
How to make it

  • Cut chicken into bite-size pieces and fully cook it.
  • In a large pot, combine broth, chicken, all vegetables, and spices.
  • Bring soup to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 30-60 minutes (the longer you cook it, the better the spices will cook down, and the better the soup will be.) You may need to add water to the soup, especially when bringing it to a boil.
  • The noodles should be soft, as should the vegetables. This is not a time for au dente egg noodles. I find that trying to leave the noodles a little firm doesn't work with the soup. Also, not allowing the spices to cook down leads to a less-than-spectualr soup every time.

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    " It was excellent "
    victoriaregina ate it and said...
    Very nice. I saved it and agree with the crock pot
    and 'limp' noddles for this dish. saved and 5 forks
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag

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