Unity versions

Create graphics using one of the world's most powerful 3D engines
Aug 1, 2023
Jun 4, 2023
Sep 15, 2021
Apr 10, 2021
Nov 14, 2020
Jul 11, 2020
Jun 26, 2020
Dec 23, 2016
Sep 16, 2016
Jan 27, 2016
Oct 7, 2015
Jul 8, 2015
Apr 24, 2015
Editorial review
Sep 8, 2014
Mar 5, 2009
May 27, 2009
Oct 4, 2013
Mar 31, 2013
Mar 14, 2013
Feb 13, 2011
Dec 22, 2011
Jul 26, 2011
Apr 13, 2009

What's new

v2022.3 [Jun 4, 2023]
Mono: Added Unity Embedding API to load assembly refs with error checking.
VisionOS: Plugin path "Assets/Plugins/VisionOS/" is now recognized and auto-selects VisionOS as compatible platform.
Android: Fixed detection of Play Asset Delivery support to avoid problems if there is play.core dependency in the project. (UUM-74252)
Asset Bundles: Only call CollectAllSpriteAtlasesAndPack once when building AssetBundles. (UUM-73147)
Editor: Hide a RenderMode field from Light Component in URP and removed related documentation. (UUM-70283)
Editor: Motion Vector pass also filter objects by Opaque Mask. (UUM-72748)
Graphics: Added validation that SetVertexAttribute() streams doesnt create gaps. (UUM-72229)
Graphics: Fixed broken URL for documentation on Texture2D. (UUM-74607)
GraphView: Some Mac keyboard events not having mousePosition in the editor. (UUM-62291)
IL2CPP: Fixed possible crash in fully shared generic code at calls at the generic code generation limit. (UUM-73629)
iOS: Don't symlink .xcprivacy files when "Symlink Sources" build option is selected. (UUM-72375)
iOS: Fixed touches getting stuck when orientation is forced from code while touching the screen. (UUM-53903)
License: Fixed a bug where normal floating communication regarding feature status would generate too many log messages.
License: Fixed a bug where web proxy credentials would not be found when added through a dialog triggered by macOS/Safari after web proxy auto-discovery was enabled.
macOS: Fixed forward and back buttons being recognized as middle button. (UUM-70259)
Mono: Fixed memory leak when validating a SSL certificate. (UUM-72433)
Physics: Fixed a memory corruption for OverlapXCommand APIs where we would end up writing out of bounds into the results array. Effectively corrupting the adjacent memory block, this would eventually lead to a crash, either immediately or shortly after the operation concluded. (UUM-71476)
Player: Fixed possible crash on shut down when custom player loop is set. (UUM-72551)
Prefabs: Ensure Awake is called after SetParent and MergePrefabInstances for all objects on duplicate. (UUM-56488)
UI Toolkit: UI Toolkit foldout interaction enabled on controllers. (UUM-73752)
Universal RP: Fixed an issue with enabling instancing at runtime for a Decal material. (UUM-72363)
VFX Graph: Fixed VFX graph renders the wrong mesh when using different exposed meshes with instancing enabled. (UUM-59091)
VFX Graph: Flickering with VFX using instancing and overriding an exposed texture with an empty texture. (UUM-74322)
VFX Graph: Force culling when VFX rendering is disabled. (UUM-71482)
VFX Graph: Improved how the sleep state is updated for particle systems receiving GPU events. (UUM-73758)
VFX Graph: Wrong mesh rendered with instancing, when using multi mesh output and exposed submesh mask. (UUM-74240)
VisionOS: Consider plugins compatibility even if their .meta files are empty (default import settings). (UUM-72377)

