Carnival of the Cats #396

I’m hosting this teeniest of carnivals. It’s still early so hoping for more entries. I’ll even take links in the comments. It works.

me see you

Luna talks and talks and talks with expected results. Works for me too Luna. The results are so mewvelous too.

It’s National Feral Cat Day and meowmeowmans has all the details.

Maddie enjoys a Sunday morning as only a cat can, my kind of activity.

Babeth shares a tale of ferals, adorable kittens and a motorbike accident for their Mistress. Purring for a swift recovery.

My mom, what can I say. She’s still hissy but does love to lie in the sun.

Laying around seems to be a cat thing, Elvira does it too. I approve.

Nikita also highlights National Feral Cat Day with a pic of a possibly feral cat to boot.

And both Nikita and Elvira wish their vet a happy twentieth. Aw, they like their vet. Now wondering how long my vet has been in business, over thirty years I do believe.

Next week’s carnival is at Nikita and Elvira’s. Submit here or email your cats to carnivalofthecats(at) You can even add your link in the comments, I’m not fussy. Still begging too.

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