Disappointment from Natalie Portman's first appearance in a TV series
19 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
You know why Malcolm X or Goodfellas are masterpieces Not only that the script is good or the director is capable, because Sepik Lee and Denzel know the world of Malcolm and the Nation of Islam, they have lived the black world of the 60s.

Scorsese knows gangsters well This series had the potential to show the atmosphere of Jews and blacks in the 60s with interesting references But those who made this series, apart from the script, showed a weak representation of a story structure and atmosphere of 60s Baltimore.

The characters were not shown well and the story has no coherence, for example, it was expected that the viewer would feel a peak at the end of the first episode, when Natalie Portman's character finds the body, but the director could not create the rhythm of the story at all.

Maybe the biggest problem of the series is its direction and I don't understand Natalie Portman's acting at all, it's more like a play than a coherent series.
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