Friday, February 28, 2025

February Sew Sampler

 It's the final day of February and that means it is time to share my  February Sew Sampler Box !!  This month's theme is Cut tot he Good Stuff, and indeed, I plan on doing just that :) 

How perfectly named is this quilt!!  Cheerful is just so happy, and I love all of the wonderful colors in this Lori Holt Piece and Plenty fabric line!!!  It is going to make for such a happy quilt!!!   I can't wait to get it started ;) Layer Cake quilts are always so fun and fast!!   

And the notions this month are really about cutting to the good stuff!!!  I love, love, love Olfa cutters, and this new Coral Ergonomic Cutter is a perfect addition to my collection!!!  It is my second favorite color one (next to the purple of course)  And I am always in need of more Frixion pens.  They are just perfect for marking lines to be cut and sewn on :)  

And we are month 11 of the Pieceful Basket Sampler !!!  Yes, that means next month we will be putting together the last block and hopeful the quilt top!!!   I can't wait to see all of these  Milk and Honey fabric blocks come together with the  Kona Lime Background :)  And I really can't wait to see the final setting of the blocks, should be fun!!! 

And that is January Sew Sampler Box.  And now, I only have to wait a few days for the February one to show up.  Bonus for being to busy to open this one ;)  

Happy Quilting!!! 
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Thursday, February 27, 2025

3 More Quilt Swirls!!

I have been piecing up a storm the last few days and it has been oh so much fun!!!  I finished piecing the quilt top for the Fairy Garden Quilt and can't wait to get it on the long arm.  This is just going to be oh so cute for the wedding!!! 

And you might remember these Groove Fabric I shared clear back in January for another Shortcut Quilt . . . well, I finally got them pieced into a quilt top as well.  And wow, I am just so loving the Blue Chill background.  It looks so awesome :)  This is going to need some groovy quilting for sure ;) 

And I started on Monday, and finished the quilt top on Wednesday, for this new AccuQuilt project.   Don't you just love all of the scrappy greens!!!  Can you guess what classic block this quilt design is using from the edges of the swirl??  

And now, I need to get Happy Quilting!!!   I am hoping to get these all on and off the long arm pretty quick :)  Especially as I still have one more wedding quilt to piece :)

I hope you all have a very Happy Quilting Day!!!

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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Wandering Star X2 and Child Size!!!

So you might recall me mentioning a week or so ago that I needed to quilt a second version of Wandering Star in time for my class . . . Well, I got it all done!!!  And I have since used it to teach 2 classes in two different towns, so fun ;)   So yippee for a new  Wandering Star quilt (yes, it looks exactly the same as the first one I made, I love sample sewing!!!)  

The  Wandering Star Pattern can be found in my Etsy Shop in both a Paper version as well as a PDF version.  And it is on special right now until the end of February for the $5.00  pattern of the month ;) The patterns are full color and the paper version is in book format. 

This version of  Wandering Star is made with Seaglass Summer FQB by Sweetfire Road And the great thing is . . . this fabric is now available in Quilt Shops!!!  When I finished the first quilt back in April,  it was a long wait for for Seaglass Summer . . . but now, you can grab a bundle and get sewing :)    And these fabrics are just so pretty.   I love all of the prints and colors and I just loved picking out the colors for the accent pieces.  The quilt is Fat Quarter Friendly  and the pattern is so versatile, it would look great in just about any fabric line so you can grab a bundle and get cutting!!! 

I quilted this version of Wandering Star  with an all over large swirl.  Mostly because of time constraints, but I was super happy when I took it off the longarm.  I don't often quilt in this large of a scale, but it really looks awesome on such a large quilt and adds so much texture.  I am going to have to remember that for the future ;)  

 And, of course, since I finally got the queen size version quilted, I had to follow it on the longarm with this adorable Child Size Version I made a few weeks ago.  Wandering Star is an intermediate skill level pattern, but I have had beginners make it as well ;)   The pattern uses no-waste flying geese, basic piecing, and pieced sashing to create the secondary stars.  

This version of  Wandering Star is made with a Phoebe Fat Quarter Bundle by Dear Stella Fabrics.  I found this bundle in a cute shop in AZ, and you knew I just couldn't pass up the purples!!  It worked so perfectly for this size, and I love the corals as the accent stars!!!  

Wandering Star like all of my Happy Quilting patterns, has multiple size options so you can make whatever size quilt works for you ;)   This is the Child Size and the original is the Queen size.  There is also a Baby Size, Lap Size, Picnic Size, and King Size.    

I quilted this version of  Wandering Star with some loose feathers.  Again, just doing something that I can quilt real fast so it was ready for class ;)  

And those are my new  Wandering Star Quilts!!!       I am just so happy to share it with all of you!! So are you ready to make your own Wandering Star quilt??    If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to me ;)  And when you are finished with your Wandering Star Quilts I would love to see them!!!  You can email me a picture at or add it to social media with  #happyquiltingwithmc ;)  I can't wait to see your Quilts!!!

