Scripture Verse

He is risen from the dead. Matthew 28:7


Ernst W. Olson (1870–1958)

Words: Frans M. Fran­zèn, 1811 (Hvad ljus öf­ver grif­ten). Trans­lat­ed from Swed­ish to Eng­lish by Ernst W. Ol­son (1870–1958).

Music: Niels Jes­per­sön’s Gra­du­al, 1573 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Frans M. Franzèn (1772–1847)


The Sav­ior is ris­en,
Light bursts from the tomb;
The liv­ing ful­fill­ment
Of Scrip­ture is come.
Adored by the an­gels,
The Vic­tor comes forth
To claim for His king­dom
The ran­somed on earth.
The seal has been brok­en,
The stone rolled away,
And fled are the watch­ers
In fear and dis­may;
Hell trem­bles before Him.

Light grap­pled with dark­ness,
Death wres­tled with life;
Now light comes tri­um­phant
From out the dread strife.
While death lieth van­quished,
Hope kin­dles again
The torch of the faith­ful
To shine among men.
Ye sor­rowing wo­men
Who hi­ther have sped,
Why seek ye the liv­ing
Today ’mongst the dead?
For Je­sus is ris­en.

Now God in His Heav­en
And man are at one,
The grave is a path­way,
Through Christ, to the throne.
Ye friends that are bend­ing
In grief at the cross,
Now lift your heads glad­ly,
Ye suf­fered no loss.
O flock, scat­tered wide­ly,
Return to the fold:
Thy Shep­herd still liv­eth,
And now as of old,
He lead­eth thee God-ward.

’Mid storms and up­hea­vals
His Church stands se­cure.
The truth of His Gos­pel
Shall ev­er en­dure.
Lo! un­to all peo­ples
His mes­sage shall speed,
Proclaiming ’mid tur­moil
The Lord’s migh­ty deed,
Proclaiming the Sav­ior
Who died for all men,
And, hav­ing aris­en,
Now liv­eth again,
Firstfruits of the sleep­ing.

Then weep not, ye faith­ful,
Yield not to des­pair:
The night soon is ov­er,
The day shall app­ear.
Tho’ earth shall em­brace you
When death lays you low,
The seed of His sow­ing
To har­vests will grow;
And soon shall the Sow­er
Return to His field
With an­gels to ga­ther
Its heav­en­ly yield,
From ev­il tares sev­ered.