used many different audrey papers cut into a scalloped border) and the journaling.

I really have enjoyed designing layouts with the "Audrey" Line by Lily Bee. Please check out their blog and you can find links as to where you can purchase their amazing products (so many other lines they make that you will love too!!!! Can't wait to try Vintage Poppy!).

You can view my other Audrey entries here ("Bathtub Comedian") and here ("To Love Well").
: )

Hope you enjoy!

You Two, Right now...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

This image captured by the ridiculously talented Carpenter Photography and Design

You Two, Right Now....

1. are 3 years 10 months old, and 20 months old exactly

2. one is (finally) growing out of the Elmo phase, while one is just entering.

3. sometimes fight over who's mommy I am. (Jonah :"That's MY mommy" Jor: "No, MY mommy")

4. both love music, Curious George, dancing, school, and peanut butter

5. are very protective of one another in your own special ways.

6. fill my heart with more love than I could ever imagine

7. sometimes makes me want to pull my hair out (see #3).

8. Jonah has memorized one Bible Verse (Rom 3:23), and Jordan sometimes calls me "Jenni"

9. think Papa and Yaya's house is the best place on earth.

10. make your daddy and I so so proud.

giveaways, giveaways, giveaways!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

One of the FUN things about following blogs is that many have great GIVEAWAYS! I love giveaways, and have won one or two in the past. it's a great way to find new blogs to follow (because i need more time on the computer, right?).

If you have read my blog for awhile you probably know I am a MckMama fan! I found her blog last fall- i was so intrigued by her writing style, and let's face it, anyone who had 4 kids 4 and under has many interesting stories to tell.

ANYWAY. MckMama offers such FUN giveaways here . Just today she posted a chance to win a $200 gift card to Best Buy. WHY NOT?? Go leave a comment at her site, and you may be the lucky winner! (if you are, do you mind sharing with me? hehe).

Do you have a favorite site for giveaways? If you do, please share!

For my sweet friend Lindsay.........

Friday, October 23, 2009

(Todd and Jenni, London, March, 2004)
This picture of us was taken over 5 years ago, however... i think we ARE standing in the exact same spot!!!!(Steve and Linds, London, 2009)
yep, kindred spirits. xoxo.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I have always loved collages since I was in junior high. I remember looking through issue after issue of YM and Seventeen Magazine (don't deny it, you did to!) and cutting out picture of my favorite celebs... Paula Abdul, Janet Jackson, Debbie Gibson, Brandon/Dylan/Brenda/Kelly.... and plastering it all over my walls. Sticky-tack was my best friend, and I was in heaven when I looked around my room and had my own personal entourage/audience happily staring back at me (nevermind the fact it looked like Russell Crowe's crazy creations from "A Beautiful Mind"!!).

I guess not much has changed because I am still making collages today. However, the picture are no longer of the NKOTB and 90210, but of my beloved husband and children. *i think* i have grown somewhat in my artistic ablility and picture placement since then (let's only hope) and would love to share with you a few of my recent collages!

I LOVE picture frames that offer multiple "vignettes" for viewing. I have purchased many of these picture frames over the years and always LOVED filling the frames with my very favorite pictures. The only bad thing about these types of frames is the fact that there is SO much going on that the eye can sometimes get lost in all the pictures. Which can be a bummer when we are talking about my FAVORITE pictures. So... how about filling an 8 picture frame with only 3 pictures?

Here is a recent frame I did that only has 3.5 pictures. :) *i count the bottom right wallet picture as a half* ha!! I added a "Title" to the frame....

and included a few interesting points... (basically patterned paper and a few embellishments that matched the color scheme of orange, green, and black.)

Here is my favorite embellishment- a pouch that holds a short handwritten note to my family! (of course todd was asking when he gets to read this note and why is it hidden, etc etc- ha!)

Another fun idea you could do with these types of frame, OR with any collage in general is to make it a holiday theme- halloween, fall, thanksgiving, christmas, easter... all of these would be so cute in a frame like this and you can even switch it out for the season. Ali Edwards does an INCREDIBLE job at this for her christmas decorating and crafting. Here is one of my favorite Christmas projects by Ali Edwards where she designed this collage by cutting out multiple 2x2 squares of various christmas papers:

Image and Design by Ali Edwards

So, next time you by a multiple picture frame (or any kind of frame), go CRAZY! Add only a few pictures, and pick out a few patterned papers you like and get creative! I think you will LOVE the results!