Thanks again for sharing these Wandering Star Quilts with me!! ???  Pop over to my Etsy Shop, to pick up your Patterns before the end of the month as a new pattern will go on sale on March 1st :)  

I hope you all have a Happy Quilting Day!!! 
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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Frogs and Fairies and Squirrels, Oh My!!

This week I am so excited to say that I have been working on sewing one of the Wedding Quilts for my son and his new bride to be!!  And it has Frogs and Fairies and Squirrels!!  So cute!!!  

The theme of the reception is Fairy Garden, so I am making this adorable Fairy Garden Quilt to hang there.  And the reception colors are dusty pink and dusty blue so I am using South Hill to make it and it is just coming together so wonderfully.  I just love these blocks!!   

And seriously, this took like twice as long to cut out as to piece.   I pretty much made all of the blocks but 2 on Monday and finished up the last two yesterday.  Now to sew them all into a quilt top :)  I am hoping to get this one done quick, but I am teaching again from Thursday to Saturday so it might have to wait for next week.  

But I can't let it wait to long because you might notice I said Quilts ;)  Fairy Garden is super cute for the reception, but they still need a quilt for their new bed right!!!  And my all this mythical and magical fun loving couple have chosen the Chillin' With my Gnomies Quilt pattern by Kiley's Quilt Room with the Expansion of hovels, frogs, and mushrooms.  

And because my Son thinks I can do just about anything when it comes to quilts, he asked if I could add a dragon to the quilt ;)  And of course, I said yes :)   So I am using this Dragon Dreams Quilt Pattern by Apples and Beavers  and adjusting it a bit here and there to make it fit into 3 "spaces" in the corner of the quilt.   

My plan is to make a 4 x 4 block layout which will be 80 x 80 and then add a border to make it a queen size quilt.  I am going to use a Crossweave bundle by Moda and coordinating yardage.  I think this bundle has the perfect colors for the gnomes and enough wonderful neutrals for the hovels, beards, shoes, and mushrooms.  And the Dragon was requested in blues :)  I am so excited!!!  I love how soft Crossweave is and I think they will make the cutest quilt for these two!!  

So I best get pressing some fat quarters and cutting out some Gnomes!!!  The wedding is March 8th, so I have  2 weeks and 2 days to pull it off ;)   Oh ya, I got this ;)   

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Monday, February 17, 2025

January Sew Sampler

 So I have finally been home for a few days so I managed to get my January Sew Sampler Box opened and the Pieceful Basket Block made!!!   This month the theme of the box is Embracing New Possibilities and while I would love to say I am all set to embrace English Paper Piecing with this amazing box of goodies, I might just accept that I am the worlds worst hand sewer :)    But someday . . . 

You all know I love, love, love Charm Packs!!!   And three charm packs of Sunday Brunch, EEEkkk!!!   I love everything BasicGrey does and this line is no exception.  I just love the wonderfully cheerful colors and the beautiful prints.  And while EPP might be a little out of my league, the Fresh Start Quilt pattern is one I can knock out of the park  ;)   

And the notions this month are really all about embracing English Paper Piecing!!!  Again, it's not one of my talents at the moment, but talk about a perfect kit to take on the road to learn how to be a better paper piecer ;)  There is everything you need . . . needles, thread, EPP Papers, and the adorable Hot Cross Buns pattern.   Some Day for sure ;)  

And we are month 10 of the Pieceful Basket Sampler and this months block has fun tiny patchwork in it  .  I think I am going to have just enough of my Milk and Honey fabrics to finish up my last 2 blocks and I just love how they pop on the Kona Lime Background   :)

And that is January Sew Sampler Box.  And now, I only have to wait a few days for the February one to show up.  Bonus for being to busy to open this one ;)  

Happy Quilting!!! 
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Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Quilt Swirl and Quilting Swirls

 Yes, today's Wednesday works in progress include a Quilt Swirl and Quilting Swirls!!  

While teaching at retreat last week, I used my "down time" to work on a special project for the Jolly Bar Volume 5 book and I managed to finish the quilt top :)   I have all of the Jolly Bar Books and am so excited for Volume 5 to be released.  They are always such fun and fast quilt to put together.  Details coming in April!  

 I am also working on quilting my Wandering Star quilt with lovely large swirls.  I am teaching this class in three days and since my original is with my good friends at Moda, I am trying to get this second version quilted before class.  

Both the original version and this version are made with the gorgeous Seaglass Summer fabrics by Sweetfire Road for Moda.  And yippee, they are now available in quilt shops!!   I just love the prints and the colors of this line, especially the purples ;)   And just to keep it real . . .yes, I had this quilt top done on January 8th and am waiting until the last possible minute to get it quilted for class.  Deadlines . . .  they keep me hopping ;) 

And speaking of the Wandering Star Pattern . . . it is the $5.00 Pattern of the month ;)   The Wandering Star Pattern can be found in my Etsy Shop in both a Paper version as well as a PDF version. Wandering Star is an intermediate skill level pattern with 6 size options and is Fat Quarter Friendly. 

