Sodium bicarbonate.
(also known as sodium
hydrogencarbonate, bicarbonate of
soda, Baking soda,
Chemical formula : NaHCO3
(Na 27,37 %, C 14,3 %, H 1,2 %)
Molar mass = 84,0066 ± 0,0018 g·mol-1
Sodium bicarbonate is a white solid that is crystalline but often
appears as a fine powder. It has a slightly salty, alkaline taste
resembling that of washing soda (sodium
it is the sodium salt of carbonic acid [CO3, H2O]. Also, this
should not be confused with salt Caustic
soda NaOH,
Production (natural) :
Sodium bicarbonate can be obtained from natron*
In 1791, a French chemist, Nicolas Leblanc, produced sodium
carbonate, also known as soda ash. In 1846, two New York bakers, John
Dwight and Austin Church, established the first factory to develop
baking soda from sodium carbonate and carbon dioxide
*evaporite rock containing sodium bicarbonate
(NaHCO3) and sodium carbonate
Synthetic product.
NaHCO3 is mainly prepared by the Solvay
process (1870) which produces sodium carbonate from salt and
chalk supplanted Leblanc process (developed in 1789) as
cleaner and less expensive.
Main Features :
Solution at 50 g/liter :
A formulation for water treatment.
Reaction mechanism of lime with aggressive CO2 (simplified
NaHCO3 + CO2 + H2O
>>> 2 NaHCO3
....84............44 .....................2x84 or[100 mg/L as
CaCO3 (10°F<TAC)]
In this case there is a constancy of the CO2 content of free water:
transformation of aggressive CO2 in balancing CO2, forming
NaHCO3, thus increasing the alkalinity (you can go up the balance of
CaCO3 saturation ).
Thus to "transform" 1 mg aggressive CO2 must (84/44) = 1.91 mg of
NaHCO3, which reforms (168/44) = 3.82 mg of sodium bicarbonate
NaHCO3, and therefore also the "transformation" 1 mg/L in one
aggressive CO2 form balancing CO2 (10/44) = 0.2273 ° F /L of TAC
[2.273 mg/L as CaCO3] or the injection of 1 mg/L of NaHCO3
reform 0.119 ° F /L TAC [1.19 mg/L as CaCO3].
Note: if the calculated dose is a reagent for 100% purity, it is
necessary to correct this dose to entering the purity of the
commercial product.
Standard products used for the production of drinking water:
Official Bulletin - sodium bicarbonate : NF EN 898.
Baking sode makes many services for the maintenance of machine
and home, but also for hygiene, body care and kitchen (refreshes
carpet cleaner and deodorizer).
Hygiene and health.
Sodium bicarbonate is biodegradable, and is not toxic to the
environment or to health.
- cleanses the skin depth (scrub): make a paste with baking soda and three volumes of a volume of water)
- softens calluses and reduces itching caused by athlete's foot - attention, athlete's foot is a fungal infection
- used for gargling
- calms the stomach
- calm eczema (a half-cup of baking soda in a hot bath 15 to 20 minutes)
- calm sunburn with gauze soaked in a solution made ??with a tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate in 25 ml water
- also used for cold sores, sore gums, sore throat, fungal infections, insect bites and warts
Note: Quebec (Canada), in common parlance, it may sometimes be
called "little cow". This is due to the small cow shown in boxes
sodium bicarbonate sold by the company Cow Brand, there is so many
Sources : personal and Wikipedia,
the free encyclopedia.