Scripture Verse

Ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. Matthew 24:6


Words: John Aikin, in A Col­lect­ion of Hymns and Psalms for Pub­lic and Pri­vate Wor­ship, by An­drew Kip­pis et al. (Lon­don: 1795).

Music: Tal­lis’ La­men­ta­tion, me­lo­dy from Day’s Psal­ter, 1562 (🔊 pdf nwc).

John Aikin (1747–1822)


While sounds of war are heard around,
And death and ru­in strew the ground;
To Thee we look, on Thee we call,
The par­ent and the Lord of all.
Thou, who hast stamped on hu­man kind
The im­age of a Heav’n-born mind,
And in a fa­ther’s wide em­brace
Hast cher­ished all the kin­dred race;

O see, with what in­sa­ti­ate rage
Thy sons their im­pi­ous bat­tles wage;
How spreads de­struc­tion, like a flood,
And bro­thers shed their bro­thers’ blood!
See guil­ty pas­sions spring to birth,
And deeds of hell de­form the earth;
While right­eous­ness and jus­tice mourn,
And love and pi­ty droop for­lorn.

Great God! whose pow­er­ful hand can bind
The rag­ing waves, the fu­ri­ous wind,
O bid the hu­man tem­pest cease,
And hush the mad­den­ing world to peace.
With rev­er­ence may each hos­tile land
Hear and ob­ey that high com­mand,
Thy Son’s blest er­rand from above—
My crea­tures, live in mu­tu­al love!