Don't let it go to Waste Waist

Friday, June 19, 2009

Last night Todd and I went on a date night to Maggiano's Little Italy. I have been there once or twice before, but it's never been one that's on the radar, not that we don't like it, we just don't go out for Italian that often. We had a gift card, so we thought, what the HEY, let's get a sitter and make a night of it.

We arrive and find out we have a 30 minute wait to be seated. No problemo. We each had such a busy day it was nice to sit down and catch up. We were chatting, sending out a few texts for the weekend plans... you know, typical business. We grabbed a menu (since we don't go there that often) and decided we could "pre-plan" what we were going to order. (FYI, we WERE going to split an appetizer, salad, entree, AND dessert... i told you we were going to make a night of it).

That all changed when we sat down at our table and met our waiter, Rusty. We told him what we were thinking of ordering and he said that was cool and then mentioned briefly that their family style options were now available for 2 people. Whaaat?

Basically, we were able to order 2 appetizers, 2 salads, 2 Pasta Dishes, 2 entrees, and 2 desserts from the Family Style Menu for a per/person fee. But the kicker? If we finished our dish (any of them) we were able to get a free refill of that dish. and have it boxed up to take him. Rusty was STOKED that we said yes to the stuff your face deal family style meal for 2.

Round one came...appetizers. we chose the crab cakes and the shrimp scampi. Finished both of them, had him box up another crab cake to take home. Score!

Salads came... we chose Caesar, and the Chop. Finshed the Caesar and was given the option to order Caesar to box up to take home, but who wants to eat a day old Salad?

By this time we were starting to feel FULL. We needed a Strategy.

Main Course came out next. Our pasta dishes were Veal and Mushroom Ravioli, and Shrimp & Angel Hair alArrabbiata. Our Entree choices were Veal Marsala, and Beef Medallions. With FOUR main course plates in front of us we definitely needed a plan. Remember, we were going to SPLIT ONE MEAL!?!?! We had Rusty immediately box the Pastas, so we could focus on the meats. Those would be less filling and therefore offer greater promises of a Refill to-go box. We did not disappoint. We went home with brand new orders of Beef Medallions and Veal Marsala in a pretty little to-go box.

Have you lost count? So far that is 5 to-go boxes of FULL meals.

Ok, onto Dessert. We are starting to feel it at this point. I mean really, we are eating like we are on a cruise ship. I LOVE Tiramisu, so we ordered a tiramisu and a creme brulee. Todd killed the Creme Brulee, got a refill (of course), and i only ate a small portion of the tiramisu. I just couldn't do it. BUT i still got a to go box to take home my barely touched tiramisu, that i just finished while typing this post. ahhh....

Are you keeping track? That makes 7 to go boxes.

What turned out to be a simple dinner out where we shared everything because we are watching what we eat and being super healthy these days turned out to be a gorge-fest where we ordered multiples of each course in order to receive REFILLS to take home.

Only in America, right?!?!

Recent fun-ness.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

SHAME on me and my lack of blogging! I know everyone (hi dad) who frequents my blog has been anxiously awaiting a new post. Here are a few highlights from some recent fun-ness at the Hufford house the last few weeks....

Last weekend we went to Conner Praire for the opening of 1859 Balloon Voyage exhibit. If you live in our city, you know what a gem Conner Praire is in our community. As CP members we were excited to head over for the opening of the Balloon Voyage exhibit.

We were also excited because someone else was going to be there....

I love how Jonah is eye-ballin' George here. (not going to lie. After a recent trip to Disney, I can totally tell the difference between "Disney trained characters" and all others. Someone had to lead George out and he (or she since i saw a pony tail hanging out behind his head) just stood there. Not knocking on George, i'm just saying. But my sweet son did not notice at all, he was smiling ear to ear to get upclose to "George Balloons".)

We then played on the playground, lounged in the grass, ate from an over-priced pulled pork stand, and then... the big moment....

Our voyage 300+ feet up in the air in a (teathered) balloon! So fun (and yes it's safe, both kids rode). What a great spontaneous morning and afternoon!


Now that it's summer a MUCH ANTICIPATED activity in the hufford house is Strawberry picking! The kids have gone TWICE ! My friend Heather taught me how to make Strawberry jam, so our freezer is stocked up!

Last year she was too small to help, certainly too small to eat the goods, but this year - she was all about it. Picking, eating, (stems and all). My little shortcake, as sweet as strawberries!

Jonah was an expert strawberry-picker last year and proved to be the same this year. He was however more speedy and learned to pop the stems off this time. And still calls them "straw-bears"

I just *heart* this picture! (Can't help but think, "The fruits of the Spirit is love....." Gal 5:22)

Hoping to create some fun summer memories and traditions for our kiddos!


One final thing- i won my first blog giveaway!!!!! I won this cute ring here.

I love Stephanie's blog- talented scrapper and such an inspiration as she is with her two small girls while her husband is in Iraq!!!!

That's all for now- check back soon for more fun pics on the way! I promise to not be a stranger :)