And now we get to move back to some more applique with the . . .
From your Month #9, Wonky Flower Bag, cut the fabrics according to page 1 of the supplemental cutting list using the 3 Wonky Flower templates.
And one last block with applique the . . .
From your Month #9, Medium Heart Bag, cut the fabrics according to page 1 of the supplemental cutting list using the Medium Flower template.
Using the cut pieces and the
Mini Heart Block Directions from Month 3 make your block. The directions are the same, only the block is made on a larger scale. The Medium Heart Block should be measuring 4 1/2" x 4 1/2" unfinished.
And with that done, we will move onto another familiar block , the . . .
From your Month #9, Flying Geese Bag, cut the fabrics according to page 1 of the supplemental cutting list.
And now we move onto a new block with familiar units, the . . .
From your Month #9, Plus with a Square in a Square Bag, cut the fabrics according to page 1 of the supplemental cutting list.
Now, layout the remaining squares and the Square in a Square Unit as shown below. Sew the squares into a 9 patch. If you need a little extra help with this, you can use the 9 patch part of the
Shoo Fly Block Directions from Month 4.
And just like that, your Plus with a Square in a Square Block is done and should measure 6 1/2" x 6 1/2" unfinished.
And now it's time for an all new block, the . . .
From your Month #9, Fancy Log Cabin bag, cut the fabrics according to page 1 of the supplemental cutting list.
Pair a Cream Square with a Yellow Square. Place the Yellow square onto the Cream square with right sides together. Stitch a 1/4" along the edge. Press the seams towards the Yellow Fabrics. Repeat to make a total of 4 Two Patch units.
Layout a Cream Rectangle, Pink Rectangle, and Two Patch Unit as shown. Place the Pink rectangle onto the Two Patch Units with right sides together. Stitch a 1/4" along the edge. Place the Cream rectangle onto the Two Patch Units with right sides together. Stitch a 1/4" along the edge. Press the seams outwards to the Rectangles. Repeat to make a total of 4 Four Patch units.
Layout a Four Patch Unit and a Blue Rectangle as shown. Place the Blue Rectangle onto the Four Patch Units with right sides together. Stitch a 1/4" along the edge. Press the seams towards the Blue rectangle. Repeat to make a total of 4 Log Cabin units.
Layout the 4 Log Cabin Units as shown below.
Place the right hand column pieces onto the left hand column pieces with right sides together. Align and pin. Stitch a 1/4" seam along the edge of all the units.
Press the seams open.
Place the top row onto the bottom row with right sides together. Align and pin. Stitch a 1/4" seam along the edge of the unit. Press the seam open.
And now you have made a Fancy Log Cabin Block that should be measuring 6 1/2" x 6 1/2" unfinished.
And now it's time for the final block which is again, a new block, the . . .
From your Month #9, Fancy Pinwheel bag, cut the fabrics according to page 1 of the supplemental cutting list. And please take care that these are some different size measurements than we have been used to cutting and when it says 3/8" it really means 3/8".
Layout a Blue triangle and Red rectangle as shown below. Place the Blue Triangle onto the Red rectangle with right sides together aligning along the left hand side. Stitch a 1/4" along the edge, I continue stitch all the way across the red rectangle so I can chain stitch. Press the seam towards the Blue triangle. Align a long ruler with the edge of the Blue Triangle and trim the Red rectangle even with the Blue Triangle as shown.
Repeat to make a total of 4 Sashed Triangle units.
Layout an Orange triangle and a Teal Triangle as shown below, taking care that the Orange triangle is on the left. Place the Teal Triangle onto the Orange Triangle with right sides together . Stitch a 1/4" along the edge. Press the seam towards the Orange Triangle. Clip the tail from the top of the triangle. Repeat to make a total of 4 Double Triangle units.
Layout a Sashed Triangle Unit and a Double Triangle Unit as shown below. Place the Double Triangle Unit onto the Sashed Triangle Unit with right sides together . Stitch a 1/4" along the edge. Press the seam open. Clip the tails from the corners of the unit. Repeat to make a total of 4 Pinwheel units.
Layout the 4 Pinwheel Units as shown below.
Place the right hand column pieces onto the left hand column pieces with right sides together. Align and pin. Stitch a 1/4" seam along the edge of all the units.
Press the seams open.
