Scripture Verse

The Son of man shall come in the glory of His Fa­ther with His angels. Matthew 16:27


Words: Ben­ja­min B. Funk, Ce­les­ti­al Songs (Ath­ens, Mi­chi­gan: B. B. Funk, 1890), num­ber 44.

Music: Bas-Rhin Ben­ja­min B. Funk (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Funk (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Hark! an aw­ful voice is sound­ing,
Christ is com­ing, seems to say;
We re­joice to hear the mes­sage;
O ye child­ren, watch and pray.


He’s com­ing, He’s com­ing,
He’s com­ing to save His own;
He’s com­ing, He’s com­ing,
He’s com­ing to save His own.

Soon the Son of God is com­ing,
With the ho­ly an­gel band;
Coming to re­ceive His jew­els,
Take them to a bet­ter land.


Shout the news, the Lord is com­ing,
Comes with par­don down from Heav’n;
Let us haste with tears and sor­row,
One and all to be for­giv’n.


O! the glo­ri­ous, glo­ri­ous com­ing,
Every faith­ful soul to save,
Every wea­ry child to car­ry
Safely ov­er Jordan’s wave.