Don't you just love....

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

don't you just love little impromptu outings to the pumpkin patch?

My how he looks so old in this picture! It makes my heart hurt a little bit!

He was running through the trees, looking at his hands pretending it was a map, in order to find his pumpkin! Love watching him use his imagination!

I couldn't help but think of past visits to the pumpkin patch!

And this one?

It was her first trip ever and she enjoyed kissing the pretty pumpkins

And pointing and saying ewwww to the rotting pumpkins (ok we need to work on this).

She was a trip!

I so enjoyed a day with my two babes at the pumpkin patch

And my sweet mom too.

Don't you just love Fall?!?!


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Recently I have been going through bins and bins of clothes trying to get organized- my clothes, baby clothes, old clothes- and came across a bin of MY baby clothes my mom put together about a year ago. It was a blast looking at all the little dresses that now will fit Jordan. Sure, some will not be making it to her closet :) but there were quite a number that were PERFECT and VINTAGE looking. I can't WAIT for her to wear them.

But here is what I have to share for now....

Here I am, Halloween 1981! (I am 2 and a half years old here). How hilarious is this picture!? My mom made this costume for me- she is the queen of craft. I wish i could sew! (i've tried and i can't even thread a needle!) I was so happy to find this outfit because.....

Here is little Jonah sporting the same outfit for clown day at school 2 weeks ago! It was the perfect thing for him to wear (because really- how do i put together a clown outfit from home without having to buy something? I couldn't find the hat :( But still love the fact he wore mommy's vintage halloween costume! hehe!

Now here is little Jenni, future DG, with my little raggedy ann jumper! (Raggedy Ann is Delta Gamma's mascot). So cute!

And here is my little Jor...

Are you kidding me ? I could eat her up! Maybe a future DG? I don't know, we'll see! She was so cute in this outfit. The day she wore this last week we went to Trader Joe's and she got a balloon. So all day she was carrying around a little red balloon in the outfit. Too much, i say.

She was so sweet I had to take her by the office to show her off to Daddy, Papa, her aunts and uncle. Papa couldn't get enough of his little granddaughter with the red balloon.

I think it may have brought back a few memories for him....

I just love vintage, don't you!? Do you dress your kids (or plan to) in any of your old clothes?

How 'bout them apples?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A few weeks ago we headed to Anderson Apple Orchard in Mooresville. It was a beautiful day to spend as a family at the orchard! The kids probably ate 3 apples each while walking around. The last time we went was when Jonah was 10 months old, so pretty much, this was a first time experience for both! It was so much fun....

I adore this pic of jonah and todd. jonah looks like his mini-me in this picture (well all the time really;) It's fun to see their relationship as father/son growing every day. ALL day during the week ( and many times a day) he asks me "where's daddy?" and i tell him "daddy's at work". So anytime todd has to leave the house jonah announces that "daddy's going to work". ha. Tomorrow night Todd and Jonah are having Dad's Night at Preschool. I am really excited for them and can't wait to hear all about it. I am going to try to get todd to take the camera- we'll see. I will for sure have to take my girlie camera strap off if he takes it- hehe!

So anyway, we brought home tooooons of apples and made applesauce and our FAVORITE apple recipe, Warm Apple Buttermilk Custard Pie , by Cooking Light. You will love this recipe!!!!!

Finally, I wanted to share a SUPER FUN website I found for all you crafties out there. It's called The Paper Life. I was tipped off to The Paper Life when one of my very favorite bloggers/scrapbookers Stephanie Howell did an interview over at the Paper Life. They also did a give-away with one of the Studio Calico October kits- and I WON!!! So cool!

Anyway, the Paper Life is not just for scrapbookers, it offers really neat ideas for all things crafty with paper. Just recently they posted a video about making super cute Halloween candy cones. So head on over and enjoy!

Happy Tuesday!

fall means.....

