Window Nudger Help

Window Nudger Help - move, resize, cascade, tile, drag and hide any application window using simple hotkey combinations.

Window Nudger Help
Window Nudger

I. Window Nudger Explained - General Overview

Window Nudger is all about using user defined key combinations to perform actions on the currently opened window/windows

    - the 'Save' button at the right saves the key combinations and settings from the currently opened tab in Window Nudger

    - the 'Default' button at the right restores the default Window Nudger key combinations and settings from the currently opened tab. If you want to use the default (restored) key combinations you have to press the 'Save' button first

    - the 'Initial' button at the right restores the initial Window Nudger key combinations and settings from the currently opened tab. If you want to use the initial (restored) key combinations you have to press the 'Save' button first. Initial means "from the last time the save button was pressed"

    - the 'Save All' button at the right saves all key combinations and settings from all tabs in Window Nudger so that they can be used

    - the 'Default All' button at the right restores the default Window Nudger key combinations and settings from all tabs. If you want to use the default (restored) key combinations you have to press the 'Save' or 'Save All' button first

    - the 'Initial All' button at the right restores the initial Window Nudger key combinations and settings from all tabs. If you want to use the initial (restored) key combinations you have to press the 'Save' or 'Save All' button first. Initial means "from the last time the save button was pressed"

    - the 'Resize'' button resizes Window Nudger to its original width and height. It is possible to change the width and height of Window Nudger while playing with he application so using this button will return Window Nudger to it's original size

    - the 'Tray' button automatically sends Window Nudger to tray

    - the 'Settings' button shows the settings for the application

    - the 'License' button allows you to register the application

    - the 'Forum' button allows you to go to the application online forum

    - the 'Contact' button allows you to access the application's help files, view the application movies or go to the contact or after install information web page .

a. Main Control Panel

    - the 'Enable Key Listener Accross Applications' checkbox enables Window Nudger to listen for keys even if it (Window Nudger) is not the selected (active) application. You can disable Window Nudger functionalities by unchecking this checkbox followed by a 'Save'.

    - any of the key actions can be called if the 'Key Actions' padlock is locked. The 'Key Actions' pad lock is controlled by using the 'Enable/Disable Key Actions' key combination from the Main Control Panel (picture at the top). The default for this is CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+I.

    - any of the key actions can be enabled/disabled by using the 'Requires Activation' checkbox. In Window Nudger there is an 'Activation Key' (CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+K) to which the 'Requires Activation' checkbox (of every key combination) listens to. For example if the 'Activation Key' padlock is unlocked (disabled) it means that all functionalities which have the 'Requires Activation' checkbox checked will be disabled because these functionalities require the 'Activation Key ' to be enabled but it is disabled.

    - all key actions have an 'Active' check box which can be used to control whether the associated functionality is active or not.

    - Window Nudger can be sent to the Windows Tray using the use defined CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+M key combination. Pressing this key combination again will show Window Nudger.

b.  Position and Size

    - you can specify the units used to move the currently selected window to the left/right/up/down using the user defined key combination (CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+LEFT/RIGHT/DOWN/UP)

    - you can specify the units used to modify the width and height of the currently selected window using the user defined key combination (CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+A/D/W/X)

c.  Cascade and Tile

    - you can specify the starting point for the Cascade functionality: N, N-W, W, S-W, S, S-E, E, N-E and by using two track bars (at the left) you can specify the distance between the windows. The default for the Cascade functionality is CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+E.

    - you can also specify the distance between the windows which are tiled using the two track bars at the right. The defaul key combinations for the Tile functionality are: CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+T (for horizontal tile) and CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+Y (for vertical tile).

d. Drag and Drop / Move To


    - you can drag the current window by grabbing it anywhere inside it and pressing the associated key combination: CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+Z (this is the default).

    - you can hide the currently selected window by dragging it outside the screen boundaries. You can define the position on the screen where the window will be hidden if it is dragged: N-W, S-W, S-E, N-E. You can also specify the X and Y values for how much a window must be outside the screen boundaries if it is going to be hidden.

    - you can drag the current window by its top left corner by pressing the associated key combination: CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+1 (which is the default).

    - you can move the current window to a specified points on the screen and make it a certain width and height by pressing the associated key combination : CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+S. Pressing this key combination again will restore the window to it's original place and size (width/height).

e.  Hidden Windows


    - the Window Nudger application can make it easier for you to hide individual or all windows from the Windows taskbar. Hiding means that the window will disappear from the Windows taskbar and will appear in the Window Nudger -> Hidden Window section.

    - the Window Nudger form will never be hidden because it is the one containing all the other forms which will be hidden. The Window Nudger application can be sent to the Window tray instead.

    - you can hide the currently selected window (except Window Nudger) by pressing the CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+H key combination.

    - alternatively you can hide all opened windows (except Window Nudger) by pressing the CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+L key combination

f.  Messages


    - the "Messages" tab stores messages which appear when certain events occur in the application. For example such an event could be when you want to hide the Window Nudger application but since Window Nudger cannot be hidden there will be a message letting you know this.

g.  Settings

    In the "Application Settings" section you can :

    - specify whether to start or not the Window Nudger application at system start-up

    - specify if the application should automatically check for new versions at startup (the check happens 10 seconds after the application is started)

    - you can also check right away if a new version is available for update by using the 'Check For Newer Version Now'

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