Explain Yourself: Peter Berghoef in ROBOT MELON #9
[I’m starting a new weekly feature, in which I scour my favorite journals and pick something that I like and want “explained” (I will accept anything for an explanation). I won’t be alerting people when I make the selection though, so it’ll be interesting to see who has their ears on. If I pick you and you respond before the post scrolls off the page, I will contact you (if contact info is provided) and send you a gift in the mail. Like a book or something.] [PS: When the words, “EXPLAIN YOURSELF” appear, everyone has to clap. Like a game show.][PPS: Some weeks there will be extra challenges, like “The Apologist” and “The Rebuttal,” in which random commenters can steal the gift . . . but that will come later. This being the first week, I want to keep it simple.]
So what the heck is this awesomeness:
the first time I believed I had Cadillacs running for office in my veins
freshly anointed with new headdresses
hats the neck can’t support
stop signs on top of stop signs
It’s good, right?
If Peter Berghoef is reading, would you please EXPLAIN YOURSELF! [applause!]
Robot Melon: Issue 6
New Robot Melon is out, aptly titled “preemptive metallic element integration.” Featuring the work of:
Danielle Wheeler, Gary Beck, Jared Ward, Matt Savoca, Carand Burnet, Molly Gaudry, Sarah Fouts, Hannah Pass, Sean Ruane, Jereme Dean, Susana Mai, David Bernstein, Marco Kaufman, Raffi Robert Kiureghian, and Donald Illich.
Editor Stephen Daniel Lewis has an eye for clear, concise, satisfying writing — as well as tasty design. Good times, everyone.
January 7th, 2009 / 9:05 pm
Robot Melon wants your sentences
This from Stephen Daniel Lewis:
ROBOT MELON is opening special submissions for issue eight.
Issue eight will be smaller in comparison to other issues. We are asking people to send one sentence, or a few sentences focused intently on language. Make it interesting, think economy of words, think diction.
We will take the words we choose and do something with them involving jpegs and various Kansas locations. Yes we will be messing with what you send and you will have little say about it.
We’ll accept sentences for issue eight until December 21st. But keep sending sentences after that date if the sentences are magnificent.
Think you’re a ‘master’ of the sentence? An ‘innovator’? A ‘crank-turner’? A ‘hhsfjadfg;kjadg’?
Write a sentence and send it.
December 9th, 2008 / 7:56 pm
the website “robot melon” is awesome and it’s like heroin and gay sex because it makes me feel so damn good
robot melon is a journal run by stephen daniel lewis, who may or may not be a real human being. every time a new robot melon comes out i read the whole thing and i feel excitement about it beforehand. like i roll my sleeves up and do a dramatic knuckle cracking thing and then say to myself, “it’s now or never chico” and then i click on the issue. i don’t read too many journals by name rather than accidentally through someone else’s work. but i like robot melon. i think i would be gratified if robot melon existed for another 25 years. and on the 25th year stephen daniel lewis just wrote a really long obscene and hateful post and was like “robot melon will never die homey”.
October 17th, 2008 / 12:12 am