v2022.1 [Sep 15, 2021]
- Editor: Added editor analytics event tracking for "Refresh access" and "New link..." button click.
- Graphics: 3D: [com.unity.template.3d] Defaulting color space to Linear.
- UI Toolkit: Improved TextField performance.
- Editor: Fixed an issue where certain properties could not be excluded in the TextureImporterInspector. (UUM-3787)
- iOS: Fixed a bug with the "Force iOS Speakers when Recording" player setting. In addition, a few other iOS Bluetooth audio bugs were fixed. When starting up with Bluetooth headphones connected, audio output used to play through the built-in speakers (which was an error). The list of available microphones was not always correct when connecting / dis-connecting Bluetooth headphones at runtime. Bluetooth microphone input was really choppy. (1387403)
- Scripting: Fixed an issue where Application.logMessageReceived can be called from a job, when the job is scheduled on the main thread. (UUM-3085)
- Scripting: Fixed an issue where define constraints on unity's pre-defined symbols like "UNITY_INCLUDE_TESTS" were misbehaving for Precompiled assemblies. (UUM-9378)
- UI Toolkit: Improved UI Builder performance when adding a visual element to a project. (UUM-5126)
- URP: Fixed Gizmos in Game View when using Viewports (UUM-7069).
- WebGL: Fixed bug where the rendering canvas wasn't resizing when changing orientation. (UUM-1135)
- Windows: Fixed builds launching on the wrong display after upgrading the project from Unity 2020.3. If the project was previously upgraded to 2021.3, this may cause the builds to start up on a different display first. Use Win Shift Left/Right arrow to move the window to the desired display. (UUM-4178)
- Windows: Fixed resolution misdetection on vertical displays, which caused APIs like Screen.currentResolution or Screen.GetDisplayLayout() return wrong data and the player contain letterboxing when it shouldn't. (UUM-7552)
- Windows: Restore the display enumeration behaviour of Unity 2021.1 and earlier: the primary display will always be treated as display 1.

v2021.2 [Apr 10, 2021]
- Input System: Added support for PS5 DualSense controllers on Mac and Windows.
- Version Control: Added empty state and success message for Pending Changes tab.
- Version Control: Added metrics for Branches tab functionalities.
- Version Control: Added option to "Add to ignore file" in context menu in the project view.
- Editor: Added an Information Entry when the player data is rebuilt with 'Development' checkbox off. The message will be 'Rebuilding Data files because BuildOptions.Development is not set.' (1364982).
- Input System: Improved creating single vs multi-touch touchscreen bindings in the Input Action Asset editor by making both options visible in the input action dropdown menu. Now it's not neccessary to be aware of the touch\*/press path binding syntax. (1357664).
- Scripting: Added TextAsset.GetData that returns a NativeArray view into the data without memory allocations. (1376503).
- HDRP: Depth of Field is now disabled in orthographic cameras - it was using the hidden perspective settings. (1372582).
- HDRP: Integrate a help box to inform users of the potential dependency to directional lights when baking.
- HDRP: Maximum light count per fine prunned tile (opaque deferred) is now 63 instead of 23.
- Input System: When exceptions occur in user code inside of Input System callbacks, the exception message is now printed first and details about the callback second to avoid hiding exception details.
- Package: Updated OpenXR package version to 1.3.0. Full package release notes available here:.
https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/[email protected]/changelog/CHANGELOG.html.
- Package: Updated Recorder package to version 3.0.2. Full package release notes available here:.
https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/[email protected]/changelog/CHANGELOG.html.
- Package: Updated Searcher package version to 4.9.1. Full package release notes available here:.
https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/[email protected]/changelog/CHANGELOG.html.
- Package: Updated Tutorial Framework version to 2.1.1. Full package release notes available here:.
https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/[email protected]/changelog/CHANGELOG.html.
- Version Control: Changed the default metadata columns shown in the Incoming Changes screen.
- Version Control: Removed pinstriping in the Gluon Incoming Changes window.
- Version Control: Removed the "Nothing to download" bar from the Incoming Changes window when there are no items to download.
- Version Control: Updated the alignment of sorting arrows to the right of the column.
- XR: Added SRP batcher support for late latching.
- Android: Fixed an issue where Resource.Load did not work when running universal.apk were created from AAB which was built with Split Application Binary option that was enabled. Note: In universal.apk, Bundletool includes only install-time delivered asset packs, so resource loading can still fail if Unity creates fast-follow delivered core data asset pack. (1363907).
- Audio: Fixed a crash that would occur when removing a custom filter from a game object and then stopping the associated audio source. (1363271).
- DX12: Fixed linear colorspace screenshots being broken when swapchain resolution mismatched with window resolution. (1379073).
- Editor: Fixed an issue where PropertyField methods was not including ReorderableList children by default. (1336112).
- Editor: Fixed an issue where the game view maximized instead of tab being switched when clicking on a tab docked in the same window as the Game View window while in playmode in the Linux Editor. (1350901).
- GI: Fixed rare infinite loop issue when baking reflection probes while shaders were asynchronously compiling. (1376248).
- Graphics: Fixed a crash when PreviewRenderUtility.BeginPreview() was not properly followed by EndPreview(). (1338040).
- Graphics: Fixed a crash when using ray tracing shader passes that are part of a fallback shader. (1369861).
- Graphics: Fixed an issue when changing volume profiles at runtime with a script. (1364256).
- Graphics: Fixed an issues on vulkan library on initialization and on AMD gpus. (1373442).
- Graphics: Fixed serialization of DebugStateFlags where the internal Enum were not being serialized.
- HDRP: Fixed a build-time warning regarding light loop variants. (1372256).
- HDRP: Fixed a crash issue when adding an area light on its own.
- HDRP: Fixed a regression that was introduced in the diffuse denoiser.
- HDRP: Fixed an exception when the user did not set one of the renderers of a given LOD. (1372965).
- HDRP: Fixed an infinite import loop of materials when there is no HDMetaData generated by the ShaderGraph.
- HDRP: Fixed an issue where pyramid blur was being corrupted when hardware DRS was on. (1372245).
- HDRP: Fixed an issue with area light support for hair.
- HDRP: Fixed an issue with mixed cached shadow for area lights.