And now, I am off to finish quilting my swirls before I head out to teach today.  I have 6 classes in 3 days at my local hometown retreat.  It is going to be crazy fun :)  

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Monday, February 10, 2025

Been Cruising and Teaching!!

Sorry it has been a little quiet around here.  I have been teaching the last few weeks and it has been oh so much fun, but also very busy!!  I spent the end of Jan to the beginning of February on the Symphony of the Seas with some amazing ladies!!!

We worked on my Summer Breeze quilt ;)

And guess what . . . we even had a quilt top finish by the end of the cruise!!!   So amazing, that is a lot of piecing and isn't it just so pretty!!!  I loved this kit that Stitchin Heaven  put together.  It really was just so delightful and it was so great to see so many ladies get so much done on their blocks.  They all did such an amazing job ;)  Cruising and Quilting is totally the most amazing gig ever!!!

And totally random, but a fun part about cruising is coming back to your room and seeing what amazing creations your room attendant created with towels.  I have seen the bear before but the penguin and the gorilla are totally new to me and so cool!!  

And along with teaching a group of amazing ladies . . . I also got to spend a wonderful trip with my sweetheart!!  This cruise doubled as a celebration of our 24th anniversary and I have to say . . . I  just love this man of mine ;)  

And one day after getting back from the cruise, I was teaching at another beautiful place . . . Bryce Canyon National Park.  Okay, so we were actually at Ruby's Inn right outside the park, but you get the idea ;)  This Quilty Friends retreat is held annually and I have been teaching at it for so many years.  It truly is a favorite of mine ;)  I love that at the beginning of the retreat, everyone brings their finishes from the past years class.  Here is a student's gorgeous Double Dutch finish!!! 

And on the last day of the retreat, everyone shares what they have been working on in classes the last few days.  We totally had a baby Playful Posies quilt finish while at the retreat.  How fun is that!!

And now I am back home, and getting ready to teach this week at  the Cedar Quilt Guild's annual retreat.  This one is my local hometown so I will have a little more time to pop in and out here and share all of the fun :)  Which is good, because I have a lot of posts to catch up on ;)

I hope you are all having a very Happy Quilting Day, Week, Month, and Year ;)
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Saturday, February 1, 2025

$5 Pattern of the Month - Wandering Star!!!

It's the second month of our new $5 Pattern of the Month Feature here at Happy Quilting!!!  Each month, I will choose one Happy Quilting Pattern that will be just $5.00  all month in my Etsy Shop ;)    And February is Wandering Star!!!   

The  Wandering Star Pattern can be found in my Etsy Shop in both a Paper version as well as a PDF version and both versions will be marked down to $5.00 for the month of February. 

 Wandering Star is an intermediate skill level pattern with 6 size options and is Fat Quarter Friendly.  The quilt is made with full blocks and then sashing around the blocks (and around the quilt for the Child, Picnic, and King)  to create the interlocking star blocks.     The pattern teaches you lots of techniques including half square triangles, stitch and flip, and no-waste flying geese.  

Need some ideas for your Wandering Star Quilt??  Here are some new arriving fabric collections mocked up . . .  Just to give you some fun ideas of what you can do with this pattern and play with colored backgrounds!!  My favorite thing about this pattern is picking out which prints I will use as the Accent Star and Accent Corner Fabrics.  It really is so much fun to see how much it changes up the quilt!!  

Here is the Queen Size in Chirp by Elano Amo with a White Paper Grunge Background.    Isn't that just so fun with the rust and pink prints pulled out for the accents!!!  I so want to make this version with all of the tiny cute birds ;)  

And this is the Picnic size in Vintage Charm by Dani Mogstad with a light blue background from the line.  Wouldn't this just be so adorable to take on a spring picnic.   Cute apples, florals, and word strips!! I just love pulling one color from the line and making it the background color, it always looks so great :)

And you know I love a good Dark Background!!!  This is the Lap size in  Cheddar at Twilight!!  I used all of the yellow and white prints for the piecing and pulled a beautiful navy's from the line for the background and binding.  Isn't it just stunning ;)   This would be a great lap size quilt for a man cave or if your school colors happen to be Yellow and Navy!!

And for a Valentines Day . . . here is Love Blooms by Lella Botique in the Bab Size with a Pink on White Dot background from the line.   Wouldn't this just be so sweet as a table topper for a Valentines party ;)  So cute!!   

And that is my $5.00 Pattern of the Month!!!   February 2025 is all about the Wandering Star  Pattern!!!     I really think you are just going to love making this quilt ;)   And of course,  if you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to me ;)  And when you make your Wandering Star Quilts I would love to see them!!!  You can email me a picture at or add it to social media with  #happyquiltingwithmc and #wanderingstarquilt ;)  I can't wait to see your Quilts!!!

And I am so excited because I just finished a baby size that I will be sharing as soon as I get it quilted ;)  So are you ready to start making your Wandering Star Quilts???  Pop over to my Etsy Shop, to pick up your Patterns grab a Fat Quarter Bundle and get Happy Quilting!!!!   

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