Indian financial system: the financial system-nature-evolution and structure-the functions of financial intermediaries – financial instruments – the role of financial system in economic development – the Indian financial system. Deposit products: types of bank deposits, computation of interest on deposits, deposit schemes, composition of bank deposits. Credit policy: Need for credit policy, credit policy components of credit policy, credit policy pursued by the government, credit culture. Retail banking: basics of retail banking, forms of retail banking and emerging issues. Corporate banking: The nature of corporate banking, developments in corporate banking, consortium finance, multiple banking managements, and loan syndication. Rural banking and Micro finance: sources of rural finance, credit delivery mechanism in rural finance to co-operative, agricultural and rural development banks (CARDB)- regional rural banks (RRBS), service area approach (SAA)-National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), microfinance. Follow up and recovery: NPA‟s classification, securitization, SARFAESI Act etc. Securitization: meaning of securitization, process of securitization. Fee-based services: the fee-based services of banks, letter of credits, bank guarantees, subsidiary services, off balance sheet activities, bancassurance. Introduction of banking operations: the changing nature of banking operations, importance of customer relationship management in banks – different types of products and services offered to customers – role of technology in banking operations – the need for Asset-Liability Management. Introduction to electronic banking: electronic banking: market assessment, e-banking: an introduction, internet: e-commerce, e-banking in India, internet banking strategies, risks in e-banking. : Payment and settlement systems, RTGS and clearing house:-