Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What's going on in my world...?

A lot of angst mostly. Work related, of course. But that's not fun writing or reading so...

New TV obsession: Stargate: Atlantis. Hubby started watching this show several weeks ago; my watching was hit or miss. And then all of a sudden it was more hit than miss and Major John Sheppard played by Joe Flanigan started to grow on me. So I have started watching from the beginning.

Ongoing TV obsession: The BBC's Robin Hood and Jonas Armstrong. This fandom is my escape and fun. I play there with fellow fen and have made some nice online connections.

What keeps me busy: aside from work, I keep busy with my trumpet playing, band marching son. Going to his events and finding great enjoyment in listening to the band play. There are several talented kids and it's such a joy to listen to them play. Plus I help out the band director when I can, which seems very little. She's on her own this year and having to carry the program almost exclusively on her own shoulders, bless her heart. I wish I could do more, but since I do have to work, I just can't.

When I'm not being a band groupie or wife or mother, I write. For fun and not so much profit, at least not monetary. But writing is my creative outlet (which has taken many forms over the years) and it has brought many wonderful relationships my way. Some are now over, but many continue and no longer depend on the thing that brought us together in the first place.

What're your creative outlets?

Friday, September 10, 2010

I'm late, I'm late...

Well, not so much late as behind. I'm about 5000 words in the hole, and the days in which to make them up and reach my goal in full are dwindling. Tonight, though hubby may be visiting his mother, will find me at the high school football game watching my boyo play/march during half-time instead of at home banging out words. A mixed blessing. I'm looking forward to seeing boyo officially play, but I would really love to have the house to myself. Ah well...

And tomorrow is filling up fast, too--boyo has to march/play in a parade. Before he's due at school at 10am, he needs a haircut. Bad. And before that will probably be a trip to the Super WalMart for the new xBox game he's been asking for (in lieu of all the allowances I owe him). My day is looking to start at 8am. Argh... I may just have to get up at five or five-thirty in order to get some extra writing time in. Usually, I sleep in till six on Saturdays and Sundays.

But at least I'm writing...right?

What are you doing?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

All wet!

Tropical Depression Hermine as wrought havoc up and down my state, at least in rainfall, if not in other ways. It has been raining since yesterday mid-morning pretty much without ceasing. There was a lull around two pm yesterday afternoon when I walked to the post office, but it was actually still raining. There were a handful of tornado watches and a few tornado warning last evening (and that's just in the DFW area). And, as you can guess, with the amount of rain and the speed in which it is falling, there are flash flood warnings and watches up and down the state as well.

Our office was shut down this morning for about an hour and a half as we discovered water in our fuse box! We called the business park for someone to take a look and they basically said we were okay now that the water was drained but that they couldn't really do anything until the rain stopped and everything dried out. Great; so in the mean time, we just hope the electricity doesn't arc and fry the building.

I was hoping I'd be sent home for the day, but we were given the go ahead to power the PCs back up. So here I am. Blogging. :) I'll get to work soon...maybe...

Friday, September 3, 2010

How about those Cowboys?

The Dallas Cowboys, that is.

Last night I worked a concession stand at the brand-spankin'-new Dallas Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, Texas.

First let me say, thank goodness they move to Arlington! The new stadium is a hop, skip and jump down the highway from my house. A blessing indeed at 11PM when you are utterly exhausted. We arrived at 2PMish to get the stand set up. It's not really a stand, per se, but most of you have been to professional sports venues--yeah, we were in the one of those beer, burger, hot dog selling stands built into the facility.

That was an experience and I'm still too exhausted/sore to gather my thoughts about it at the moment.

But in case you were wondering why I was there...working the stand on behalf of the band boosters for my son's band. The contract with the Dallas Cowboys is their main source of income each year.

Anyhow, it was just an exhibition game,but the Cowboys won against the Dolphins.

And since my efforts were in support on my son--who, by the way, was chosen "Bandsman of the Week" at the game he attended/marched at last night. It was announced over the P.A., too... *big momma grin* I wish I could have been there for that!--here is the video of his band playing a part of their competition program as promised.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Football and Marching Bands

Last night hubby, DD (that's darling daughter, remember) and I went to see sonshine in his first marching performance. It was just for family to show us what they've been doing and what they've learned. I did take my camera and I do have pics and video, but (alas) I left the camera cable at home. So video will have to wait until tomorrow. (Sorry, Mom.)

His first real public performance is Thursday at a football game in Dallas. And I have to miss it. Hubby said he would go to show familial support. And where will I be you ask????

DD and I (and others) will be at the brand new Dallas Cowboys stadium dishing up hot dogs and cold beer on behalf of the band. Our band booster has a contract with the franchise and this is how they earn the bulk of their annual operating capital--somewhere around $15K to $17K. And if we work the Super Bowl in February, that'll be another $2K just for one event. Holy marching bands, Batman!

Video tomorrow, I promise.