v2021.1 [Nov 14, 2020]
- Version Control: Added auto sign in when logged into Unity account.
- Version Control: Added Checkin and Update confirmation notification.
- Version Control: Improved load time performance.
- Burst: Updated the Burst Package to 1.5.6. Please refer to the package changelog online here: https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/[email protected]/changelog/CHANGELOG.html
- HDRP: DoF is now using the min depth of the per-pixel MSAA samples when MSAA is enabled. This removes 1-pixel ringing from in focus objects. (1347291)
- Version Control: Simplified and decluttered the UI.
- XR: Updated OpenXR Package to 1.2.8. Please refer to the package changelog online here:
- Android: Fixed a crash when using TouchScreenKeyboard with placeholder text. (1347370)
- Animation: Fixed an issue where the Animator.GetNextAnimatorClipInfo() methods did not return the expected result at the end of a transition. (1317097)
- Burst: Fixed a compiler error that occurred when calling BurstCompiler.CompileFunctionPointer with a delegate type that was decorated with a custom attribute.
- Burst: Fixed the "could not find path tempburstlibs" error message that popping up when building for Android and Burst was disabled.
- Editor: Fixed an issue where there was no support for duplicate component names to UnityEvent selection popup. (1309997)
- Graphics: Fixed a crash with accessing individual pixels on crunch compressed texture. This should now throw an error instead. (1314831)
- GraphView: Fixed an issue where GraphView group did not allow drag and drop of nodes when edges were selected. (1348542)
- HDRP: Fixed an issue where the sky settings were being ignored when using the recorder and path tracing. (1340507)
- IMGUI: When using a Non-ReorderableList, pressing the Delete key on one of the element deletes it from the array. (1335322)
- iOS: Fixed a query of Display native resolution issue. (1342424)
- Physics: Fixed an issue where the Articulation Bodies were not being visualised in the Physics Debugger. (1343929)
- Physics: Fixed an issue where the Physics Debugger was not reacting to filtering settings as expected. (1319356)
- Prefabs: Fixed an issue where Prefab were instantiated with a Prefab asset as parent. (1276785)
- Shadergraph: Fixed an issue where horizontal scrollbars in graph sub windows could not have their lower scroll button used due to being overlapped by the resize handles. (1318614)
- uGUI: Fixed an issue with selectable (i.e. Button) where it was not shown as selected when it was re-enabled until selection was cleared manually. (1342519)
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where a TextureId leak that could occur when a Panel was disposed or when the graphics device reloaded. (1336881)
- Universal Windows Platform: Fixed an issue where C source code plugins failing to get copied to output build folder with executable only build type when the plugin is in a package that's referenced in the project. (1353677)
- URP: Fixed an error where multisampled texture was being bound to a non-multisampled sampler in XR.
- URP: Fixed an issue with terrain hole shadowing. (1349305)
- Version Control: Fixed an SSO renew token issue after a password change.
- Version Control: Fixed an issue wehre view was not switching to workspace after creating an Enterprise Gluon workspace.
- Version Control: Fixed an issue were the contextual menu was not showing up in project view.
- Version Control: Fixed some namespace collisions issues with Antlr3.
- Video: Fixed an issue where VideoPlayback leaked if destroyed while seeking. (1308317)
- Windows: Fixed an issue where SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier was not actually being unique on some Windows 7 machines. (1339021)

