Friday, June 9, 2017

How is it possible that it's been OVER a year since I have written on my blog?  It's also been almost a year since I have sat down and scrapbooked(!!).   I really don't know where to begin other or how to jump back into things or where blogging might fit back into my routine.... but I would love to revisit my blog home and share stories again here.  And what better time to blog than at the beginning of our favorite season- SUMMER!

One of the many NEW things over the last year is our frequent visits to Florida, as we now have a little place in Largo, Florida (near Clearwater Beach area.)  If you follow me on Instagram you have probably seen many of my Florida photos over the last year.  And HEY- bonus is that Disney is only 1 hour and 15 minutes away!

So to celebrate the start of summer I wanted to share a layout i made awhile ago, but haven't shared yet (feels so good to scrap again):

We can't wait to get back into this ocean very soon!!!!!

I created this using Elle's Studio's Summer line from 2016- Sunny Days

Thanks for swinging by after all these months!!!!  Happy Summer!

Spring Break in Photos

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Early last week we returned from a wonderful Spring Break!

Our Spring Break this year was a little different than the norm.  Todd had to a new software program that rolled out at his work on the DAY Spring Break started (womp! womp!)  I knew months ago that he would not be able to join us until later in the week, so... I made it a friends week and my good friend Elle (yes, Elle's Studio) flew out to hang with me and the kids at our Florida digs!     Here are a few pics from our week.

We had fun showing Elle our favorite beach ever, Clearwater Beach!

My shell collector.  She spends lots of time looking for shells then washes and cleans them when we get back to the house.

While at the beach three manatee swam right by us- it was awesome! (and yes, Jonah began singing "Barbara Manitee")
We had a little side trip up our sleeve- a few nights at Disney!
Absolutely LOVED the Polynesian.   Our room looked out at the castle.  Completely  spoiled here!

 Morning at Animal Kingdom!

Best lunch ever-- at Yak and Yeti.
 The night is young--- headed over to MK.
Be our guest!
she didn't last long.  2 parks in 1 day-- she's out!
BOOM!  exiting Be Our Guest right when the fireworks began.

 Day 2: Hollywood Studios!

We had so much fun showing Elle "the World"!
With the main man himself!


lapu lapu at the Poly poolside.
We watched the fireworks from our hotel room the second night.   Totally spoiled!
Third day- checking out but still heading to the park. 
Best character interaction on our trip-  the Mad Hatter was a nut!

Dole.Whip. need i say more?

What a fun trip we had!  We headed back from Disney on Thursday and Todd arrived Friday night in Tampa.   It's amazing how few photos I took once we left WDW!  lol!  isn't that the way it always is?  I have tons more photos but these were just a few of my favorites. I'll be sharing my album here as well!    

Thanks for swinging by today!

Project Life | Documenting a Fuller House Birthday

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Hey everyone!  Today I wanted to share a new Project Life spread I created to document Jordan's birthday.

Jordan's birthday was in late February, and also coincided with the release of "Fuller House".

Let me stop right there.

Full House was MY JAM as a kid.  I pretty much thought I was DJ Tanner.  My family religiously watched Full House together every Friday night for TGIF!  Such great memories!

Knowing Fuller House was on the horizon, I decided to bust out the DVDs of Full House this past January and show Jonah an Jordan for the first time.  They were OBSESSED, just like their mama.

So in anticipation of the premiere I bought all of us shirts:

My friend Tiffany made Jordan a "Full House" cake (complete with favorite sayings):

And then we all went to the basement and watched the first episode of Fuller House (two thumbs up and i cried like 100 times):

And then I binged watched the rest of the series for the entire weekend.

So needless to say, this was an important event to document!  Jordan's Fuller House birthday!  Here's a look again at what I came up with:

I used a 9x12 (12 square) page and added an assortment of photos, journaling, acrylics, and ephemera)

The majority of this spread was created using Elle's Studio's Little Moments Collection and the Elle's Studio March 2016 Exclusive Kit.  I dug out the Sycamore Lane Collection and found the "Home Sweet Home" card (a nod to Kimmy Gibbler) and the house cork piece.   And how awesome is the "Did somebody say... Wood?" card?   You can find that card in the March 2016 Kit... perfect for Full House quotes!

I added her age with our Vellum Numbers and also included a candle that was on her birthday cake.  The alpha stamp I used was our Jonah Alphabet Stamp (i have a special love for that one!:) I am really pleased with how the spread turned out! 

Now... When is Fuller House Season 2 going to be released?????    Thanks for stopping by today :)

Project Life | Girls Florida Trip

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Last month I had the wonderful opportunity to travel to Florida with Jordan, and my dear friend Melody and her daughter Claire.  It was the perfect "girls" weekend!

