No Snap, Crackle, or Poppin' over here!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Good news! My foot is not broken! Wow, that is such a relief considering I had no clue how i injured it. I can now withdraw my application to be the next Boniva poster child.

I must have just rolled it wrong doing who knows what, and now have to wear a hard soled shoe for a few weeks. i think all of this qualifies for a trip to DSW, don't you?

Have a happy wednesday.

My Foot

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Are you ready for a good one?

Sunday morning as i was getting ready for church, i had a horrid pain in my right foot, right under my pinky toe. It was so tender and it literally felt like a bone was broken. I told Todd my foot was killing me, and soon the pain was gone. Ok, whatever... go on with the day. So the afternoon rolls around and i look down at my foot and it is bruised and swollen where the pain was! What the heck!? Note picture above. With the camera flash you can't really see the bruise in all it's glory, but it's there. Sunday evening- pain was back. This keeps occuring on and off. Per Todd's advice i saw my doctor about it... this was actually something i was just going to ignore! Go figure! I always see my Dr over things i think MIGHT be wrong, not real things! HA

Anyway, she thinks it might be broken. well, a stress fracture. I have to go get an x-ray to confirm. The kicker of it all (ha, no pun intended) is that i have no clue how i broke my foot. Did you hear that??? I DON'T KNOW HOW I BROKE MY FOOT. Is that really possible? Who has an injury like this and they have no clue how it happened? Probably someone like a sleep deprived mom of a toddler and 2 month old... which i happen to fall in that category. The only thing i can think of, is I got a pedicure Saturday. Maybe he broke it while doing the foot massage? If that is the case i need to seriously start taking calcium vitamins.

The Goods...

Friday, April 25, 2008

Here are the stats from Jordan's two month appointment (really? already 2 months!?)

weight: 12 lbs 6 oz
length: 23 in
head: 40 cm (again i say, does anyone care about this one?)

Jor got 4 of her vaccines today. She is on round the clock tylenol and i hate it. she seems to be doing okay--no fever yet. this afternoon i was feeding her and she just started crying out in pain... it was awful. i think it's interesting how different my approach is to vaccines this time around. maybe it's because i watched that one oprah show? seriously. ignorance is bliss with your first one. I trust that her Dr would advice the best options in protecting her health but all these crazy things we read always stick in the back of my mind (autisim, reactions, etc). I am trusting God will protect her and His will is perfect for her life. Any other thoughts from my fellow moms out there?

signs of spring

Thursday, April 24, 2008

the weather this week has just been fabulous. finally... nice weather. it seems like it has taken forever. but keep in mind, this IS Indiana... we could have a snow storm next week!

We have spent alot of time outside since it's been so nice, and i have snapped some spring-ish pictures. Jonah seems to be feeling better. The day after the wedding he was fine and has been better every day since... except today he seems a little off (tired & crabby.. until the bubbles came out). maybe it's because he didn't take a nap yesterday? let's hope. he developed some sort of heat rash or something yesterday after mothers day out and jordan has been coughing a little bit. i swear, sometimes i feel like being a mom to a toddler and infant is a guessing game with these kinds of things. I try not to take it to the worst case senario, but of course i do! i am working on that!
Enjoy the weather!

Josh and Stacie are married!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Josh and Stacie got hitched today! Congrats! We are excited to welcome a new Conner Cousie into the bunch. Here is a picture of almost all of us (minus Zack, Clay, Alaina, and Alex) at the rehearsal dinner friday night. It was a beautiful dinner at Carnegie's in Greenfield. Gotta visit that place again!

Today was the wedding and it was lovely. We had an eventful ride to the wedding in New Castle... Jonah threw up twice in the car. Yikes. Thankfully, Nikki was with me and was a huge help (todd was already at the church because he was a groomsman). And also, THANKFULLY jonah was not wearing his suit in the car, so he had something to wear when we got there. My poor little man. Pray for him if you think of it... i hate that he is sick! (while you are at it, pray jordan stays healthy too). He had this bug 2 weeks ago and apparently it's really going around and reoccuring in kids! Yuk! Anyway, that's why i don't have a picture from the wedding today. i had my hands full with a sick jonah and my little jordan-- she did really well.

Dirty Dishes.

Friday, April 18, 2008

This last month i have learned to appreciate the everyday applicances that i so take for granted. It's amazing... in the last month, we have had to replace our washer and dryer, get a new fan on our furnace (thus experiencing no heat during a night where it was below freezing), our baby swing started smoking and was out of commission for a week until fisher price sent us a new one, and most recently, our dish washer went out. Well, really, the bar at the bottom is black and was letting off a burning smell.... not a good sign.

This afternoon i was hand-washing the dishes and i couldn't help but remember that this is what my grandma and grandpa did every single night together. I can still picture them together -- one washing, one drying-- talking to each other about the days events! They used their own two hands and had quality time together over the dirty dishes. And right now, I am thinking of this very thing as a nuisance, when it was just normal for them. Wow, i take things for granted big time. Sometimes God kindly reminds us of all we have... especially when something "big" like a dishwasher goes out. sheesh. And really, this isn't a big deal at all.

So... i guess this sunday we will be taking a family trip to HH Gregg to pick out a new dishwasher, but in the meantime i will remember how thankful i am for all God has given me.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

My mom is going crazy. Every time i see her, she is giving me another hat she knitted for jordan. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE THEM. Proof: check out this picture.

Actually, I love them so much, I think she should start her own little business. She thinks I am crazy, but I am out to prove her wrong. What do you think? I think people would pay good money ($15?) for a precious little hat like this. Every time she wears a hat we get tons of compliments. It doesn't take her a long time to make.... If you have a chance leave a comment and tell me your thoughts! (below is another one of Jordan's newborn pictures by Carpenter Photography . She is wearing one of mom's knit hats. And my mom knit the blanket too!)

Jordan at 5 weeks

Friday, April 4, 2008

This past monday we went to the doctor for Jordan's one month checkup (she was a day shy of 5 weeks though!) She is growing beautifully! Here are the stats:

10 lbs 14.5 oz
22 inches long
head 38 cm (does anyone really care about that?)

Good job, my sweet little girl!

And don't forget about little Jonah James! Right now Todd's dad is visiting, and jonah is having a BLAST with Pappy. He even requested Pappy to change his diaper (i know what you are thinking, if you are requesting someone in particular to change your diaper, maybe time to start potty training? Really, he just pushed nikki out of the room for his diaper change - poor nik- ... so it wasn't as formal of a request as i am making it sound!) We went to the Children's Museum today and Pappy and Aunt Nikki babysat yesterday morning while Jordan and I went on some errands. More pics to come!

It's been a good day.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Today has been a great day---
  1. Last night I fed Jordan at 11pm and she didn't wake up to eat again until 4:30 am! Yes! I don't know if that will happen again, but i am thankful to get a long stretch of sleep last night.

  2. Jordan smiled at me for the first time this morning.

  3. Jonah has been a good boy for me today (for the most part;)

  4. It's sunny and beginning to look like spring!