v2020.2 [Jul 11, 2020]
- AI: Fix NavMeshAgent oscillates across a point when moving close to edges (1274343)
- AI: Fixed a crash that occured during building Navmesh from multi-floor multi-area-type source. (1273805)
- AI: Fixed an editor crash when a mesh used for baking the NavMesh got destroyed. (1070148)
- AI: Fixed exception when requesting a path with a negative agent type ID. (1278829)
- Android: Export gradle project failing when using custom base build.gradle only the first time. (1245249)
- Android: Fix regression in 180 degree rotation reporting. (1273594)
- Android: Fixed a framebuffer fetch on Adreno issue. (1271787)
- Android: Fixed an issue where draws after indirect draw result in corrupt geometry on Adreno. (1271258)
- Android: Fixed issue when Unity Remote system is unable to connect to Android devices due to incorrect adb executable file path. (1251622)
- Animation: Fixed a crash caused by Avatars in Prefabs. (1278233)
- Animation: Fixed crash when calling SamplePlayableGraph with Custom Playable (1272325)
- Asset Bundles: Fixed occasional graphics job related crash when unloading an AssetBundle that contains Shaders (1264580)
- Asset Import: Fixed "ArgumentOutOfRangeException: StartIndex cannot be less than zero" errors when selecting some specific Models. (1287132)
- Asset Import: Fixed issue where meshes with no material assigned in FBX files are imported with a transparent material. (1290483)
- Asset Import: Fixed wrong pivot conversion when ResampleCurves is disabled in ModelImporter. (1283884)
- Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issuw where previews of assets using SRP were pink when the pipeline hasn't been persisted. (1264676)
- Asset Pipeline: Fixed issue where Assertion failed on expression: 'txn.IsBlacklistEmpty()' was being triggered, due to certain checks not happening before a Refresh was deemed completed. (1247090)
- Audio: In the editor the audio output device is now automatically suspended after a longer duration of inactivity in order to allow the operating system to enter sleep mode. This can be disabled in the audio project settings. (995866)
- Burst: Fixed a bug in LLVM that it would incorrectly convert some memset -> memcpy if both pointers derived from the same memory address, and where one indexed into the 0th element of the pointer.
- Burst: Fixed a failure on linux builds where libdl.so cannot be found.
- Burst: Fixed managed implementation of sub_ss intrinsic.
- Burst: Made math.shuffle compile correctly when non-constant ShuffleComponent's are used.
- DX12: Fixed a crash when executing a CommandBuffer that references a deleted RayTracingAccelerationStructure object. (1296035)
- DX12: Fixed recurring errors in the Console window when using Light Probe mode Off usage and ray tracing. (1291419)
- DX12: Fixed [D3d12 - "Failed to create a heap!"] message when starting editor in D3D12 mode (1284462)
- Editor: C# scripts containing instructions in disabled conditional sections that are located before preprocessor directives are now correctly imported. (1295088)
- Editor: Fixed a crash occurring in the Recent Scenes menu option when a Scene is unloaded in SceneOpenedCallback. (1294937)
- Editor: Fixed a FileNotFoundException issue when using gzip compression for WebGL on Linux. (1268262)
- Editor: Fixed an issue that would result in the Unity Editor Update Check window opened in an incorrect state followed by the Editor crashing. (1285668)
- Editor: Fixed an issue when pop-up windows like Color Picker closed upon clicking them when they were hovered on immediately after opening. (1239613)
- Editor: Fixed an issue where deselecting floating preview window throws null reference exception and GUI errors. (1278192)
- Editor: Fixed an issue where SearchField showed a clear button when passed a null search text string. (1252262)
- Editor: Fixed array element selection being lost after performing undo. (1292456)
- Editor: Fixed array inspector header not opening a context menu issue. (1282685)
- Editor: Fixed issue where scene visiblity/picking didn't work with objects in the DontDestroyOnLoad scene. (1234777)
- Editor: Fixed missing icon size slider in project browser in one column layout. (1295227)
- Editor: Fixed ReorderableList having wrong label/field width ratio
- Editor: Fixed ReorderableList not being correctly indented while defined in serializable classes and structs (1292183)
- Editor: Fixed Script Execution Order Add Item drop-down menu in Project Setings was not opening in the Windows Editor when there were over 1000 items, prevents drop down menu item insertion when system limit was reached instead of preventing insertion above 1000 item. (1265757)

