Carnival of the Cats #304
I Meowza get to host this edition of Carnival of the Cats. Me so excited. Mog’s keeping to my New Year’s resolutions. Oh wait, I didn’t make any. Shame on me. I’m purrfect anyway. She’s upping her PurrFurMance, that’s it.
Boris is napping in a winter wonderland, yeah right! One I long to be in. Oh wait! That’s my fave napping spot.
Elisson delivers both Hakuna and figgy pudding. Such a nice human. However, the pudding doesn’t look much like a kitty treat. Strange dish. The cat I’ll take, pretty kitty.
Kashim is one kitty who has his priorities straight. Smart cat!
Sally is beauty in motion. And when still. And when asleep. And always. *sandpaper kissies*
Mouse is king of the world. Aren’t all cats? OK, maybe no lady cats.
Callie and Mr Jones have a stand off. Wonder what they were thinking. Of course, being terrortorial…
The survey is wrong. Everyone knows it’s we cats who rule. We don’t submit except to carnivals. And that rarely!
Nikita has a word about words, well one word in particular. Cute poems! Warning: drink alert applies to the humans reading this! We’re not really fussy. Much! Just so long as you give us our Temptations.
Clementine fits right in. Of course she does, she’s an orange cat. And orange goes with anything. Especially black and white. Hint Mog!
Poor Frankendrolleke, tiny and cute and sick as a dog. Warning: pic of one sick cat, not for the squeamish!
Luna is a work of art, definitely. There’s something about black cats, they’re both mysterious and beautiful.
I show off what I’m in for. Living with a tot and lots of toys, it’s enough to make a cat a total wreck. I wash my paws off it all.
Mog found a new LOLCat, the fashionista herself. No offense Sally, but that cat knows how to dress.
Maddie does not like the snow, absolutely does not. And it shows. Least she got treats after for her enduring such an awful ordeal. Temptations, yum!
Sanjee wishes Miss Peach a happy purrthday. We do too. Cat is all of seventeen. May she live long and prosper.
Catschka is one curious kitty. Check out the eyes, that expression is priceless. The humans love it.
Thanks for coming all. As always, it’s been fun. I love visiting all the kitties. All done except for late comers. Next week’s host is Meowsings of an Opinionated Pussycat. Submit here or email your cats to carnivalofthecats(at)
Other cool kitty carnivals to enjoy:
- Friday Ark at the Modulator always
Weekend Cat Blogging at The Meezers
Technorati tags: carnival of the cats, CotC, cat