WordJong To Go

WordJong To Go

Play this one of a kind Mah Jong game spelling words on the board!
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5
Used by 431 people

As you could guess from its name, Word Jong to Go is a Mah Jong like game with a little twist. In this game the Mah Jong tiles are letters, and instead of creating pairs as in a regular Mah Jong game, here you will have to spell words with the available letters in the board.
Everything else is pretty much the same than a regular mah jong game. That is to say, the game is organized in a board of tiles which are piled up in a certain way. The only tiles available to be used are the ones on the top of the pile, or what is the same, without any tile on them.
The longer the word you spell, the more points you get so give it a deep look to the board. The game offers three modes to be played, so we are going to briefly describe each of them:
- Link Mode: in this mode you will be spelling words but each time you input a correct word and submit it, you won’t be starting from a scratch for the next one. The last letter of the previous word will have to be the first letter on the next word.
- Classic Mode: in this mode you just spell words with the regular rules of mah jong.
- Play Versus Mode: here, you’ll be playing against a virtual opponent played by the computer. The difficulty level is represented by the opponent’s age. So if you choose to play against a child, it would be the easy mode. Each time a player has to play, he can either spell or pass (if he can’t find a word). At the end of the game, when the board is cleared, the player with more points is the winner.
When you enter the game, you reach the Main Menu, with the following options:
- Play Link: to start playing the game in this mode.
- Play Classic: idem.
- Play Versus: idem.
- Change Player: you can create several profiles to share your game with family and friends.
- Options: you can set the music volume, sound volume, and full screen, among many other options.
- Exit: no further explanation required.
You can try this game for 60 minutes before you buy the licensed version. If you like it, you can buy this game for only 19.95 dollars, right from the Oberon Media Game Center, on the Web. There is an online trial available as well.
About system requirements, here’s a list for you to check out:
- Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
- Pentium II 350MHz processor
- 128MB RAM
- 3-D accelerated video card
- 16-bit color
- DirectX 6.0 or later

LM Senior editor
Lionel Mira
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • It’s easy to learn how to play
  • It’s sold for an affordable price
  • You can choose from different game modes


  • Only available in English
  • It’s not a multiplayer game
  • Use on network is not supported

Comments (1)

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Love this game. Now, show me where I can buy it and get off-line to play it!

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