DH302 - Insulated Dog House Plans - Dog House Design - How To Build An Insulated Dog House - 0419

DH302 - Insulated Dog House Plans - Dog House Design
How To Build An Insulated Dog House

DH302 - Insulated Dog House Plans - Dog House Design
How To Build An Insulated Dog House
(Newly Upgraded Version)

FS100 - Farm Stand Plans Construction - How To Build A Farm Stand_0219

FS100 - Farm Stand Plans Construction
How To Build A Farm Stand

FS100 - Farm Stand Plans Construction
How To Build A Farm Stand
Principles of design
Durability & Comfortable
"Durability"_"Insulation"_"Ventilation"_"Easy to Clean"
Units: Inches - fractions
1/ Overall size: 22'-0" x 15'-5 13/16"
Maximum height: 13'-10"
Construction area: 22' x 14' 2" = 311.6667 ft² (The area for building foundations)
2/ Materials List:
The Quantity of 4x6 lumber 8ft length: 8 4/16 lumbers
The Quantity of 4x4 lumber 8ft length: 10 12/16 lumbers
The Quantity of 2x8 lumber 8ft length: 19 3/16 lumbers
The Quantity of 2x6 lumber 8ft length: 38 lumbers
The Quantity of 2x4 lumber 8ft length: 4 11/16 lumbers
The Quantity of 1x4 lumber 8ft length: 67 lumbers
The Quantity of Oriented Strand Board (OSB) 4ftx8ft: 21 6/16 osb
The Quantity of Fir Plywood Siding (FPS) 4ftx8ft: 2 6/16 fps
Total Area of Roofing Shingles: 391 12/16 ft2
3/ The functional component - the build step guide - Table of Contents:
1.0 - Concept Design
2.0 - Building foundations
3.0 - Building Post
4.0 - Building Frame
5.0 - Building Roof Beam and Roofing
6.0 - Building OSB for Walls (Oriented Strand Board)
7.0 - Building Sign
8.0 - Building Table for products
9.0 - Thank you!

FS100 - Farm Stand Plans Construction
How To Build A Farm Stand
Detailed Plans for Construction
(PDF, Excel file: Units: Inches - fractions
printed on A4 or A3 size paper)

Thank you very much!
Let keep track my work to get alot of Free and Useful Plans
FS100 - Farm Stand Plans Construction
How To Build A Farm Stand

S300 - Chicken Coop Plans Construction - 0720


Principles of design
Durability & Comfortable
"Durability"_"Insulation"_"Ventilation"_"Easy to Clean"
Units: Inches - fractions - (Original)
1/ It can comfortably hold 8 chickens
Overall size: 4' x 4' = 16 ft² for Cage
4' x 1' 6" = 6 ft² for Nesting Boxes for 2 Hens
Maximum height: 8' 2 1/4"
Construction area: 4' 4 1/2" x 4' 4 1/2" = 19.1406 ft² (The area for building foundations)
2/ Materials List:
* 1x4 Lumbers - Total Length: 284' 5"
Quantity of 1x4 lumber 8ft length: 35.55 lumbers
* 2x4 Lumbers - Total Length: 220' 11 1/4"
Quantity of 2x4 lumber 8ft length: 27.62 lumbers
* OSB - Total area (actual): 120.2 ft²
Quantity of OSB with 4x8ft: 3.76 osb
* Plywood Siding - Total area (actual): 87.64 ft²
Quantity of OSB with 4x8ft: 2.74 ply
* Roofing Shingles - Total area (actual): 34.2 ft²
* Insulated Foam - Total area (actual): 38.87 ft²
* Wire Mesh - Total area (actual): 3.94 ft²
* Glass - Total area (actual): 1.72 ft²
* Reinforced concrete foundations: 3.91 ft³
Units: Millimeters - decimal - (Converted)
1/ It can comfortably hold 8 chickens
Overall size: 1.219m x 1.219m = 1.486m² for Cage
1.219m x 0.457m = 0.557m² for Nesting Boxes for 2 Hens
Maximum height: 2.495m
Construction area: 1.333m x 1.333m = 1.778m² (The area for building foundations)
2/ Materials List:
* 1x4 Lumbers - Total Length: 86.69m
Quantity of 1x4 lumber 2.4m length: 36.12 lumbers
* 2x4 Lumbers - Total Length: 67.34m
Quantity of 2x4 lumber 2.4m length: 28.06 lumbers
* OSB - Total area (actual): 11.17 m²
Quantity of OSB with 1.2x2.4m: 3.88 osb
* Plywood Siding - Total area (actual): 8.14 m²
Quantity of OSB with 1.2x2.4m: 2.83 ply
* Roofing Shingles - Total area (actual): 3.18 m²
* Insulated Foam - Total area (actual): 3.61 m²
* Wire Mesh - Total area (actual): 0.37 m²
* Glass - Total area (actual): 0.16 m²
* Reinforced concrete foundations: 0.11 m³
3/ The functional component - the build step guide - Table of Contents:
1.0 - Concept Design
2.0 - Building foundations
3.0 - Building Frame
4.0 - Building Floor
5.0 - Building Nest Boxes
6.0 - Building OSB for Walls (Oriented Strand Board)
7.0 - Building Perches
8.0 - Building Litter Tray
9.0 - Building Roof Beam & Insulated Foam for roof
10.0 - Building Insulated Foam for wall
11.0 - Building Exterior Wall: On-Center Fir Plywood Siding
12.0 - Building Door, Windows, Vents
13.0 - Building Roof
14.0 - Building Chicken Ramp
15.0 - Material List & Thank you!

Detailed Plans for Construction
(PDF file: Units: Inches - fractions - (Original)
Units: Millimeters - decimal - (Converted)
printed on A4 or A3 size paper)

Thank you very much!
Let keep track my work to get alot of Free and Useful Plans
S300 - Chicken Coop Plans Construction - 0720