HERE Brand Guidelines

The HERE logo is a distillation of our brand into one concentrated point of reference. It consists of the HERE wordmark and a brand triangular symbol. These two elements are fixed in their proportions and angle, and neither element should be used individually. Always use the correct master artwork – do not try to recreate the logo. The triangular symbol is part of the logo and should not be used as a tool, pattern or any other decoration. Download logo package

To ensure that the HERE logo is impactful and displayed consistently, maintain an area of clear space around the logo free of other elements or text. The measuring unit for this space is the triangular symbol: the minimum logo clear space is two symbol units. Additional clear space may be needed depending on special on-screen usages. In this case, you’ll have to check with the brand team.

Choose a logo version based on the background you’re working with. Whenever possible the HERE logo should be used with the symbol in HERE Aqua, as shown in the “positive version” at the left below. The two-colored logo (positive or negative version) should always be used on white and gray backgrounds.

Use the positive version with the HERE Aqua symbol on light backgrounds as the primary logo.

Use the negative version with the HERE Aqua symbol on dark backgrounds.

Use the HERE logo as a stand-alone element on any HERE gradient background. 

(No additional text or elements permitted)

Use the solid gray version of the logo on a HERE gradient background or tint if it appears alongside gray text.

When using the gray logo in combination with gray messaging over any HERE gradient background, make sure to position the gradient so that the logo sits over the aqua area.

The HERE logo should always be treated with respect, so make sure you don’t change or recreate it. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel – please download the official HERE logo from the Widen portal so you know you have the correct final artwork.

The logo can also be placed within a box for separation from other visual elements within our layered layout system. In this case, the box logo is always the topmost layer in any composition.

Use the pre-prepared box logo to ensure great visibility and consistency.

Do not recreate the box logo.

To position the box logo correctly in your layered layout, remember these three basic rules:

The logo is only placed on the right-hand side and only in one of the corners.

Data is collected from the world, powering our products. This is represented using secondary colors that merge to aqua, representing HERE. The logo placement defines the direction of the gradient.

Ensure the best visibility of the logo by using a version that has sufficient contrast with the image: for lighter images, go with the HERE Gray-background box logo; for darker images, go with the white box logo.

The size of the logo is dependent on the format of the application. Our flexible 20x20 grid system determines the scale of the HERE box logo: for standard formats, the height of the layout logo is approx. 3 to 4 units.

To emphasize the layering of our layout system, the logo layer is always placed in the appropriate corner with an offset of 1 unit. It should always be aligned with the grid!

Download logo package (print, digital, color versions)