Showing posts with label Patterns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Patterns. Show all posts

Monday, July 08, 2013

Make it Happen

My head is always full of ideas. It seems as though I'm never at a loss for great ideas. Implementing those ideas is what I have a problem with. I don't know why. I suppose it's the procrastinator in me. I'm a great one for putting things off until tomorrow (or next week, next month, etc...) But great ideas are only good if you actually make them happen. Guess I need to work on that part.

Last week I started Mary Ann Moss's new e-course called SEWN (see previous post). 
We worked on creating patterns, which we will later turn into fabulous creations! It's rather fun - kind of like doodling. Here are a few I created using my ipad and the Procreate app:

Signature w/rose
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