Proximity 1.5

Free Run AppleScripts based on the proximity of your Bluetooth enabled devices.
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1.5 See all
Free   55.6 KB
Open source
Used by 43 people
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Proximity allows users to execute AppleScripts based on the distance between a Bluetooth device and their own computer. With this tool, you will be able to run a specific script each time you come close or distance yourself from the computer. Considering the number of mobile devices that include the Bluetooth technology (phones, laptops, digital cameras), Proximity should appeal to a wide range of users.

The application automatically runs a script if the Bluetooth device is out of range or in range of the computer where it is installed. It monitors the availability of such devices based on a manual time input. I have tested it with a mobile phone and it works quite nicely in both scenarios. However, this works best with just one device connected. If you own multiple Bluetooth devices, you must manually enable them before using them. In addition, there is no ability to pair a device with the out of range / in range scripts; this would save time and automate the process of running a script.

Proximity's potential is quite promising; you can, for instance, synchronize your phone content each time you come in range of your computer or automatically shut down applications each time you go out of range. The downside is that it currently includes no predefined actions, so you must create or look for AppleScripts yourself.

RS Senior editor
Rory Shaffer
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Video and screenshots (7)

Review summary


  • Control computer behavior through Bluetooth proximity
  • Menubar integration
  • Custom device monitoring interval


  • Only works for AppleScripts

Comments (1)


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Won't run on Sonoma currently, says it needs updating Sad

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