Android Studio

IDE for Android development that includes tools to build Android apps.


Having a hard time building an android application? Then you should definitely try Android Studio. It is an excellent tool to develop an application for Android devices and is power packed with amazing features which can make a developer’s work easy by leaps and bounds.

Developed by Google, Android Studio has a clean and efficient user interface that does not overwhelm or confuse while working as compared to many of its competitors. The tool also suggests edits as you write code to optimize it and minimize errors. It also has a built-in code compiler for Kotlin, Java, and C/C++ languages and comes with a Visual Layout Editor that can visually design the UI elements which will save you the hardship of writing the XML code for it.

Android Studio also has an APK Analyzer that can track your application’s size even if it was not designed to save space. You can also simulate how your application will work and look like on any Android device using Fast Emulator feature. The Gradle build of this program lets you code a variation of builds compatible with the different versions of Android. Real-time Profiler is a handy tool to keep real-time track of your app’s system performance. Support for third-party plugins is also present and will be of tremendous help to developers.

The only drawback of this software is the space it consumes. Your system should have at least 8GB of RAM for proper functioning. Another drawback is the loading time that the Gradle tool takes so you need to be a little patient with this feature. Android Studio is compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems and is free for download.


  • Multiple tools to develop mobile applications across Android platform and devices
  • Simulate developed applications on different Android versions and devices within the program
  • Powerful code editor that suggests edits
  • Supports Kotlin, Java, and C/C++ languages


  • May slow down system
  • Application is quite big in size and requires good internet connection to download
This program received 2 awards
Android Developers
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Gam 7 years ago

I'l try first. Thanks for sharing this tool.

prasanna 8 years ago

I like this :Yahoo!: