
Collection of resources related to international management, citation analysis, publishing and working in academia more generally

Resources on this web site

Publish or Perish Citation analysis software program helping academics to present their case for research impact to its best advantage.
Journal Quality List Collated ranking of academic journals in the field of business and management.
Working in Academia Container page of of resources that can help you to navigate your academic job successfully.
Multi-part blogpost series on key academic issues

Effective promotion applications
Avoid a desk-reject for your article
Social media to support your career

Improve your Research Profile

Social media for teaching (

Blogpost collections Overview of blogposts on these themes: academic publishing, research impact, doing international research, academic etiquette, academic careers, using the PoP software, gender in academia, research focus and conference reports.
Frontine IB interviews Collection of interviews by Ilgaz Arikan with scholars in the research field of International Business.
Videos resources

Links to dozens of webinars in the area of International Human Resource Management and International Business

Academic publishing resources Papers and links about the academic publishing process, research quality and research impact.
Online papers Electronic pre-publication versions of all of my papers in the fields of international management and bibliometrics.
White papers White papers about topics relating to bibliometrics, research quality, and international research.
Inspirational readings Articles on doing research that matters and interviews with inspirational female academics.
Doing International Research Materials relating to the practice of doing international research.
Living and working abroad Personal reflections on living and working abroad, in particular Australia and the United Kingdom.
External resource collections Links to external resources in cross-cultural and international management, as well as the publication process.
Spreadsheet Hofstede and/or Globe cultural dimensions for a total of 98 countries in one spreadsheet. Update 12 September 2024: Thanks to Mark Fenton-O'Creevy, the first page of the spreadsheet includes the option to create comparative charts of country scores.
Spreadsheet Cultural distance indices for 40 countries (composite Malalanabis based on Hofstede, Globe and Schwartz; traditional Euclidean Hofstede index; Ronen & Shenkar clusters). Data used in Beugelsdijk, S, Kostova, T, & Roth, K (2016). An overview of Hofstede-inspired country level culture studies in international business since 2006. Journal of International Business Studies, doi:10.1057/s41267-016-0038-8

Collections of links to external resources

Please note that these links are provided for your convenience only; I do not accept responsibility for their actual contents or their continued availability.

Mistakes ECRs could avoid

Universities world-wide

Klaus Förster has been maintaining a searchable database of universities worldwide with links to their websites for as long as I have been maintining my own website, i.e. since 1999. Well done Klaus! (World-wide) (United States)

Find the resources on my website useful?

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Aug 2022:

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May 2023:
