Tummy Tuesday On Thursday
Just can’t keep my days straight as they all are good for a roll in the dirt. I do love the dirt. It’s perfect weather for rolling too. Sunny. Cool. Not that cool, 66° out so I’m told. So. No. Snow. This pose is for Sally. *nosekissies* *purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*
Tummy Tuesday
Is I showing my tummy, here after a roll. I also show my tummy when laying on Mog so she can pet me. I got lots of tummy rubs tonight along with scritches and regular petting too. I was in kitty heaven. Just me and Mog, alone, the more better to get love.
Tummy Tuesday
I rolled in it a couple times today so Mog could get tummy shots. Well, that’s not the only reason. I like rolling in the dirt. Here am I performing the stretch and roll maneuver.
And here am I performing the flip and curl maneuver.
It takes practice to perform such skilled acrobatics.