Updated Again

Mog updated this site to WordPress 3.7 along with the other sites. I’m still dead btw. No change here. I miss Mog and messing with Ritzi. but so many old and new friends are here, I am happy. I get to spend lots of time with Cece and best part, no cars to run over him here. Sides which being already dead, wouldn’t be a problem if they did.

Everything is glorious here, life in full color like the humans used to enjoy and then some. We can communicate better with the humans too. That is so cool that they understand us better. Not that some humans didn’t do that already, just everything is better here.

And we have a new arrival, Nikita, who has quite the reputation for his earthly pursuits. He has taken well to the afterlife and is his youthful self, no pain whatsoever. No problem with eating either. 😀

I do note that I have been getting email, mostly from Twitter and mostly for growing my business. That’s what litterboxes are for. Someone should tell them I’m dead. Lots of requests to friend kitties, most living but some just as dead as me. No use for Twitter here.


Received in the mail today.


Angel Meowza Cat (@iMeowza), gain more followers by advertising on Twitter. Help others spread the word about you.

The word is dead as in I am dead, thankyouverymuch. One does not tweet much when one is very much dead. Obviously no need to advertise.

Did upset my typist thou.

Twitter And Me

Got an email that I was missed on Twitter, had been negligent there. So what did I find when I logged in aside from a new interface, trending “Happy Birthday Steve Jobs.” Among the tweets is one comparing his Apple to Adam and Eve’s apple in importance, no way says Mog. And reminders that Jobs is dead. Doubt he is following Twitter where he is. Maybe he is enjoying our friends who crossed the bridge.

And that leads me to Our Rainbow Friends, there’s a blog dedicated to their memory beautifully designed by Zoolatry.

Our Rainbow Friends

Add the sidebar tag Mog. In memory of my friend Cece. And my family.

Tweeting Finally

Been a while since I posted or tweeted cause Mog’s iMac was in the shop. It died and Mog got a new one. She did lose a lot of passwords, had to get a new one for Twitter too but I am back. Hope to have pics up soon. She hasn’t tried the new iPhoto yet so hasn’t uploaded any. Maybe tomorrow.

Tweeting Tuesday

I got me a Twitter account, @iMeowza and I got to go to the #pawpawty. It was a great pawty and I made a bunch of new friends. Oh and it’s Tummy Tuesday too sooooo…

me tummy

Me tummy in motion.