Scripture Verse

Go work today in my vineyard. Matthew 21:28


Lydia Baxter (1809–1874)

Words: Ly­dia O. Bax­ter, 1871.

Music: Stan­ford Hu­bert P. Main, 1871 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Hubert P. Main (1839–1925)


Go work in My vine­yard, the Mas­ter says, Go!
The fruit­age is glint­ing with rich, rud­dy glow;
The sun of the morn­ing is now in the west,
The day’s ear­ly glean­ers are faint­ing for rest;
With ho­ly com­pass­ion, and hearts all aglow,
Go work in My vine­yard, the Mas­ter says, Go!

Oh, heed now the call­ing; up, while it is day;
Perhaps, in life’s dawn­ing, thy strength may de­cay;
Then give un­to Je­sus the dew of thy youth,
And seek thro’ His mer­cy, the sun­light of truth;
With ho­ly com­pass­ion, and hearts all aglow,
Go work in My vine­yard, the Mas­ter says, Go!

Oh, haste to the vine­yard; the Mas­ter’s own voice
Has called you to du­ty; He’ll bid you re­joice,
When, safe in His king­dom, on Heav­en’s bright shore,
The fruit­age is ga­thered, and la­bor is o’er;
With ho­ly com­pass­ion, and hearts all aglow,
Oh, haste to the vine­yard, the Mas­ter says, Go!

Forever in glo­ry the faith­ful shall sing,
Our day’s work was giv­en to Je­sus our king;
And thro’ the rich full­ness of faith in His love,
The vin­tage is ga­thered, and gar­nered above;
We entered the vine­yard with hearts all aglow,
And toiled for our mas­ter when Je­sus said, Go!