Place the top row onto the bottom row with right sides together. Align and pin, using the
Pin Trick to align the center seam. Stitch a 1/4" seam along the edge of the unit. Press the seam open.
And now you have made a Fancy Pinwheel Block that should be measuring 10 1/2" x 10 1/2" unfinished.
So now, with your blocks all made, we can move onto . . .
We will start by sewing the Strip Sets together. Press the seam allowances to the Larger Number fabric.
From Fabric 35 and 36, sew a 10 1/2" Strip Set together as shown.
From Fabric 37 and 38, sew a 12 1/2" Strip Set together as shown.
From Fabric 39 and 40, sew a 14 1/2" Strip Set together as shown.
From Fabric 41 and 42, sew a 16 1/2" Strip Set together as shown.
From Fabric 43 and 44, sew a 10 1/2" Strip Set together as shown.
From Fabric 43 and 44, sew a 4 1/2" Strip Set together as shown.
From Fabric 43 and 44, sew a 2 1/2" Strip Set together as shown.
From Fabric 45, 46, and 47, sew a 19 1/2" Strip Set together as shown.
From Fabric 45 and 46, sew a 2 1/2" Strip Set together as shown.
From Fabric 45, and 46, sew a 2 1/2" Strip Set together as shown.
(or cut out a 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" Gold Fabric Filler)
From Fabric 48, 49, and 50, sew a 22 1/2" Strip Set together as shown.
Now we will sew the Blocks to the Strip Sets. Press the Seams Open from here on out.
Sew the Mini Circle Block and the 43/45 Strip Set together as shown.
Sew the 45/46 Strip Set and the 45/46 Strip Set OR Gold Filler together as shown.
Sew the Half Square Triangle Block and the 35/36 Strip Set together as shown.
Sew the Four Patch Block and the 39/40 Strip Set together as shown.
Sew the Square in a Square Block and the 4 1/2" 43/44 Strip Set together as shown.
Sew the Nine Patch Block and the 45/46/47 Strip Set together as shown.
Sew the Sashed Circle Unit and the Wonky Flower Block together as shown.
Sew the Pieced 45/46 Strip Set and the Flying Geese Block together as shown.
Sew the Sashed Half Square Triangle Unit and the 37/38 Strip Set together as shown.
Sew the Sashed Four Patch Unit and the 41/42 Strip Set together as shown.
Sew the Sashed Square in a Square Unit and the 10 1/2" 43/44 Strip Set together as shown. (sorry, I accidently pictured this upside down :)
Sew the Sashed Nine Patch Unit and the 48/49/50 Strip Set together as shown.

Sew the Plus with a Square in a Square Block and the Circle Wonky Unit together as shown.
Sew the Medium Heart Block and the Side Sashed Half Square Triangle Unit together as shown.
Sew the Side Sashed Four Patch Unit and the Sashed Square Unit together as shown. (sorry, as I had pictured it upside down, I also, sewed it upside down Sew as drawn, not as pictured. I will continue to correct it in drawing for the remainder of the pictures as I didn't notice this until I was writting the tutorial, and now mine might permanently be upside down :)
Sew the Sashed Flying Unit and the Fancy Log Cabin Block together as shown.
Sew the Wonky Circle Plus Unit and the Fancy Pinwheel Block together as shown.
Sew Sashed Heart Half Square Triangle Unit and the Sashed Four Square Unit together as shown.
Sew the Wonky Circle Plus Pinwheel Unit and the Heart Half Square Triangle Four Square Unit together as shown.
Sew Geese Cabin Unit and the Side Sashed Nine Unit together as shown.
Sew the Wonky Circle Plus Pinwheel Heart HST Square Unit and Geese Cabin Sashed Nine Unit together as shown.
And your Group 3 - Section 5 is complete. It should measure 16 1/2" wide by 32 1/2" high.
And there is only one thing left . . .
Layout Sections 1-4 that we sewed together last month and Section 5 as shown below.
Place Section 5 onto Section 1-4 with right sides together. Align, pin, and stitch a 1/4" seam along the edge. Press the seam open.
And your Group 3 is complete. It should measure 16 1/2" wide by 83 1/2" high.
And that is it for BOHO Heart Block of the Month, Month 9 :)
If you have any questions on this tutorial, please don't hesitate to email me at or leave a comment.
Hope you have so much fun making all of this months blocks and then sewing them all together:)
Looking forward to Next Month!!