Weekend Cat Blogging


I may be done with the carnival but not Weekend Cat Blogging. Here too I am hosting for the last time as Weekend Cat Blogging will cease to be, sad. So let’s go out with a bang. Leave your links in the comments and you’ll be added.

Check out these recent PAWS graduates who got forever homes for the holidays way to go!

Sun puddles and fish, no wonder Luna is content. I especially like the licking pic, yum.

Mog has been getting Christmas cards, even got one that looked like me sort of but prettier. I like the sentiment too.

That’s all this weekend, sorry so late. Mog was busy all weekend with parties and babysitting. Lucky her. Amar and Luna are hosting next weekend.

Weekend Cat Blogging

weekend cat blogging

Welcome to another Weekend Cat Blogging. I don’t post much being dead but I do get the honors. Leave your links in the comments and you will be added. Thanks.

A clever shot of Maxwell’s kitty hand, no claws extended here.

Luna plays with an Angry Bird. 😆

Samantha misses Mr. Tigger. It’s always saddest when they just disappear. And Mr. Tigger was so loved in the Cat Blogosphere too.

Coco looks lovely under the fig tree. She has the most interesting reason for liking the tree too. Totally logical.

That’s all for this week, thanks to those that entered. Next week’s hosts are Pam and cats at Sidewalk Shoes.

Weekend Cat Blogging


Sorry up late, Mog failed to check until now, something about a crashed computer. Leave your links in the comments and you’ll be added.

Faraday is looking mighty pitiful all by his lonesome on the shelf. Come play with him.

Tuxedo Gang Hideout has a tribute to Beau, one of their original members and a handsome cow kitty. I should know seeing as we’re in the same place and a handsome cow kitty myself.

Samantha, Clementine and Maverick are having a lazy Sunday which I’d have myself if I weren’t enjoying all my new friends here. The Bridge is a happening place.

It’s Black Cat Appreciation Day over at Animal Shelter Volunteer. I’m all for that. So’s Mog. I bet even Luna would go for that too.

Thanks all, there’s still time to add a cat. Next week’s host is  Judi, Jules and Vincent.

Weekend Happenings

My girlfriend Sally, who I miss terribly, is hosting Weekend Cat Blogging this weekend. Seventh Anniversary too.

And my mom Ritzi, the most fractious cat ever, is hosting Carnival of the Cats.

Mog took thousands of pictures of me, one of which is this on from April 17 just a few days before I crossed. Can’t take pics of me here so these old ones will have to suffice.

me sleeping

Hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend especially Sally. Life is fleeting so enjoy the simple pleasures before crossing over. Many kitties await their humans here.

So now Mog leaves to go pet my mom. Or chat about us angel kitties, one or the other. The chatzy room is open.

Weekend Cat Blogging


Is here. Mog checked finally, duh! Slow human. My excuse, I am over the bridge. Did you know they have the most beautiful flowers here? And I can’t destroy them rolling either. Leave your links in the comments and you’ll be added.

Happy Seventh Gotcha Day Luna, hope you have many more. Unlike me, who only lived eight years. Such is life in the fast lane. You look absolutely beautiful as always.

Samantha and Clementine show off their pawsome pink tongues to good effect. Lots of tongue shots, great photos.

Ritzi shows off her tummy, which tummy I came out of. She’s been a happier cat without me to bug her, sad but true. She always preferred being only cat. So no new kittens for Mog until she leaves.

She misses me, awww! I miss my Sally too, lots. *nosekissies*

Carnival Of The Weekend Cat Blogging Cats

weekend cat blogging

carnival of the cats

Yes both on the same weekend, a special Easter edition too. Leave your links in the comments, easiest as Blog Carnival is still fubarred. Putting this up early so kitties will know where to submit as if kitties ever submit. Their humans do thou.

Sorry for the lateness, my typist, who doesn’t like my kitty claws on her computer for some odd reason, fell asleep.

Luna enjoys a not so strict passover. Hope the food is cat approved yumminess.

Samantha, Clementine and Maverick celebrate their fifth blogoversary. Here’s hoping they celebrate many more.

Samantha is a total crackup in these funny pictures.

Nerissa got an award, congrats! And I know a bit more about this cute kitty.

Maxie has a new toy box, go check it out. We kitties get into everything.