Friday, October 9, 2009

The change of season brings so many things, such as.....


or not? ok, seriously, i have tried to do some fall decorating lately-- but i really don't have ALOT of fall decor. Most of what i have is new within the last 2 years. What do you do for fall decorating?? I *ahem* did not do this this year... whatever. not enough time or mantel space ; ) so here is what I did instead...

I LOVE the fresh flowers at Trader Joes. They last for SOOO long (I had an arrangement recently that lasted over 2 weeks!) and they seem so much cheaper than bouquets found at the grocery store (and they only average around $7). I love Trader Joes. So do my kids- the balloons just make their day! In the background of the picture there is a fall leaves wreath- got it at HALF off at Jo-Ann's. YEAH! Half off during the season makes me a happy girl. Oh and the mums? They're dead. I watered them, took care of them, and now they look awful. Why can't i keep plants alive?! So frustrating! At least the pumpkin is easier to maintain!

Sorry for the blurry pic... but my mom made this amazing piece for me last year! It is a hollowed out (faux) pumpkin with an amazing silk arrangement. I love it! It is in our entryway this year. I also bought a second wreath at Jo-Ann's. you can see the top of it peeking through the window in the door - it is more "rustic" (and sheds) thus it's outside :) That is about the extent of my fall decorating this year. A little bit sad, I know, but I imagine over the years i will collect more seasonal decor that i love. Christmas is still first in my heart and my favorite to decorate (and spend money on) ;) Although fall is a close second.


I looove everything pumpkin! Has anyone else noticed pumpkin puree is hard to find this year!? I had to stock up when i finally saw it at the grocery. Here are two FAVORITE recipes. Let me know if you try them!

"Pumpkin Muffins" (courtesy of "No Other God's" Bible Study- amazing bible study might I add) Makes 2 dozen muffins

2 c sugar
1 c vegetable or canola oil
4 eggs
2 c pumpkin (NOT pumpkin pie filling)
2 c flour
2 t baking powder
1t baking soda
1 t cinnamon
1/8 t ground clove
1/8 t nutmeg
1 t vanilla
Preheat oven to 350. Mix ingredoemts together in large bowl. Pour into muffin tins (sprayed with cooking spray) and bake for 20-25 minutes.

"Pumpkin Cake" (courtesy of my Aunt Jana)

Glory, Hallelujah... this recipe is amazing and easy... and one of Todd's FAVES!

6 eggs
2 c sugar
2 c milk
1 large can pumpkin
1/2 t salt
2 T Pumpkin Pie spice

1 stick butter melted mixed with i box of yellow cake mix

Mix all ingredients together. Pour in ungreased 13x9 pan. Sprinkle topping on top. Bake at 350 for 60 minutes. Top with cool whip when serving.

3. FALL COLDS? (Boo!)

My poor little Jordan has some sort of virus that popped up yesterday morning (this picture is of her today). She has had a a fever for the past two days. :( She is MUCH better today than yesterday. she slept a ton yesterday and was majorly lethargic- causing me to call the doctor 3 times during the day! Thankfully Jonah has remained healthy and I am praying he stays that way! I felt like a first time mom again- calling the doctor like crazy but SERIOUSLY the news is going bezerk with this H1N1 stuff! What else would I do? I had no clue if this was the flu and what I should do--have her seen by the Doctor? go to the ER? Seriously - the news is making this out to be the plague! Which brings me to a question- are you going to have your kids receive the H1N1 vaccine? I posted this question on facebook and got some interesting comments. I would love to see what you think here on my blog!

So.. needless to say we are going to stick around here this weekend and get healthy. I have many household projects to do this weekend so that will work out! I also managed to do another layout today of my sweet Jonah. Bath time.. gotta love it, especially when your child is a comedian! oh, and I love using pics from Carpenter Photography sessions!

All patterned paper is Lily Bee Design "Audrey". Brads are Pink Paislee, QuicKutz Cork, EK Success Scallop Border, Tim Holtz Distress Ink in Tea Dye, American Crafts and Making Memories Alphas, Red Twine is Making Memories Vintage, Yellow Ribbon is from Michaels.

Have a great weekend!!!