HERE Brand Guidelines

The HERE brand makes use of a variety of visual elements ranging from photography to animation throughout its brand material. As a core component of our brand, these visual are used across all brand modes.

However, you should avoid including additional visual elements on very simple, focused applications where they would distract from the purpose of the design. Check our photographic library.

Some applications are made more effective by the incorporation of particular visual assets. This scale gives a general guide as to what asset will be best suited to which application, based on its intended messaging, mood and context.

Photography is a bold eye-catcher that brings human warmth to hero images and introductions. Photography can be used alone or with incorporated UI or overlays.

Our photography should always tell a story and demonstrate the benefits of our services in the real world.

It should reflect our character and attributes. When selecting imagery, consider the channels where it will be seen. Make sure images that will be displayed on small screens are simple and clear.

Real people, real situations. Reportage should always have a human element.

Movement is included in the image by capturing real life moments.

Keep photographs as if taken from a human perspective, showcasing the fact we’re on your level.

Maintain clean and fresh colorways in images with a clear focal point and sufficient contrast.

All images should have some level of retouching to ensure saturation and contrast levels are optimal. This should take into account the aesthetic of our photography; the images should remain natural and not heavily retouched.

Although a single focal point is usually the best choice, there are occasions when we need to show multiple subjects.

When choosing images with multiple focal points, avoid scenes that look like an abstract pattern or wallpaper and maintain a human element in the photos. Avoid aerial or unnaturally-angled shots.

The function of imagery is to support the messaging, and your ideas. You have creative freedom when it comes to image selection, but make sure you keep an eye out for the following examples.

Photography with UI helps to explain the “where” and “how” of a product. Use it as a tool to realistically show products and solutions in their environments on all kinds of screens.

Environments help explain the product or solution.

Interaction helps to show ease of operation.

Provides detail that makes the product or solution more understandable.