Cheops is the penultimate hunter, hunting Easter eggs. Go Cheops! Eggs filled with kitty treats are the best.

Elvira announces the winner of her contest, not me as I didn’t know about it. Good job… guess I’d better not announce it, hehe.

Nikita discusses the tough choices their human had to make, for the better IMHO.

Maddie celebrates Easter in her own special way. It takes a monumental effort to hunt the eggs. She should be commended for being so inspired.

That’s it, last one. Happy Easter everyone.

Oops, found a couple more. Sammy, Moosey and family wish us a Happy Easter and there are lots of new kitties adopted.

Next week’s carnival is at When Cats Attack! And next week’s Weekend Cat Blogging is at Kashim, Othello and Salome. *nosekissies* my love.

Fixed Again

Mog fixed the blogs which had all come under attack again. Thank you Pixel & Samba for sending in the link to a disinfecting script! Mog had missed couple files and it cleaned them right up. To celebrate, I piled on Mog. I do that anyway but still. Loving a cat can do wonders.

me, Ritzi and Mog

She’s hosting Weekend Cat Blogging this weekend too, got it fixed just in time.

Weekend Cat Blogging

Happy Valentine's Day

Is here this fine weekend before Valentine’s Day. Sending nosekissies to my Sally. Now if only Mog will make me a special Valentine for me sweetie, I’ll be one happy cat. Oh yes, don’t forget to leave your links in the comments. Want this to be one special WCB.

Luna poses with valentines, sweet and so appropriate. Make mine catnip-filled.

A valentine lounge lizard er cat. That cat sure looks like he’s enjoying himself. Has a big announcement, a must read if you have a blog.

Lots of happy adoptions making for a sweet Valentine’s Day for their furever families.

Samantha and Clementine have made a beautiful valentine for their boyfuriends. Aw comeon Mog, where’s mine?

Lots of cute valentines at Tuxedo Gang Hideout. It’s a contest too, still time to enter.

Want more kitties, there’s still plenty of time to add your links here.

Next week’s host is my Sally and Kashim and Othello. Nosekissies my love.

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Weekend Cat Blogging

weekend cat blogging

It takes a lot to excite me, birds, treats, my Sally and Weekend Cat Blogging. I am not so thrilled at my latest follower who was, quoting, “I am a professional independent tattooed SWF 47 wo is looking for a SWM who is also a professional and has tattooes. please follow me.” Obviously, she didn’t look at my profile or my pic as I am a handsome SCM (single cat male) 7 who is neither a professional nor tattooed. I do have nice markings however. I did report the person for spam. I do do that. FYI peeps, I am very attached to a beautiful female cat, my Sally. People just don’t pay attention to facts or cats. So more kitties please. Leave your links in the comments and you’ll be added. Eventually.

Chillaxin’ is good, disappearing not so much. Someone is grounded. Samantha! Best enjoy the sun, even dogs do it.

Purrs to Mom Robyn who keeps getting sick and to you, Mrs Othello, for being such a good assistant helping her with her business.

Somebody has a birthday filled with proper cat stuff. Happy Seventh Birthday Luna and many more. Keep giving her treats and she’ll stay a happy cat.

Eric and Flynn get into a tree war over their favorite toys. And a good time was had by all. I do so love getting in it with my mom too.

Winning awards for taking a survey on pet food, wonder who got the food. Here’s an idea – Daddy Kiril can use the winnings to buy more cat food for Nikita and Elvira.

Nothing like an easy Sunday morning laying around like a proper cat. Maribelle is one smart cat.

I love this, absolutely love this, kissies from my Sally. Many thousands of nosekissies to you, you beautiful kitty you.

Keep sending in linkies.

Next week’s host is Pam at Sidewalkshoes.

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Is a special day as it’s named after us cats. More the point, it is one more day to roll in it and bare my cute little tummy. Full disclosure, the roll wasn’t taken today as it’s all cloudy out. Sides it rained, got my favorite dirt all wet and I don’t particularly like that.

me bare my tummy

What I do like is Sally. OK, I love my Sally and she is hosting Weekend Cat Blogging this weekend. Reason enough to post and send some nosekissies her way. And Nikita is hosting Carnival of the Cats. Next week Mog is hosting it and it’s #400. That’s a lot of carnivals.