HERE Brand Guidelines

The purpose of this page is to provide guidelines to external parties on how to display HERE trademarks and the HERE name in copy. Please contact for additional guidance or to answer specific questions.

  • TM means “Trademark”.
  • A trademark must be used correctly and consistently; otherwise, there is a risk of dilution and loss of exclusivity.
  • TM is a symbol indicating that the name or logo used with the symbol is considered to be a trademark.
  • The aim of the TM symbol is to inform any third parties of the trademark ownership, to deter potential infringers and to support enforcement of the trademark.
  • HERE trademarks are to be used with or without the TM symbol, as indicated below.
  • HERE has registered its trademarks globally but does not use the ® Registered trademark symbol.



The above trademarks (Wordmarks) are used with the TM symbol.

The following trademark notice must be included when using the above trademarks (Logos and Wordmarks):

“Name” (insert trademark name, e.g. HERE Logo) is a trademark or registered trademark of HERE Global B.V.


“Names” (insert trademark names, e.g. HERE Logo, REALITY INDEX) are trademarks or registered trademarks of HERE Global B.V.

  • The TM symbol should only be used the first time the trademark appears on each page or material. No need to repeat it every time.

  • The trademark notice should be included on all advertising and documentation related to HERE products such as advertising material, product documentation, user guides and packaging.

  • The trademark notice should be placed at the bottom of the same page of the material where the trademark (HERE Logos and Wordmarks) is used for the first time.

  • The trademarks of HERE should never be connected directly to other product names, service names, trademarks, logos, or company names (e.g., not: Brand X Mapcare™ program).

  • Do not use a trademark as a generic term, but consider the trademark to define the noun (i.e., not: mapcare updating service, but: MAPCARE™ map updating service).

  • Do not pluralize a trademark (e.g: MAPCARES) or make it possessive (e.g: MAPCARE’s).

  • Do not use an article unless the product name is followed by the descriptive noun (e.g: The HERE MAPCARE™ map updating service…; not: The HERE MAPCARE™ has…).

  • Do not type trademarks in any characters other than Latin unless specifically agreed upon.

  • use the trademarks more prominently than their product or service name;

  • use the trademarks on promotional merchandise that they are selling or distributing (such as t-shirts, pens, etc.);

  • do or say anything or use the trademarks in a way that implies affiliation with, or sponsorship, approval or endorsement by HERE of their products or services;

  • alter, animate, or distort the trademarks or combine them with any other symbols, words, images or designs, or incorporate them into a slogan or tagline.

  • In copy, “HERE” should always be written in all caps (e.g. HERE, HERE Technologies).

  • When “HERE“ is mentioned for the first time, refer to it as “HERE Technologies”; subsequent mentions may just state “HERE”.