v2019.4 [Jun 26, 2020]
- 2D: Crash in ProcessVertices when applying texture type to Sprite for specific images (1249106).
- 2D: Gameobjects with regular Sprites and Sprite Skin are not added to the same Batch (1248295).
- Asset Pipeline: Fix for a crash in script type hash generation that occurred in a certain type recursion scenario. (1253864).
- Editor: Fixed an issue with Screen Space and World Space Cameras not rendering when frame debugger is enabled for Standalone player (1222579).
- GI: Fixed crash that sometimes occur when loading scenes. (1248769).
- GI: Fixed fireflies artifacts in big outdoor scenes using area lights and directionnal lights in GPU lightmapper (1244336).
- GI: Release temp gpu memory used by progressive lightmapper just before denoising to improve denoisers stability. (1117995).
- Graphics: - DX11 backend no longer crashes if constantbuffer values are being changed with incompatible shader bound (1246991).
- Graphics: Fix crash in culling jobs when intermediate renderers have been deleted. (1241054).
- Graphics: Fix for using a ComputeBuffer as in input after calling SetCounter immediately before the next Dispatch..
- Graphics: Fixed various bugs when rendering into texture2darray slices as well as resolving texture2dmsarray into a non-multisampled texture on Nintendo Switch..
- Graphics: Speed up material property animation binding which occurs when creating GameObjects with animations or timelines. (1200148).
- iOS: fix for Social.localUser.ID returns GameCenterUsersID instead of the new GamePlayerID and TeamPlayerID (1176134).
- iOS: Fix iOS Achievements Callback GameCenter Crash (1087475).
- Linux: Sprite Editor menus function correctly (1252332).
- Package Manager: Fix Parts of the Asset Store login popup are pushed offscreen if the login fails (1202551).
- Physics: Don't declare PhysX as a separate middleware for the purposes of the Nintendo Switch game submission (1248691).
- Physics: Fixed an issue where Cloth components interacting with colliders would behave incorrectly (1219030).
- Physics: Fixed an issue where Cloth components would become bouncy/elastic at the start of the simulation (1253075).
- Physics: Fixed an issue where the Cloth component's particles would inherit residual forces at startup and cause the cloth to behave erratically (1251897).
- Physics: Fixed an issue with the Cloth component's virtual particles being set incorrectly at creation.
- Windows: Fixed build icon's alpha value is not shown correctly (1209971).
- XR: Fix order of single-pass instancing shader variables for gles3 (1187259).
- XR: Update XR Plug-in Management to 3.2.12..
Update Windows MR Plug-in package to 2.2.0. (1253326).
API Changes.
- iOS: Deprecated: Deprecated.
1. UnityEngine.iOS.LocalNotification.
2. UnityEngine.iOS.RemoteNotification.
3. UnityEngine.iOS.NotificationServices.
- Timeline: Updated Timeline package to version 1.2.15.
- Android: Improve performance of constant buffer memory access on Adreno devices when using Vulkan (1248891).

v5.5.4 [Sep 16, 2016]
- Added Animation Window box tool.
- Added support for Microsoft Research Head Related Transfer Function (Spatial Sound) targeting Windows 10 and UWP.
- Native memory allocation profiling in CPU Profiler Timeline.
- New selection highlighting in scene view.
- Option to run Cache Server locally for quick platform switching.
- Added support for BC4,BC5,BC6,BC7 compressed texture formats, and RGBAHalf format.
- Added support for BC4,BC5,BC6,BC7 compressed texture formats, and RGBAHalf format.
- Added support for sending custom data to Particle System vertex Shaders.

v5.4.5 [Jan 27, 2016]
Android: Buildpipe - Added pre-build step that verifies the environment. Check Android device, SDK and JDK before compiling the project and the scripts.
Asset Database: Added a new API for getting asset information without loading asset into memory.
D3D12: Added an error message if trying to ReadPixels from outside the RenderTarget's bounds and return false to ignore the request.
Editor: Improved the tooltip message for Light Probes option in Renderer components.
GI: Added a tooltip in the editor for Light Probes option in Renderer inspectors.
GI: Light Probe Volume - fixed performance issue with LPPV when no Renderers are found in the same game object. Light Probe blending job is much faster now.
GI: Reflection Probes component: Added and updated tooltips.
Graphics: Improved CPU performance when calling lots of Graphics.DrawMesh API with null MaterialPropertyBlock (829800).
Graphics: Slight optimisation of CommandBuffer.DrawMesh and CommandBuffer.DrawRenderer.
Graphics: Updated tooltip test for "Box Projection", "Box Offset" & "Box Size".
IL2CPP: Added an option to link.xml files to ignore missing assemblies.
iOS: Added iPhone 7 and 7 entries to the device enum.
iOS: Added PlayerSettings to specify microphone and camera usage description. Needed for iOS 10 / Xcode 8 compatibility.
iOS: Update Build and Run to work with Xcode 8.
Lighting: Renamed popup menu item from "Default scene parameter" to "Scene Default Parameters".
Substance: Improved substance assets processing when switching platforms, upgrading a project and building.
tvOS: Added "Require Extended Game Controller" option to player settings.
VR - Updated Oculus plugin to version 1.8.

