BioDiversity Pro

BioDiversity Pro software is a free statistical package program

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BioDiversity Pro software is a free statistical package program for Windows PC enabling many measures of diversity to be calculated for a dataset of taxa by samples.

The program remains available free from SAMS as it is recognised that it is still useful to many people around the world.

This program received 1 award
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Gustavo Iglesias 4 months ago

I have Windows 7 with OS 64b bits. But I couldn't install the program. Can you help me? Thanks!

shivani Last year

Unable to install in windows 10

Duan Last year

Shivani, Have you solved it? I had the same problem

GS Bhardwaj 7 years ago

Excellent user-friendly software.

Duan Last year

GS Bhardwaj, Excuse me, have you ever encountered an installation failure

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