I am still celebrating the holiday season...my daughters and their husbands and the Sweet Granddaughter arrived Friday, December 28, for our family gathering. Even my son, who lives across town, has moved in for the weekend. But I'm taking a moment to check in and reflect on the past year a bit. One year ago I made several resolutions (I think they qualify as goals according to Carol!)
First, I was to do better at composting yard waste. I now have a compost bin that I layer kitchen waste and yard waste in...and it's working! And I have a holding bin for leaves so I have a supply to use for layering as I continue to add kitchen waste. I wish I had space for more bins but I have at least improved!
Secondly, I was to succeed at growing an evergreen clematis which I have hesitated to talk about for fear of jinxing myself. However, as you can see, it is still alive! Third time must be the charm!
I've kept the privets under control...partly by thinning some branches back to the main trunk. And while doing so I managed to not break my replacement pruner my brother had to buy me after a pruning session gone bad.
Resolutions/goals for 2008 will have to wait...the Sweet Granddaughter will be waking up from her nap soon...!