HERE Brand Guidelines

The HERE Flexible Music System lets you easily create music tracks for a video project. Through the system’s customization options, you can combine different types of music blocks and apply distinct styles to create music tracks within the brand sound that suit your needs.

1. Preview options

2. Field to enter the total length of the project

3. Open video

4. Start project with selected theme

5. Open a previously created project

1. Selected theme

2. The total project length

3. Save, open or create new project

4. Export the project as audio or video

5. Information about the selected block

6. Playback options for blocks

7. Render and preview timeline

8. Timeline containing blocks

9. Available styles for blocks

10. Available block options

11. Video preview of selected video file

12. Open a video file, clear current video, or deactivate current video

Themes are organized according to three intensities and three styles. To find the right theme for your video project, first select your desired intensity and style. You can then click the play button next to any theme you want to preview.

1. Select the intensity

2. Select the style

3. Select the theme

4. Click the theme’s play button

You can always change your selection and preview another theme, or change the intensity or style once you’ve started your project.

Once you’ve found the right theme, you can start your project either by providing the total length of your project manually, or by opening the video file you want to work with.

1. To enter the total length of your project manually, drag the numbers up or down with your mouse or click the arrows next to the time unit you want to change.

2. To open your video file in the Flexible Music System (FMS), click “Open Video” and select the video file you want to work with. The total length of the video will be set as the total length for your FMS project.

Now, click on “Start New Project.”

The FMS workflow is based on (music) blocks that you add to the project’s timeline. The height of the block represents its musical function, which is also called the block’s type. Adding blocks with different types is how you create the dramaturgic curve of your music track.

Some block types have additional options, which can be selected in the block’s option menu.

Additionally, each block can be assigned a style in the Block Style menu. The selected style is represented by the color of the block on your timeline.

1. Create a block

2. Choose a block type

3. If available, choose a block option

4. Select a block style

Start building your track by adding a block to your timeline. To create a block, double-click an empty area within the timeline. Double-click a block to delete it.

You can adjust the length of blocks on your timeline. Just click the block whose length you want to change, and drag the left or right handle to change the length of the block.

To move a block, click and hold to drag it to another position inside the timeline.

  • To force move a block press SHIFT
  • To force resize a block press CTRL

Set the type of each block by changing the block’s height. Drag the top handle of the selected block up or down to change the block’s type.

Each horizontal line on the timeline represents one block type:

1. Intro/Outro (has block options)

2. Background

3. Interlude

4. Story Low

5. Story High (has block options)

The type of the selected block can also be viewed in the information section at the top left of the system window.

Next, select the block style. The block style is the aesthetic character of your music theme: it can be in balance, or the style can tend more towards the digital or organic.

To assign a style to the block, simply choose from the options in the Block Style menu. You can combine blocks with different styles, or create a music track in only one style.

Block options will appear automatically when available. Some blocks can be used either as an intro or outro, or as a ramp – a musical buildup to create rising intensity.

1. Intro / Outro When a block’s height is set to the first horizontal line (that is, when the block type is “intro/outro”), you can set the block to function either as an intro or outro.

2. Ramp. When a block’s height is set to the maximum level (that is, when the block type is “story high”), you can select ramp in the Block Options panel. Depending on the block length, you can also choose from up to three ramp lengths: short, medium and long.

A selected block can be previewed in two ways: manually, or with autoplay.

To preview a block manually, click the play sample button to listen to the selected block once. If block settings are changed while the block is playing, the playback will stop.

If you toggle the preview setting to Autoplay, you’ll be able to hear every adjustment as you optimize the block’s settings.

You can render your track to listen to the block composition or in order to export your render as audio or video.

Rendering for playback

1. To listen to your track, click the Render button.

2. Click Play to listen to your block composition. You can select the playback position by clicking on the sound wave.

3. To return editing, click the Edit button. This will clear the render.

To export your rendered track as audio only, click audio, then click video to export the picture and audio together.

At any point, you can click the clock symbol to change the length of your timeline. In the pop-up window, first insert the new desired length for the timeline. Then click either Change Absolute or Change Relative.

Change Absolute will keep the exact duration of your block composition and increase or reduce the overall length of the timeline.

Change Relative will keep the proportions of your block composition while changing the overall length of the timeline.

Keep in mind that certain changes to block options may occur when reducing the project length.

You can create a marker above your timeline by double-clicking on the bar at the top. Markers can be repositioned by clicking and dragging them.

At the top right of the system window, you’ll find the project options: start a new project, save your project or open an existing project.

Your project will be saved as a json-file with .json as the extension name.

Before you start using the HERE Flexible Music System, please make sure to read through our sound guidelines to learn how to create HERE branded music.

Go to sound guidelines