v5.1.3 [Apr 24, 2015]
Unity 5.1 features a highly-optimized rendering pipeline for VR and AR devices to help you achieve exceptional frame rates, as well as new networking APIs, and our Multiplayer Service with Matchmaker and Relay servers (in preview) for easy multiplatform networked games.
A stable release, beating down over 170 bugs and introducing some significant refactoring including a new unified OpenGL rendering backend.

v5.0.3 [Sep 8, 2014]
- The Physically-based Standard Shader to make your materials look consistent in any lighting environment, cross platform.
- Real-time Global Illumination, built on Geomerics Enlighten technology.
- The Audio Mixer, to massively improve audio in your game.
- HDR Reflection Probes to enhance visual fidelity.
- PhysX 3.3 to bring massive performance improvements to 3D physics.
- Major updates to the animation system.
- WebGL preview.

v4.3.4.96603 [Oct 4, 2013]
Happy days are here again – yes, we’ve just added a whole raft of new and exciting features to your favorite game engine.
In this release you’ll find our much-anticipated 2D toolset, some truly stunning Mecanim features, MonoDevelop 4.0.1 (we knew you’d be pleased to see that one), lots of major Windows Phone 8 and Windows Store Apps features, Plastic SCM integration for your version control pleasure and tons of optimizations.

v4.2.2.78157 [Mar 31, 2013]
- Windows Store Apps, Windows Phone 8 and Blackberry 10 deployment
- Tons of great graphics features
- OpenGL ES 3.0 API support
- iOS crash reporter
- Build and run cancellation
- Perforce integration

v4.1.5.67480 [Mar 14, 2013]
Web Player: Secret information can now be injected into a running web player via Javascript, with access to that information controlled by cryptographic signatures. Security.GetChainOfTrustValue can be used to retrieve this secret information, provided that the Security object is called from an assembly whose cryptographic signature is valid and matches the signature passed in when the secret is injected. For further information, see the Manual.
UI: Windows can now be displayed modally using the GUI.ModalWindow call. Modal windows appear on top of all other Unity GUI elements and prevent interaction with all Unity GUI elements not within the modal window while open. Only one modal window can be open during a frame.
DX11: Fixed GPU profiler not working (regression in 4.1).
Fix Crash in libmono.so due to GC_abort.
Fix ArgumentException: Invalid platform target" when trying to switch platform.
Graphics: Fixed Graphics.activeColorBuffer, activeDepthBuffer etc. crash when there's no active render target (regression in 4.1).
GUI: Modal GUI windows are now always on top of all other Unity GUIs, regardless of GUI.depth value.
GUI: When right-clicking on a window, context-menu events are once again being fired properly.
Native Client: Fixed "Development Player" label showing on non-development players.
Shuriken: Fixed an issue where particle rotations were broken.
Social API: Fixed problem loading leaderboard scores in Mac OS X 10.8 GameCenter.
UnityEngine.dll and UnityEditor.dll are no longer signed/strong-named. Compiled assemblies can once again reference the UnityEditor and UnityEngine namespaces.
Web Player: Chain of Trust system now requires signed assemblies to be loaded with new Security.LoadAndVerifyAssembly method in order to be eligible to call Security.GetChainOfTrustValue. Values stored in the Chain of Trust are still only accessible to assemblies signed with the specified public key.
Webplayer: Fixes a bug where using the WWW class in the web player would cause 50ms hiccups for each instance.
Webplayer: Application.ExternalEval and Application.ExternalCall will now properly escape Javascript strings with embedded escape sequences.

v3.4.2.27374 [Jul 26, 2011]
-Editor crash fix
-Android and iOS improvements
-MonoDevelop fix

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