
Help using ColorPro

ColorPro Help

ColorPro - Web Page Screen


    - this window is opened from pressing the "Go New Tab As" -> "WEB PAGE" on a selected URL (in this case http://www.iconico.com/)

    - the right section contains the commands for managing the palettes, selecting the color with which to color the current web site and also the Color Pickers at the bottom with which you can change the colors for the entire palette or only for the selected chip.

    - the top command buttons (Back, Forward, Stop, Refresh, Home, Search, Save HTML and Close This Tab) behave in a similar way with the commands of a browser.

    - use the "From Palettes" button to import existing palettes (from the palettes window).

    - use the "To Palettes" button to send the selected palette to the palette (collection) window

    - to switch to another palette, simply select another palette in the palette combo box


ColorPro - File Screen


    - this window is opened from pressing the "Go New Tab As" -> "FILE" on a selected file which can be anywhere on the computer or on the web (in this case http://www.iconico.com/)

    - the right section contains the commands for managing the palettes and the Color Pickers at the bottom with which you can change the colors for the entire palette or only for the selected chip.

    - the top command buttons affect the HTML source

    - use the "From Palettes" button to import existing palettes (from the palettes window).

    - use the "To Palettes" button to send the selected palette to the palette (collection) window

    - to switch to another palette, simply select another palette in the palette combo box



ColorPro - Image Screen



    - this window is opened from pressing the "Go New Tab As" -> "IMAGE" on a selected image which can be anywhere on the computer or on the web (in this case this is the Google logo)

    - the right section contains the commands for managing the palettes and the Color Pickers at the bottom with which you can change the colors for the entire palette or only for the selected chip.

    - use the "From Palettes" button to import existing palettes (from the palettes window).

    - use the "To Palettes" button to send the selected palette to the palette (collection) window

    - to switch to another palette, simply select another palette in the palette combo box


ColorPro - Palettes Screen



    - this is the window with the collection of palettes

    - you can export/import palettes to and from ACO files

    - you can export/import palettes to and from ColorPro XML files (ColorPro format)

    - simply select the color palette and then press the 'Edit Palette' button to edit the palette in the 'Edit Palette' window.

    - you can make the currently selected palette, the active palette in the 'Edit Palette' window by pressing the 'Make Active' button.

    - the 'System Palettes' tab in this window contains built-in palettes like for example the "All Names Colors" or "Web Safe Colors" palettes.

    - the 'Recycle Bin' stores all palettes which are deleted in the 'User Palettes' or in the 'System Palettes' sections. To completely delete a palette from ColorPro you will have to delete it from the 'Recycle Bin' section.


ColorPro - Edit Palette Screen

color palette has vertical position



    - this window contains several sections:

            - the color palette at the left which holds the color chips. this can change its position between vertical (above picture) and horizontal (below picture) by selecting the arrow button: . After it is pressed, the position of the palette will become horizontal and the button will turn into .

            - the commands for the palette (Arrange Chips, Add Chip, Duplicate Chip, Remove Chip and so on)

            - the three color pickers: RGB/HSL Color Picker, Sliders Color Picker and the Wheel Color Picker

            - the Color History section which holds every color ever selected (for any palette)

    - the 'Save Palette' button saves the palette in the 'Palettes' window

    - the 'Duplicate' button creates a new palette in the 'Current Palette' combo box of this window and also saves the palette in the 'Palettes' window (in the palettes collection).

    - the 'Restore Original' button, restores the original color chips from when the palette was activated in the 'Edit Palette' window


ColorPro - Edit Palette Screen

color palette has horizontal position



    - this is the 'Edit Palette' window having the palette position set to horizontal

    - the 'Arrange Chips' button is very useful in this case to change the color chips position in the color palette    

a. ColorPro Palette - Color Chips Holder

    - this is the ColorPro color palette (the color chips holder) and has a bottom bar showing the color information on hovering or selected chips

    - you can set the color chip width and height using the scroll bars at the bottom

    - you can show/hide the bottom bar (where the color chip information is shown) by using the button at the top left

    - if the "Selection Frenzy" checkbox is checked then you can select colors in the color pickers and the selection will move automatically to the next color chip in the palette. This is especially useful when using the "Sliders Color Picker" in "Sliders" mode: having the "Selection Frenzy" checked you can simply drag one of the sliders in the color picker and a gradient color selection will fill the current palette.

    - right clicking on the color palette (not on one of the color chips) will show the following contextual menu:


    Using the 'Change Palette Render Mode' you can change the render mode for all color chips in the palette. Then viewing and editing a color chip will depend on the current settings in the "ColorPro behavior".

    - right clicking on one of the color chips (not on an empty space in the color palette) will show the following contextual menu:


    Using the 'Change Render Mode' you can change the render mode for the chip (on which Right Click was pressed). Then viewing and editing a color chip will depend on the current settings in the "ColorPro behavior".


b. Arrange Chips Per Row



    - this window allows changing the number of color chips rendered per row

    - this is useful when changing the color palette position from vertical to horizontal and vice-versa.

c. Color Picker

    - this is the ColorPro color picker which can be accessed by using the default CTRL+SHIFT+I key combination (even when ColorPro is not the active application).

    - when the 'Get Color' button is pressed in either of the color pickers, the color will be stored in the Clipboard

d. Magnifier Window

    - this is the ColorPro magnifier which can be accessed by using the default CTRL+SHIFT+M key combination.

    - by checking the 'Colors' checkbox, the magnifier will also show the current RGB, HSL, HEX and WEB SAFE values for the color currently under the mouse cursor

e. Settings

ColorPro Behavior Settings

    - the 'Render New Palette As' settings refers to how a new color chip in the palette is going to be rendered. This can be done as:

            - RGB, for example: 255, 255, 255

            or as

            - HEX, for example: #FFFFFF

    - each of these render modes has settings for how the color chip should be shown (rendered) and edited. So for example its possible to have the following situations:

            - when the palette is rendered as HEX we want to see it as #FFFFFF and also edit it as #FFFFFF. This means that when we double click the color chip to edit it we will be able to edit its color information under the HEX format.

            - when the palette is rendered as HEX we want to see it as #FFFFFF and edit its name. This means that when we double click the color chip to edit it we will be able to edit its name (not the color information).

            - when the palette is rendered as HEX we want to see it as name and edit its color. This means that when we double click the color chip to edit it we will be able to edit its color information (not the name) but we will see its name.

            - when the palette is rendered as HEX we want to see it as name and edit its name. This means that when we double click the color chip to edit it we will be able to edit its name (not the color information) and we will also see its name.

            - the same things applies to palettes rendered as RGB.

    - in the 'ColorPro Behavior' settings tab you can also set the width and height for the color chips which will be added to a new palette. Adding color chips to existing palettes will have their palette's width/height.

Keyboard Settings


    - show/hide the magnifier window using the CTRL+SHIF+M key combination.

    - show/hide the color picker window using the CTRL+SHIF+I key combination.

    - these key combinations work even if another application is active if the "Enable Key Listener Accross Applications" check box is checked

Application Settings

    - the way the ColorPro application is started can be controlled using the "Start on System Startup" check box. If this is not checked then ColorPro will not start automatically at System Startup. If it is checked then you can start ColorPro:

        - Minimized - this will put ColorPro in the system tray

        - Maximized - this will show ColorPro on the screen (minimizing it will send the application to Windows Tray)

    - press the "Check For Newer Version Now" button to check if a newer version for the ColorPro application is available. If such a new version exist then a possibility to open the download page for the newer version is given.

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