VLC Remote – Auto resume.

Towards the end of 2014, I added a feature in VLC Remote to auto-save your position in a movie, and restart at the same place if you re-loaded that movie.

Since then, VLC have built the same feature into VLC itself.

It doesn’t make sense for the remote to be battling VLC – so I’ll be removing the ‘save playback positions’ feature from the remote and letting you set your preference in VLC.

This is how to do that:


0) Open the preferences (Menu/Tools/Preferences)
1) Select ‘All’ in the bottom right ‘Show Settings’ option
2) In the left pane, select ‘Interface / Main interfaces / QT’
3) In the right pane, scroll down until you find ‘Continue playback?’ and select ‘Always’
4) Click ‘Save’ in the bottom right.

VLC Windows resume prefs

Mac OS

0) Open the preferences (Menu/VLC/Preferences)
1) Click ‘Show All’ in the bottom right button (this will show more preferences)
2) In the left pane, select ‘Interface / Main interfaces / macosx’
3) In the right pane, scroll down until you find ‘Continue playback?’ and select ‘Always’
4) Click ‘Save’ in the bottom right.

VLC Mac resume prefs

That’s all!