We had the best time and managed to even sneak in a surprise Disney day trip!   I documented this trip in a spread for Jordan's album.  Here's a look:

There were so many photos and stories to tell, that I decided to add an insert using a trimmed "Design A" pocket page.

Our first day (and warmest day) consisted of a trip to the beach (Mel and I still had sweatshirts on!) and a Target run to get all of our groceries.  The girls loved having matching PJs and Babysitters Club books (oh the memories!)

On the back side of the insert you can see the beginning of our Disney photos and memories.  Cutting it down to a few photos is DIFFICULT (coming from the girl who creates massive Disney albums!)  (oh and PSSST if you are headed to the House of Mouse soon, check out my Big Picture Class, Document the Magic | Photos and Keepsakes, and Document the Magic | Album for tips and tricks on how to capture those exciting moments).

Project Life | 2016 Cover Page

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

 Today I wanted to share my cover page for my 2016 album.

It's hard to believe a New Year is upon us!  I finally got to work (we were really busy over the holidays: see my sister got married post) and created my cover page for 2016 using Elle's Studio's January 2016 Kit

Honestly, I have not yet put together a game plan for how I will document 2016. I took a more laid back approach since this past summer and it has worked really well for me (most of these pages have been shared over at Elle's Studio, but not here yet!).  I will likely stick to that plan and see where it takes me.  2015 was an incredibly busy year for my family (2 weddings!) so I may document more than I did last year, we'll see how it goes!   There is relief however in knowing I don't need tons of photos for every.single.week.  It's just where I am at the moment.

One of my favorite elements of this spread is the acrylic Adore You piece by Elle's Studio.  It didn't completely fit in my pocket so I trimmed it and attached at an angle.   I love it!   The Vellum Hearts pull in many colors.

We had a family photo session in the fall with one of my favorite people ever, Melody Carpenter.  I used four favorite photos, and printed all but one in black and white.  The perfect way to begin 2016.

Happy New Year!

Products used:  Elle’s Studio January 2016 KitAdore You AcrylicElle’s Studio November 2015 KitVellum Hearts, Letter and Number Stickers- Red2016 Calendar 3×4 Tags

My Sister's Wedding

Sunday, January 3, 2016

On New Years Eve my sister Annie got married!!!!

2015 was a HUGE year for my family, both of my siblings got married this year-- and only 8 months a part.  We feel so blessed!  We are so happy for Annie (my sister) and Ryan, and Ben (my brother) and Alyssa.  It made for a wonderful, FULL year of many celebrations!

The day of the wedding I took few photos.  I wanted to step away from the camera and really take it all in (and it helps knowing one of my best friends Melody was the photographer--- i knew she would capture it all :)  Some of these I took, some were sent to me, and some I stole off of Facebook!  ha!   I was Annie's matron of honor, and Jonah and Jordan were flower girl/ring bearer.  It was a wonderful day!

Annie's bouquet and flowers were incredible!  White and very pale pink with gold and silver accents- perfect for New Years Eve! 

The ceremony and reception was held at the Mill Top Banquet Center.  All i can say is WOW.  We had the whole place to ourselves.  We had a HUGE bridal suite on the rooftop (multiple salon chairs, TVs, couches, pool table, air hockey, kitchen, bathroom--- everything).  The ceremony began at 7:30pm.  We got here at noon for hair and makeup and just being together.

 I LOVE this photo of Jordan watching Annie getting ready!  (PS isn't her dress beautiful?)

My sister-in-law Alyssa and I.  We had so much fun together this day!

Annie and her bridesmaids.  Hands down, the most fun group of girls.  We had a GREAT time together!

The ceremony was very special.  Ryan's dad officiated the ceremony and we felt the presence of the Lord in the words he shared with us.  Something I will never forget!

The newly married happy couple!

At the reception I had to grab a selfie with my sis and new brother!

My friend Tiffany made this cake... are you kidding me!?  AMAZING!

Both of my kids made it to midnight!  One was in her jammie's and the other one was tearing up the dance floor.  It was so fun to have my dear friend Jennifer and her husband Chad with us that night-- they were celebrating their 10 year anniversary on NYE!

 Had to grab a photo with these two!  Two of my best friends!  Melody was the photographer at the wedding and Jennifer was Annie's bridal coordinator.  I can't express how fun it was to spend the day with them!  (and they both calmed me down before my toast! :)

Jonah and Jordan had a little surprise up their sleeves.  When the wedding party was announced, and their name was called, they ran out in full Star Wars costumes and had a little light saber battle.  It was HILARIOUS!

My beautiful little flower girl.

Todd and I at the reception.  Feather head band: nailed it.

She partied in her nightgown!  :)

^^^ 60 seconds until 2016.  I just love this photo.  Soon a balloon drop and more dancing and celebrating would follow.  Best New Years Eve ever.

Thanks for stopping by!  Happy New Year!