Use the following addendums to the original G.E.V. rules for the Boston Map:
5.13 Coastal Roadways. Coastal roadways are shown as yellow lines on the map. These act as ways to get from the coast to certain island areas. Units traveling on them treat them as clear terrain - units get no road bonus for traveling on them.
5.131 Affects on Water Travel. Coastal roads affect GEVs traveling on water just like streams affect GEVs on land. GEVs can transition from water to the island road at the cost of 1MP, but only at the beginning of a movement phase. Ogres and SuperHeavy Tanks can cross the roadway or transition from water to roadway for 1MP at any time. They do not need to pay to cross the road if the other side is dry land. Infantry can choose to end their movement either in the water or on the road for no additional cost.
5.132 Defensive Bonus on Island Roadways. Island roadways are considered clear terrain, and so get no defensive bonuses.
5.14 Streams Across Hexes. Some streams cross hexes rather than running along hexsides. They are treated exactly the same as regular streams with the following difference. Units that must stop at stream hexsides only have to stop if they are going to cross the stream, and must pay 1MP (regardless of the terrain type) to cross the stream within the hex before moving onwards. Units moving parallel to the stream and not crossing it can ignore it.
6.1371 Overruns and Island Roads. Units on Island Roads are overrun as though they were on a bridge. Ogres that end their movement in the water do not cause overruns - they only overrun when they cross or transition to the road. Infantry moving into an overrun situation must move to the roadway unless they are marines (they can't fight back otherwise).
8.051 Destruction of Roads and Railroads in the Same Hex. In hexes with both roads and railroads, when one is targeted the other is attacked by spillover fire except at intersections. If a road or railroad is targeted in a hex where they cross (not just run parallel), make a full strength attack against both the road and railroad.
8.052 Destruction of Coastal Roads. Coastal roads are destroyed the same way as roads or railroads, except they have a D4 instead of D3 (it's mostly sand). Once destroyed, it cuts the coastal road and the hex is treated as water thereafter except by GEVs. GEVs cannot cross destroyed coastal roads but can use the water hex normally.
UPDATE! The large size files are now available! You may download 72dpi images scaled for OGRE/G.E.V. counters(777K) or miniatures(4.2M).