I went to SOHO yesterday and noticed these chalk heart drawings everywhere — I’m not sure why they were there, but they sure made me look and happy :)

Let it swim
I spent couple mornings here at the Burly Coffee in Bed Stuy, Brooklyn while Mili is in school… and found some cool types (above) and art (below).
As soon as I saw these drawings, I knew it was done by my friend Natalie. Her work has been so recognizable. She has a style. Love her work.Â
Found these cool drawings on the wall in East Village. By Sir Shadow. I’ve seen his work at the Tompkins Square Park Jazz festival before, it always catches my eye. So simple yet so alive.
It’s been 7 weeks since we moved to our new loft and things are coming together slowly, but surely. I think our kitchen and dining area are now really close to complete, I’d like to add some more things still, but I thought I would start sharing things finally — starting with some paint job I did…
Over the Memorial day weekend, I painted these little things for our kitchen and dining area…
A wine rack from Ikea:
A little corner shelf I bought in Japan:
In yellow! Ever since I had the yellow wall in my old kitchen, I am obsessed with yellow, bright and cheery kitchen. Our new kitchen is white so I decided to do spots of bright colors.
One side painted…
Other side painted, too…
and here is the new wine rack in our dining area:
**The letter A is a local flea market find, I’m hoping to find letter E and letter T so someday, it’ll say “EAT” and probably “DRINK” too :) **
The drawings above the wine rack are by Julia Rothman. I love her work.
and the corner shelf in the kitchen counter area:
They are actually really cute in where they are, I am so happy that I painted them!
More pictures of the dining room and the kitchen will follow!