Adobe Dreamweaver Widget Browser

Adobe AIR application to preview and configure widgets using a visual interface.

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If you need an easy way to insert all kinds of professional "widgets" like DHTML menus, galleries, Google maps, or others into your HTML page, the Adobe Widget Browser, together with Dreamweaver CS5, offers this possibility.

You only need to have a (free) account with Adobe Exchange. Browsing for free or commercial widgets and inserting them into your web page is very easy. After installation, you can go directly to the Widget Browser without opening Dreamweaver, and start browsing. You can even store your favorite widgets into "My Widgets" album to find them easily when working with Dreamweaver. At the moment the Widget Browser offers 35 free widgets and hundreds of commercial widgets.
The Widget Browser is well integrated with Dreamweaver CS5; it is easy to find and easy to use. Just open any HTML page in Dreamweawer CS5, click on 'insert', choose 'widgets', and you can choose "My Widgets" or "Widget Browser". The Widgets are all stored with 'presets', which makes it possible to adapt any widget to your needs very easily. The Widget Browser offers also the possibility to adapt the source code of any free or commercial widget. The Widget Browser makes of Dreamweaver - an instant web page builder - and helps you to design your own unique web page using professional components.


  • Easy to use with professional results in seconds


  • Only for implementation into Adobe Dreamweaver CS5
This program received 4 awards
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Adobe Systems Incorporated
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Guest 10 years ago

Now deprecated by Adobe, the widget browser leads nowhere. Their alternative is Adobe exchange but this is nothing like the widgets used to be and very few items are free. There is now no easy way to add widgets through Dreamweaver without understanding Java and coding yourself. Shame on Adobe.

planetx 13 years ago

Best tool on the market